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Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs

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18 minutes ago, midwest-ford said:

Also received the same email this morning. I wish they’d just email when a decision is up—I was feeling pretty calm about it but now I’m going to be checking all the time. 

I've managed to check twice. I guess I'm taking it at face value, that if they say it'll be up tomorrow it probably won't be up until tomorrow. Good luck! Fingers crossed it's a good sign

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16 hours ago, Warelin said:

I think it's a good sign if we're to believe this: http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=miami+rhetoric&t=a&o=&pp=25

Thanks @Warelin! I'm hoping you're correct because I received the same "your admission status will be posted in 48 hours" email that @renea received. Crossing fingers. 

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2 hours ago, midwest-ford said:

Also received the same email this morning. I wish they’d just email when a decision is up—I was feeling pretty calm about it but now I’m going to be checking all the time. 

My anxiety is through the roof in regards to this Miami program! Why bother letting us know there'll be a notification awaiting us in 48 hours? Why not just notify us straight-up when a decision has been made? I know there's a complex process behind the scenes when it comes to admissions committees distributing funding, etc. But from a student perspective it comes off as CRUEL lol. 

Glad I got the 48 hour email (I think), but wow, they really helped the next two days turn into perpetual anxious portal-checking that's sure to gnaw away at me. Hoping it pays off.

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9 minutes ago, jpbends said:

NYU and Irvine have me so anxious. I saw a bunch of my professors today (all of whom are amazing people working in the English Department at NYU) but was too scared to ask them how the whole decisions/review process is going.

What is your read on NYU? Do you suspect they're done notifying? :unsure:

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2 hours ago, jpbends said:

I'm not entirely sure. From what I heard from professors last week, they're not finished, but there are also people on here saying they were notified by phone, which is uncommon for NYU. Typically NYU only notifies by email, so it's all up in the air from this standpoint. Sorry I couldn't be more help!

I am also puzzled about NYU. I will wait this week before calling it a rejection.

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3 hours ago, jpbends said:

NYU and Irvine have me so anxious. I saw a bunch of my professors today (all of whom are amazing people working in the English Department at NYU) but was too scared to ask them how the whole decisions/review process is going.

EDIT: It was also at an event where Karen Tei Yamashita was doing a reading/q&a and I didn't want to distract from that. The event was amazing and she's so brilliant and I love her but goodness I can't get the anxiety out of my head.

Someone on one of the acceptance forums hinted that Irvine would notify officially on the 16th, Friday. Fingers crossed for us both! 

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I see a couple of entries on the results page for UPitt's Critical and Cultural Studies program -- rejections sent by postal mail! I don't live in the U.S., so now I'm expecting an extra week of waiting for my own rejection to arrive. Or will they even bother with the international postage??? Augh

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On 2/13/2018 at 1:04 AM, bumbleblu said:

I see a couple of entries on the results page for UPitt's Critical and Cultural Studies program -- rejections sent by postal mail! I don't live in the U.S., so now I'm expecting an extra week of waiting for my own rejection to arrive. Or will they even bother with the international postage??? Augh

In the last couple of years, Pitt has notified international applicants via email as well as postal email. Not sure, what they are planning his time.

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So...I know we've talked some about projected dates for U-Michigan, but I've been lurking on the previous years on the results boards. They've sent out acceptances on Feb 16/17 for the last two years, but the year before that, they sent at least some acceptances out on Feb. 12/13! Me oh my, wouldn't that be a kicker! (I do realize somebody was told by the office that they'd be notifying "sometime in late Feb," but technically we're nearly there). Nothing much of substance to add, just wanted to share my current anxieties. 

Edited by JustPoesieAlong
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Hi, I'm a long-time lurker and a current Princeton undergrad; I'm also applying for U.S. English PhDs/Oxbridge Master's programs this cycle.

I just spoke to one of my professors who sits on the Princeton graduate admissions committee, and she said results should be coming out this week (I assume at the end). I'm not applying there but wanted to pass along this (admittedly vague) information for anyone who is. 

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2 hours ago, cafeduneant said:

Hi, I'm a long-time lurker and a current Princeton undergrad; I'm also applying for U.S. English PhDs/Oxbridge Master's programs this cycle.

I just spoke to one of my professors who sits on the Princeton graduate admissions committee, and she said results should be coming out this week (I assume at the end). I'm not applying there but wanted to pass along this (admittedly vague) information for anyone who is. 

Thanks for this info!! 

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3 hours ago, jpbends said:

Yeah I've been really stressed about Michigan, too. I was the one who talked to them on the phone and the "late February" thing seemed almost like a deflection now that I think about it. I just want to know already aaaaaaa

ETA: I'm going to give Michigan until this time next week and then if I haven't heard anything, then I'll chock it up as a rejection.

Ahhh thanks! I couldn't remember who it was that made the call. I'm soooo anxious about that one. It's a long shot (where isn't?), but I had a really nice exchange with my POI there that's had me dreaming of what could be. I have a feeling we will hear something by this time next week--although at least one of my schools (UGA) seems to be behind or doing things differently this year, so who knows what will come. Hopes for us both!

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I have convinced myself that today is going to be a BIG news day for us, one way or the other, and I am completely maniacal. Up since 4:30, couldn’t fall asleep until midnight, and making my students think I’ve got Benjamin Button syndrome cracking ridiculously childish jokes. 

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3 minutes ago, themoderncondition said:

I have convinced myself that today is going to be a BIG news day for us, one way or the other, and I am completely maniacal. Up since 4:30, couldn’t fall asleep until midnight, and making my students think I’ve got Benjamin Button syndrome cracking ridiculously childish jokes. 

Same... I noticed a street sign on the way to work that said Quincy, and it has convinced me that good news will come out of the Boston area today for us. (please)

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4 minutes ago, punctilious said:

I hope this means good news then?!

At the very least, I'd take it as a sign that there's a good chance they're considering your interests in relations to the current interests of the incoming cohort. An early rejection might mean that the fit was still strong but there were a lot of people with similar interests. It could also mean that they may or not have been accepting applicants in that subfield during this cycle due to over-enrolling in that subfield during last cycle.

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21 minutes ago, Warelin said:

At the very least, I'd take it as a sign that there's a good chance they're considering your interests in relations to the current interests of the incoming cohort. An early rejection might mean that the fit was still strong but there were a lot of people with similar interests. It could also mean that they may or not have been accepting applicants in that subfield during this cycle due to over-enrolling in that subfield during last cycle.

Looks like last year the acceptances may have come the day after the rejections... It's going to be a long couple days!

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