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2 hours ago, moredonuts said:

I applied to two other programs in psychology and one (UIC) of them I am sure I will be rejected. I spoke with a POI and she informed me after we Skyped I would either get an invite to their interview weekend or likely should not expect anything else from UIC. I guess I'm thankful for the POI's honesty? Now it's just waiting until I get some sort of rejection notification. The communication programs I applied to took much longer to send out notifications than other programs I applied to. Hopefully everyone starts hearing back soon :)


I'm doing my undergrad in psych (and linguistics)! Are you as well? I was a little scared applying right out of undergrad but I'm glad there are other people here in the same boat :)

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3 hours ago, 2ManyTacos said:

Hi all!  I just registered.

I applied to four PhD programs in Comm.  Most also give out MA degrees as well, which is important to me since I am coming into this directly after undergrad.  The programs I applied to are the following:

UCSB - Invited to attend a grad school open house on Feb. 23-25.

UCSD - No response

University of Washington - No response, which is killing me because this was my top school and I see that others have already gotten rejection notices!

University of Maryland - No response

The wait is pretty agonizing.  I routinely log into my application pages online and none of them have moved beyond the "submitted" label.  Good sign?

I'm new here, so I hope I'm doing this right!

If you don't mind me asking, when did you hear from UCSB about the open house? My application status still hasn't moved from the "submitted" label and after seeing your post I'm starting to lose hope :( 

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It may be scary not hearing anything when others are, but no news is still promising! At least at UMN, the first group of rejections went out last week-- a week after the first round of acceptances, and they do at least 3 rounds of acceptances usually. Hope this can give y'all some hope!

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14 minutes ago, pizzapassion said:

I'm new here, so I hope I'm doing this right!

If you don't mind me asking, when did you hear from UCSB about the open house? My application status still hasn't moved from the "submitted" label and after seeing your post I'm starting to lose hope :( 

I received my open house invite via email on 1/20.  The attached invitation letter does not contain an admission offer, but asserts that such offers will be made shortly after the open house event.

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@heyDW congrats! Sounds great! I'm still waiting for my funding letter from UC Davis.

@GreenEyedTrombonist sorry to hear that :( good luck with other schools!

@DBear thanks, I wasn't sure :)

@pizzapassion my status for UCSB is still "submitted" too. I guess I'm out, but I don't mind. After visiting Santa Barbara I was kind of sorry to have applied there because my husband probably wouldn't be able to find a job, since it's a tourist place and he's a welder.

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@phdthoughts, @heyDW is so super helpful, right? I think a lot of programs do rounds. Even if they don't not all the students the select initially will choose to go there so there will definitely be shifting and transitioning. The good thing is that this is far from over. The bad thing is that this is far from over. At least we have each other! And I promise that I will be everyone's cheerleader til the end - even if that means applying again next year - but hopefully it won't. We got your back @GreenEyedTrombonist



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Thanks @DBear! I do wonder if maybe I should apply to some Comm M.A.s so I can build my comm theory background before trying again. Of course, I do still need to hear from 4 schools, but it's not looking good for at least one of those and I haven't heard a word from another 2 of them. :/ 

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@pizzapassion aren't we all just so ready for this to be over??? like stick a fork in me, I'm soooo done!!

@GreenEyedTrombonist well, let's see how it all goes first and then I think we can help with next steps - so many people here have been so helpful especially as I'm new to Communication just like you. In my case, my BAs are in Political Science/ English Lit and MAs are in Int'l Environmental Policy/ English Lit. (yeah, I'm collecting assorted degrees), so obviously, not having a Comm degree didn't really hurt me. However, I didn't apply to UI Urbana Champaigne because their Comm Phd program required a MA in Comm or something relevant and they don't define "relevant" very broadly. So having a MA in Comm can't hurt but not sure that's the only way. Some people more versed in this field would be able to assist. But let's cross that bridge when we get to it. It's still not even mid Feb - god help us!

