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Everything posted by Sagnik_G

  1. Just curious, which department was this? This seems to be a recurring theme for Carleton, I guess due to the strike, unfortunately
  2. I got an acceptance from the U.of A in early March. I think their timings differ from dept. to dept. though, so you could try contacting your department.
  3. Sorry for your rejection at Carleton, but I'm super glad you got in where you wanted to! My status stills shows 'Reccomended for Assessment' and I've emailed the grad advisor without a response yesterday, so I guess I'll have to wait till next week for a response. But anyway, I'm glad you got accepted!
  4. Hey. Still no word from Carleton. However, I did see on Twitter that they've FINALLY reached a 'tentative' settlement in the strike. There should be an announcement of the staff returning to work on Tuesday. So, hopefully from later this week or next week on we begin hearing back.
  5. Thank you. I emailed one of the academic staff in place of the program administrator, still no reply. I might try facebook as well then, thanks for the pro tip!
  6. Congratulations on your acceptance. I suppose you haven't heard a peep from Carleton at all? I saw on Twitter the most recent round of negotiations on the 28th and 29th have also failed. And the strike continues. No idea when I might hear back on my application at all...
  7. I applied to MA Political Science. Last Sunday I got an email from the Grad. Chair saying she hoped I would be accepting their offer, but I hadn't received an official University offer yet. I spoke to the Grad. Coordinator and she said the dept. reccomendations were out but the central office of the University was a little backlogged in sending out the official letters, but they were definitely intending to get everything out by this month. Good luck to you as well!
  8. Anyone else heard back from University of Alberta? Got my acceptance last week. Simon Fraser should be getting back this week, think I got in there, got a vague mail from the Graduate Chair but seemed promising. Concordia rejected me, usual response "too many strong applicants' etc. I'm giving up hope on Carleton almost with no end to this strike business. Anyone else at U. of A or SFU? Intl. Applicant btw.
  9. Anyone have any updates on second round offers? This whole strike thing seems to only be getting worse each day and now major politicians are getting involved. Don't know when a decision (good or bad) will even be made at this point and being left hanging is the worst...
  10. Hey guys. Does anyone have any information about second round offers? Have they begun? Will there even be any? I assume that those who had been sent a first round offer have exhausted the time frame within a reply is mandated, right?
  11. Sorry to hear about the rejection. I applied to Political Science Masters. Status still says " Under review" as it has for a month or so now. Edit: Irony is that I get an ad for McGill even as I write this.
  12. Hey guys! Any idea when McGill or Concordia gets back to international students?
  13. Hey, I was meaning to ask, wondering if you have any insight on this. I was just following some other programs and there was one person who's applied to Carleton's MA for Journalism program who's been informed by that dept. that international students would only be sent offers depending on how many domestic students they have. Now that program is small (only 20 students overall), but as I understand, NPSIA is a much larger program. Would you have any insight into how many international students there are, and if you know anything based on your application experience last year if it's true that we get offers only depending on how many domestic students accept or anything to that effect? Any information would be appreciated. Sorry for putting you on the spot.
  14. I'm guessing they will see how many of the domestic students they have sent out offers to accept the offers and then decide on looking at how many international students they are looking to admit. It really sucks that they have such a limited opportunity for international students, really limits how holistic a course is, but then again it seems like a pretty small program so it's not unusual as well because it's common practice to first look at domestic students. Don't give up hope, it's not a rejection. You're still in the game.
  15. I agree, even though French is easier to learn than certain languages, it's unlikely to achieve full fluency in 2 years while pursuing a whole Intl. Affairs degree. I'm not exactly sure what they expect the level of fluency to be is, perhaps some of the people who are already in right now will be able to answer that better. If I had to guess though, I'd say perhaps Intermediate to Upper Intermediate maybe.
  16. I can just provide a bit of information on this regard based on a brief interaction with the ;Language Co-ordinator at NPSIA a while back. I had told her I was fluent in two Indian languages and a beginner in French, but was interested in capitalizing on my French. She recommended if that was the case I could take one or two of the courses offered by the French Dept. at Carleton. So, maybe if you're not strong in a second language, you could go down that route i.e. take a few extra language courses in whatever language you want to get a second language proficiency in whether French or something else.
  17. If you do end up calling them, please let us know what they say! I completed my application sometime in late November or early Decemeber I think.
  18. I am. I applied to Carleton, McGill, Alberta and a few other unis in Canada. I do know that the Carleton application is being reviewed right now, I could hear back any time from this week to mid March and the wait is excruciating.
  19. I'm an international student. I'm from India, how about you? My application status has been 'Under review by dept." for a week or so now but I haven't heard anything back by email yet so....kinda wondering, although I know they only JUST started handing out offers and I shouldn't be so impatient. I'm just wondering if international students get given offers later or at the same time as domestic students.
  20. Okay, good to know you guys. I'm going die stressing by that point.
  21. Wow, congratulations guys all of you who got in! Hopefully the rest of us hear back next week, it's going to be a tough weekend. Out of curiosity, are any of you who got accepted international students?
  22. Oh no, I cannot take this stress right in the middle of my mid terms. Let it end soon, one way or the other (hopefully with good news :p). My status has been "Review in progress by dept" for about maybe 5-6 days now. So I guess I should hear back one way or another next week or the week after. So stressed.....
  23. Exactly. If they're trying to get things out by the end of this month at least, I would assume they'd take every opportunity possible.
  24. https://graduate.carleton.ca/application-status/ This was posted earlier in the forum, but I'm just reposting the link for the benefit of the people who are joining new or are unable to find the original poster. To answer your question, your current status would mean that your documents and such are probably in order and they have moved you ahead to now be assessed by the department. I guess once the department actually begins looking at your file the status will change again.
  25. I was just moved from 'preliminary review required' to 'review in progress by department'. So...that's good. The nerves, though! The nerves are killing me.
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