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Everything posted by Warelin

  1. As much anxiety as this causes us all: this says more about the character of the person causing the anxiety to everyone else more than it does anything else. I have no idea why anybody would find it beneficial to cause people to be more stressed than they already are.
  2. I don't think you can go wrong with either or. Both are well-respected schools. Both belong to the same "tier" of schools. But I do think it's important to consider a few things that are often forgotten: Would your lifestyle be similiar in both cases? How do you feel about a small town vs a world-class city? What about public transportation? Do you feel like you could live with the differences? How do you feel about hills? If I recall correctly, Cornell is located on a hill which is great for getting back in shape. How do you feel about snow? Ithaca gets a lot of snow due to its location. How do you feel about getting adjusted to a new city while adjusting to a new program? Some people like the differences; others might find it overwhelming or might prefer having control over certain aspects. Would NYC be too distracting for you? Would Ithaca be too quiet/not have enough amenities for you? Would you like to teach for 3 years or would you prefer to have the option of having additional time to do research? While NYC living is expensive for most people, it does seem to make sense financially in your case. The fact that you'd have a support system in NYC could only serve to help you. Saving up money to buy a house later will free you from a lot of stress in the future. A word on placement stats: These can be tricky at times. Some people may choose to not pursue a teaching career; others may decide to stay in the area due to family obligations.
  3. I think the numbers make it deceiving at times. Some schools get 200-300 applications but those applications are divided by subfields. So, each subfield could (hypothetically) receive between 10-50 applicants. With these dual programs, everyone is sort of applying to the same subfield which you'll then need to find a different way to stand out because those applying are presumably just as well-versed in both fields.
  4. For those who may be curious: https://secure.rackham.umich.edu/academic_information/program_statistics/doctoral/program.php?id=English+%26+Women's+Studies Also, know this: You are better than any rejection implies.
  5. I wouldn't be too stressed about it. Grad Cafe Survey shows there was a wide range of acceptance dates. There are other universities that do accept applicants before the deadline. I can't remember which universities I've seen it in, but I know I've seen it posted on the forums. Some of the funding opportunities are determined by offices that aren't the English department. As such, it's open to all graduate students. Those departments may have to figure out staffing prior to a certain time.
  6. I think it's important to realize that the rankings that USNews publishes (and are the most commonly referred to) are for English Literature rankings only. Degrees in Rhetoric/Composition or Creative Writing are not ranked by USNews. (There are also subfields within Literature which may be better at a school ranked in the 30s than schools in the 10s) From what you mention here, it sounds like you'd be a better candidate for the PHD in Creative Writing. Generallly speaking, Literature PHDS care more about publications in scholarly journals and presentations and might not give any weight to poetry publications in chapbooks or literary magazines. CW PHD programs do care about chapbooks and literary magazines though. I know that the University of Houston and University of Southern California offer a PHD in Creative Writing & Literature. Both are well sought after places. I know other popular destinations for those deciding to apply for a CW PHD are: Florida State University, Georgia State University, University of Cincinnati, University of Georgia, University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Nevada- Las Vegas, University of North Texas, Oklahoma State University, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, University of Utah-Salt Lake City, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Western Michigan University. With the exception of Houston and Southern California, I don't think other places expect a strong second language.
  7. I think @jungThug said they were referring to UPenn but that the results page was broken.
  8. Someone posted earlier that UPenn has finished their waitlists and acceptances. Not sure about the other 2 schools. Congratulations!
  9. Any idea where you'd prefer to go if your pending apps say yes? I'm glad that you were accepted by your best fit school.
  10. Who caught your attention that made you decide to apply? When I made an inquiry earlier in the year, the grad secretary told me Dr. Dugaw and Dr. Ginsberg were retiring.
  11. Other costs to consider: Cost of gas Books Housing deposit (often this includes first month+security deposit. Sometimes includes last month as well.) Cost of moving Cost of a parking pass Traveling to visit family Application fees Renters Insurance Laundry costs Costs to buy new or used appliances Household items On a side note, is the area you're renting from one that you feel safe in?
  12. Sadly, this was a private seller. I'm glad it worked out for you though!
  13. I've never understood why people steal. I've contacted USPS to see if they can figure out exactly where it was last checked in. I'm not sure if they could do anything but I'd rather not spend another $30 on the book.
  14. Ordering a book that is "delivered" but isn't on the porch. Either USPS lost it or somebody stole it from the porch. I need that book for my class.
  15. http://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/college-rankings-blog/articles/2016-02-29/new-best-graduate-schools-rankings-coming-march-16 Looks like March 16.
  16. Thanks for the update. I swear I can read most days.
  17. Does that mean they expect a cohort of less than 18? Or are they moving towards only sending as many invites as they have spots like other programs?
  18. I thought OSU's English program was integrated into the Ph.D.? I know last year, OSU had 6 BA to PHD students and 9 MA to PHD students. I know their usual goal is to have 18-20 students.
  19. Did I miss numbers for other schools? If that post is to be believed, it lines up with information I received from the DGS that said they've been receiving 500-600 applications in recent years. Is that number higher for other schools too? I'm wondering if NYU, Columbia, and Chicago are back to their 600+ numbers? Anyone have numbers on other schools?
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