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I agree @DBear it is still early. However, if I want to apply for an M.A. in Comm at my current school, the due date is March 1st. I'll probably discuss it with my advisor and see what she thinks. :) If I am rejected from everywhere I'll definitely be asking for some help on here next time around. 

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13 minutes ago, 2ManyTacos said:

A search on the "Results" tab tells me that at least one person was accepted by U Maryland on Feb. 1.  Hmm, I haven't gotten any correspondence from them yet, so how should I feel?

I don't think that acceptance and rejection notifications go out all at once. Some schools don't even send out notifications all at once.. so seeing someone post that they got in but not having heard anything may not be the greatest feeling, but still, there's no need to lose hope because of it!


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1 hour ago, GreenEyedTrombonist said:

Thanks @DBear! I do wonder if maybe I should apply to some Comm M.A.s so I can build my comm theory background before trying again. Of course, I do still need to hear from 4 schools, but it's not looking good for at least one of those and I haven't heard a word from another 2 of them. :/ 


 I have no background in Comm either. I have a social science background. I basically have loads of coursework in Geography and Sociology with a bit in Anthro. I know for me comm folks have said they just like my topic. I think you still have a very good chance.Keep the faith. Positive thinking is good but I do understand the anxiety. 

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18 minutes ago, DBear said:

@The Shade King seems like this season is being good to you, good luck with Iowa! 

Yeah it is for some disciplines. I applied across three disciplines. Right now Comm loves me the most but African American studies ain't showing me no love. I received a nice rejection from Cornell a bit later after the interview email. So it balanced out today.And thanks I appreciate it. You have been racking up yourself.

Edited by The Shade King
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3 minutes ago, DBear said:

I dare someone to call U Penn and ask when they're going to put us out of our misery :P

Not me.. Thats my last Comm dept and I am just gonna patiently wait until the end of the month lol. She said to email them march 1 if I haven't heard so I will prepare that email Feb 28 and get ready to send off March 1, 12:00am.

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I have to say it's interesting to see the diversity of backgrounds from everyone applying to comm programs. But comm seems to pull from so many other disciplines it's not too surprising. Good luck to everyone with interviews this week - I'm curious to those who've had interviews how long they typically are? I've done phone interviews for jobs which are about 45 min to an hour. These interviews couldn't be that long are they?

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11 minutes ago, phdthoughts said:

I have to say it's interesting to see the diversity of backgrounds from everyone applying to comm programs. But comm seems to pull from so many other disciplines it's not too surprising. Good luck to everyone with interviews this week - I'm curious to those who've had interviews how long they typically are? I've done phone interviews for jobs which are about 45 min to an hour. These interviews couldn't be that long are they?


yep, I never considered it before. I never took a class in undergrad. After being out of school for a while I took an intro public speaking class. The professor used a lot of Comm theory and I realized it could give me my Cultural studies backed by social science optic that I really wanted to use that I could not really find in Soc or American Geography. In England, cultural studies is infused in the social sciences thanks to Stuart Hall. In America not so much, we are empiricist to the dire end lol.

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@phdthoughts - so for my 3 interviews, Temple lasted 15 mins and I interviewed with two faculty members at Madison, each of which lasted somewhere close to 50 minutes. I think I posted something about what was asked but the questions were pretty by the book. The main difference between Madison and Temple was that Madison spent much more time explaining what the program was all about, so it felt a bit like an orientation+interview combo. 

I'd love to hear what happened with Iowa interviews, since it seems like a relatively new procedure.

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29 minutes ago, DBear said:

@phdthoughts - so for my 3 interviews, Temple lasted 15 mins and I interviewed with two faculty members at Madison, each of which lasted somewhere close to 50 minutes. I think I posted something about what was asked but the questions were pretty by the book. The main difference between Madison and Temple was that Madison spent much more time explaining what the program was all about, so it felt a bit like an orientation+interview combo. 

I'd love to hear what happened with Iowa interviews, since it seems like a relatively new procedure.


I have class after my interview but I will try to give you details when I get home as one of my teachers want to have coffee after class. If I dont do it tomorrow night I will do it on Wednesday.

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