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Everything posted by SRod2015

  1. Hello all! I am looking into affordable online or distance education Communicative Disorders grad programs that offer Spring and Summer applications? I looked into NYU, Emerson and Baylor but they are quite expensive. I also have to consider CA's state reciprocity agreement.
  2. Hi Madison. Do you know which schools meet the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA)? I live in CA too. I am going to be applying and would like to know. Thank you.
  3. Has anyone taken a gap year after completing their postbacc or undergrad classes and then applied? I took a gap year and worked as an Instructional Aide and started my own tutoring side hustle. I gained a significant amount of experience working with special needs students and children in general plus how to teach children!! How did you address that in your letter of intent?
  4. Hello, I have a huge dilemma that I have to figure out. A professor who had informed me earlier in the summer that she would write a letter of recommendation for me changed her mind because she said she has a huge load this coming semester as in she is teaching 15 units, working her currrent job as a SLP and helping her daughter with her wedding stuff for her wedding in January. I am reapplying for Spring and Summer 2018 and she would not have a write a new letter for me. I informed her about this but she still said no. So now I am stuck. I just need her as I already have 2 others who said yes. I have to find someone else and quick. I have one other professor in mind but I got a B in her class. So does the grade matter when asking a professor for a LOR? Or should I just ask professors that I got A's in their class? And do the LORs to be from Communication Disorders professors only? I received an A in a developmental psychology class which fulfills one of the pre-requisites that some schools are asking for. Thank you
  5. I was admitted to a grad program for Speech Language Pathology. The Communication Disorders program admitted me but the Graduate School will only admit me as an undeclared student if I am able to keep my GPA at 3.0 for 9 hours then my status will be changed. I was not admitted to any other grad programs. My CD classes GPA is 3.6 but my undergrad GPA was under a 3.0 What should I do? Anyone else been in the same situation please share your experience
  6. what did you say when you when you wrote a continued letter of interest?
  7. Anyone waiting for responses from grad schools for those who have been waitlisted? Its been over 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything from the 2 schools I applied too. I do not know if it will be okay to contact them or just wait
  8. Anyone waiting for responses from grad schools for those who have been waitlisted? Its been over 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything from the 2 schools I applied too. I do not know if it will be okay to contact them or just wait
  9. I have not heard back for the 2 schools I was waitlisted too. How long should I wait till I contact them? Its been over 2 weeks since April 15th.
  10. I am applied to wayy more schools than you and have got rejected from majority of them and got wailisted at 2. So I am definitely on the same boat as you. This major/career path requires perseverance. Both your GPAs are higher than mine. Try for Spring Semester. From a current SLP who spoke in one my classes he was wailisted at majority of the schools he applied too for fall but then applied for Spring and was accepted to two schools. Thats my Plan B. I emailed one of the schools I was rejected from and received great feedback. It was tough to deal with the flaws that had led to my rejection from that school but it is something I can work on.
  11. @BeachySpeechy as a post bacc I cannot re-take classes at the current university I attend, Cal State Fullerton. So I do not how to go about doing that plus wouldn't the school I apply to see the course that I retook? I am afraid that it would look bad. This whole process is such an emotional ordeal. I agree with you that it is unfortunate that a 3.6 or even getting a B is seen like a bad grade. I am guessing my LORs were good and I thought my SOP was good. My GRE was average. Thank you for your help
  12. @BeachySpeechy I am a post-bacc student with an undergrad in another major. My undergrad major is pulling my GPA down. My CSD GPA is a 3.6
  13. I got waitlisted to two schools! and more rejections lol no acceptances yet waiting on 3 more schools. Are any of you that have applied post-bacc students who had low undergrad GPAs?
  14. @Crimson Wife I asked because I got a rejection letter from Eastern New Mexico University and one of the options was to re-take CDIS classes but at my school California State University, Fullerton I cannot do that. So I do not know if another school will allow me too. I emailed the chair of the department yesterday but I have no received a response yet. Your 1st BA and CSD GPA are higher than mine plus my undergrad GPA is affecting my CSD GPA by bringing it down significantly. So I was exploring options that I could take if I do not get accepted to any programs for fall 2017. I have a lot of experience in the field but that does not seem to be giving me the extra push to get an acceptance letter yet only notices of being waitlisted or rejected. Thank you for your idea of taking electives. I will look into sign language classes if those help.
  15. For those who are post bacc students do you know if you can retake classes from your undergrad? My undergrad GPA was low so that is affecting my admission to a grad program. Also if you can retake communicate disorders classes? I know I cannot at the current school I go to but I was wondering if I can retake them somewhere else.
  16. Thank your kind support. Reading your response lifted my spirits. ☺
  17. Congratulations to all those who have been accepted or even wait listed to a school (at least you have that!) I applied to 20 schools and have been rejected from 8 so far. This whole application process really takes a told on ones emotions but I am trying to stay positive
  18. would I have to add my GPA from my undergrad plus my post-baccalaureate GPA?
  19. @Quickmick I will give it a try but how did you do it?
  20. Hello, For the Minnesota State University, Moorhead Speech Language Pathology Graduate Application Form I have to calculate my cumulative GPA. Since I am a post-baccalaureate student I have to include my first degree and post-baccalaureate/leveling courses in this calculation. Does anyone know how to do this? or a website that I can use to calculate my cumulative GPA? Thank you!
  21. @speechfan222 Unfortunately Nova's program application is not through CSDCAS. Thank you for your help anyway
  22. Does anyone know anything about the Fall 2017 application for the Nova online (distance education) program? On their website it says the application time frame for application is from October 1st to March 1st. Today is October 1st and the application has not opened. Also, how do I access the application packet? Thank you
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