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Directing MFA 2017 - Who's with me?!


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@galbi7892 I still haven't heard anything. I've checked the website every day this week. No changes. Next week or the week after is when I had originally estimated to be the soonest we could hear from them based on information from their website (6 weeks after the January 15 deadline to apply)


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@AgentMike and everyone else waiting on NU... We found out at the DePaul finals yesterday that NU contacted their finalists last week. I believe three of the seven of us at Callbacks are going to NU's interview/audition weekend......  also one of the finalists made it to Yale's final six! She had no idea how big a deal that was and only six were invited with a 50% chance of getting an offer now! Haha

I got to meet @GunningForGrad and @steffybolt at the callback! I forget... was anyone else there yesterday? This was such a wonderful experience. Their critiques were harsh in the best possible way. The way they were able to dissect my process and point out my flaws in such a short amount of time; and analyze myself as a person and director was mind boggling. Imagine what could happen in three years.....

Erin's thesis production: "WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT A PRESENTATION .... About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly known as South West Africa, from the German Sudwestafrika, Between the Years 1884-1915" was absolutely riveting. It was painful to watch and put me in a very dark spot last night. I'm still processing it and need to read the script once I fully process the whole thing. Wow. 

I fell in love with that program more than I did before the day started..... and their facilities. Wow! 


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@Loose.tap.screws I was also at DePaul, I was the bald guy in the bow tie. Were you the Jewish man in the glasses? I did meet @steffybolt who was absolutely lovely. 

@KillerWingfield what makes me nervous is on the website for UMass Amhearst it says "After faculty has reviewed all completed applicant files, candidates selected for top consideration will be invited to campus for personal interviews between mid-February and late March." We are past mid February at this point. And if your referencing the 6-10 weeks thing on the application site, that's how long it takes for the theatre department to let the grad school know our admission decisions not necessarily the timing for the theatre school to contact us about interviews and visits. The only thing that gives me solace at this point is on the acceptances page in 2011 someone was contacted for an interview on Friday February 18th. But I just can't imagine them contacting us past this week for interviews I mean schools are making their admission decisions around this time. 

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Hey @steffybolt thanks for following up with UT! That's good to know! Random how some have received rejections already but others, like myself, haven't!  I know two people personally who received rejections a few weeks ago, plus a couple mentions of receiving rejections on page! 


And @galbi7892, nope I was the other guy from the morning group! (I think... haha) Jew(ish) but I wasn't wearing my glasses! Sunglasses, yes!. Hahah. It was nice to meet you and everyone else that weekend! And your rockin Bow Tie /pocket square was on point! ?

Anyone recieve any good news recently? 

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@Loose.tap.screws Thank you I love bowties!! It was wonderful to meet you as well! As for good news not so much, I got my rejection from Virginia Tech a couple nights ago and it was heartbreaking to say the least as it was in my top two, but I saw it coming so at least I was prepared for it. DePaul is still my number one so Im very anxious to hear back from them. Does anyone know around when we will? At finals Tracee said we would hear back as soon as they made a decision but I don't know when in years past that has normally been. Anyways keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!!

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I was a DePaul finalist last year (loved the program but didn't apply this year because it's just toooooo expensive) and can confirm I didn't hear until mid-March.

Current status: no word from UCSD (figure I'm out) or ASU. Still sitting on the Iowa waitlist.

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Got the official "unfortunately we were unable to recommend your admission to the Master of Fine Arts program in the Department of Theater for the Fall 2017 semester." letter from UMass.

I got an email about it on 2/25 and the letter was uploaded to SPIRE on 2/27

Haven't heard anything official from my URTA schools, but I assume that no news is bad news at this point.

So I think I am officially out of the race for the 2017/18 season. Disappointed and a bit discouraged, but hopeful for the future.

I think people are getting hung up on all my high school credits, which is unfortunate, but understandable I guess. If anyone has any big ideas or advice for how I can make myself a more attractive candidate for future MFA application/interview rounds please send me a PM! I would love to pick your brain(s)

I am happy for all of you who had success this season, and hopeful for those of you who are still waiting and for those of you in similar boats to mine! Lets gear up and kick ass next year (or the year after! or the year after that!)


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On 12/2/2016 at 11:39 AM, Loose.tap.screws said:

I've already applied to Penn State (October deadline), YSD, and Columbia. I made it past the first round of Penn State and had to send in additional materials and more recommendation letters as well as write a three page pitch on a production "I've been hired to direct" choosing one of two hypothetical premises (unlimited budget; or $5,000 budget performed in a 99 seat theatre in a church basement) and between Oklahoma      and Into the Woods. Round two was due the 28th and now I wait... ( I believe there are 4 rounds).


Hello! I'm new to this feed, and found it through a google search to see if anyone is out there talking about the application process/experience as a MFA directing candidate. As a second year applicant, I've been wanting to share my experience with other directors applying to programs, so I'm happy to have found this thread!

@Loose.tap.screws I wanted to see how your experience with the Penn State app went? I also moved forward in that application process (Penn State was my top school), but unfortunately I didn't move on beyond the production pitch. The pitch was a great exercise though! I choose Oklahoma!  with an unlimited budget. Would love to hear if you moved on, or where you're at with any further interviews?

Best of luck to all!

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