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It really is! One of my favorite presentations I've heard in a long while from a professor I work with and he gave this awesome lecture to students about essentially, being kind to all your colleagues because you never know who you may be working with, or alongside next. He literally demonstrated it by doing a "6 degrees of separation" style map of the people he worked with in the past, and then how he's now working with at least 3 of those people at our current university. 

Anyway, long story short - it's good to foster a positive atmosphere among our future colleagues. :) 

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@phdthoughts I knew it, yaaaay!!! I'm so happy for you :) Who knows, maybe I will end up choosing UC Davis over Purdue and then they will definitely have one more free space. And maybe you get another offer until then.

@heyDW I will visit Davis in March, probably March 10th, they are yet to set the date and notify prospective students.

@DBear maybe I'm getting the fastest answers but you have the best score :D no rejections yet!

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I actually like the idea of @phdthoughts and @ejpril88 at Purdue together- but obviously it really doesn't matter what I want, but just putting my preference out there!

@phdthoughts, did you have any contact with U Mass (I assume this is U Mass Amherst) prior to applying? I emailed a POI and she forwarded my mail to the DGS who then replied... when I emailed the DGS asking whether they do interviews or not, I didn't get a reply so.. not sure if they have a radio silence policy during evaluation processes.. 

@ejpril88 well,I think I just got really lucky, I'm sure that my rejections are coming soon!

Edited by DBear
Forgot something, oops, my bad
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So it's Valentine's day tomorrow (depending on your time zone, it may already be Valentine's day) I hope everyone gets much love from their schools!

And.. it's also the halfway mark for Feb, we got this far so hopefully we won't need to wait much longer!!

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Sorry all, I feel like I'm rambling but am in a pretty strange (not in a bad way) situation in my life and find I have way too much mental energy left over. 

So, I've been doing very well this cycle and I honestly am stunned. 1) I'm not from Comm, 2) I spent the majority of my life after undergrad doing something completely unrelated and pretty irrelevant to Comm which I thought would make ad comms doubt my dedication to academia, 3) I didn't use any smart sounding Comm jargon in my application materials due to reason 1), 4) I'm older than most so felt like schools may be reluctant about someone this age that needed to start from scratch.

Being here and reading what people wrote didn't really help my confidence though I found much comfort in the sense of community. Everyone is so articulate about their research interests and so passionate and so many from Comm backgrounds who are already teaching and know so much more about everything I know nothing about (I had to look up what forensics means in a non-CSI context). 

So been feeling guilty thinking I really don't deserve it and I just got super lucky. Everyone that talked about their interests here on this forum is seriously impressive and there is still ample time for everyone to get the good news they deserve. But I thought of this analogy that I thought I'd share because I haven't used enough brain cells today. Imagine there's a hospital that really needs a heart surgeon and a pediatrician. You may be the best brain surgeon in the country,  but that hospital probably can't hire you. I feel like I just happened to be a pediatrician. This has made me feel less guilty... 

Sorry for rambling.. I guess I'm feeling imposter sydrome at the moment... I'll spend the rest of my excess energy wishing everyone well!!


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Aw @DBear! I'm very happy for you to be getting all of this good news. I think much of what you worried would be a deterrent for your apps was actually what probably helped you stand apart-- 1) your background gives you a completely unique perspective in a field that can sometimes get a bit homogenous and recycled with how folks tend to cite the same people over and over. I think this a frustration comm as a field is experiencing right now. 2) your age is definitely a benefit. It shows you know who you are, you have lived in the world, and the decision to pursue a PhD isn't because it's what's next or what's expected. Also, I think a lot of folks start their PhD in their 30s-- I'm 28 and feel young! 3) your method of deciding where to apply (finding people with research you found interesting/relevant to your interests) was very smart. I think sometimes we will be more focused on the program than the people who could potentially be our advisers so we force the fit.

You have earned these great responses! Imposter syndrome is no joke, but just remember most PhD programs will break you down and build you back up to reflect their values. Your cohort will be right there with you. I'm so excited to see how your journey ends up!

Edited by heyDW
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@DBear I'm so happy for you and glad you decided to choose Comm because otherwise I wouldn't have met you (I hope I used the right tense lol). And now I'm gonna google "forensics" too :D

@heyDW I love the expression "break you down and build you back up", you mentioned this one time before and I felt like that's exactly what I'm hoping for.

Currently my husband and I are little closer to Davis than Purdue, due to realizing how many job options he would have in both places. After all, I've been saying that UC Davis is my no. 1 wish from the beginning of this journey and been leaning towards it even more after that wonderful conversation with a professor. But I don't want to make any decisions before visiting both places.


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It's so nice that we have built up a little mini support system on here of fellow communicators!  

Btw, anyone on here going to ECA in Boston in March?

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8 minutes ago, 2ManyTacos said:

Does anybody know what is going on with U Washington yet?  Their app was due on 12/15 and I haven't heard anything since then.

I haven't heard anything, but the online application portal says that the department plans to make decisions by late February. 

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@DBear You've obviously earned whatever success you've had this season! And it actually gives me hope - simply because you are an untraditional comm applicant - at least with age, like me, and coming in from another field.  Because myself, and many others are too, and schools may be paying attention to those of us who may not fit the mold.

And, as far as UMass, I contacted a POI before applying and we had a discussion about research interests etc. Didn't think to ask about interviews. I'll let you know as soon as I hear something though. 

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Congratulations to everyone who has heard positive news so far! I'm more of a silent forum user but I'm trying to keep track of everyone's plans haha. And it's a bit relieving to I'm not the only one with some imposter syndrome even though I wish that no one felt that way because as far as I know everyone here is wonderful :) 

I just got an email about individual meetings with professors during my trip to Northwestern this weekend... and I'm supposed to talk to 6 people within 2 hours!! Is this normal? Are they all going to be interview-style? This is really freaking me out :(

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34 minutes ago, hnm1231 said:

 And it's a bit relieving to I'm not the only one with some imposter syndrome even though I wish that no one felt that way because as far as I know everyone here is wonderful.


This is so real. Imposter syndrome is real, but so unfortunate. I'm glad that everyone can talk on the forum as well so that we're not all freaking out the entire time. My partner keeps reminding me "They've accepted you, now they're trying to convince you to attend. They wouldn't have accepted you if you weren't qualified. They wouldn't have accepted you if they didn't want you to attend."

That last part has been my mantra lately.

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2 hours ago, hnm1231 said:

I just got an email about individual meetings with professors during my trip to Northwestern this weekend... and I'm supposed to talk to 6 people within 2 hours!! Is this normal? Are they all going to be interview-style? This is really freaking me out :(

I will have individual meetings during my upcoming visit to Purdue. I think it's pretty common but I don't know what to expect.

1 hour ago, kirbs005 said:

They wouldn't have accepted you if you weren't qualified. They wouldn't have accepted you if they didn't want you to attend."

That last part has been my mantra lately.

Mine too :)

@heyDW is Iowa now the only school that you both applied to?

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