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Everything posted by PokePsych

  1. person who heard from UBC please let me know - I'm not sleeping well anymore
  2. Haven't heard anything... so frustrating
  3. Person who heard from UBC social psych - let me know who you applied for!
  4. Person who heard from UBC social psych - let me know who you applied for!
  5. Although certainly the application matters for Postdoc and the like, somehow all recent PhDs in my school ended up doing Postdocs or professorships at schools where my uni has close ties with or that were obviously through the supervisor's network. Only 2-3 managed to get something outside this circle. Never underestimate the power of networking!
  6. I'm making progress on my thesis! Finally working on it every day haha
  7. Also note that for a PhD in Europe you're usually required to have a (research) Master's. They're generally attained seperately from the PhD.
  8. I know in psych - different field - PhD applications open up as soon there is 'money'. So that means any time during the year really. EU may not be 'easier' as I know there's a slight preference for EU citizens due to the grants students can apply to as well during their PhD (i.e., a Dutch PhD student in NL can apply to more sources of money than a non-EU or even another EU applicant).
  9. I had a hard time keeping up with work-out because it was something I felt like I 'needed' to do - so I didn't enjoy it. I've started to view it as something that I do for 'myself'. Just those 30-60 minutes (I do pilates at home) that I turn of my brain and relax. Don't care about the weightloss but I do feel proud about how much strength I've gained ^^, If I skip it because I'm too busy, I don't feel bad - it's not something I should feel stressed about it.
  10. Best: Stay on my working holiday in Asia a bit longer. Publish some manuscripts that I have in preparation, work with a local professor here (will try to do that in spring anyway), apply again Travel in the region. Then either go back to my own country next winter or get a different visa to stay here. Craziest: Start my own 'Dutch' coffee & tea place here in Seoul where I make fresh stroopwafels and other Dutch treats. Actually confident there is a market for this hahahaa
  11. I always use the website couchsurfing for this. Have also hosted plenty of other students.
  12. So far Northwestern, UCLA, and Berkeley seem have reached out... My schools seem 'silent' so far.
  13. ^up I've seen a lot of interviews/POI contact in the other threat. Curious about Social Psych specific. I haven't heard anything from my schools and doubt if I will hear before 2018
  14. Depends on the field, school, POI. Social psych is usually a bit late due to a bunch of important meetings/conferences in the field around this time - so I've been told.
  15. I'll make oliebollen + appelflappen (ny) speculaas + pepernoten (sinterklaas), and tompoucen (kingsday) a seasonal. Poffertjes will add to regular menu as well as my grandma's appeltaart recipe. The other stuff - don't miss it a single bit hahaha.Or it's more restaurant style than a coffeeplace style
  16. That depends on a lot of things other than just their title - including budget, nr of students already working in their lab, whether or not they may plan to move soon, potential retirement, things in their private/personal life, etc. etc. I've worked with people at all three stages during my Master's. The assistant was great but also cared a lot (more than the others) about publishing, getting his name out there, etc. As he just came in he didn't have a lot of responsibilities in terms of projects/supervision yet so we ended up working quite closely. He was also less experienced in supervision though which let to some small clashes with some people in one of the group projects we did together. The associate was cool - he just had a giant grant so he was taking on a lot of people to make use of the money. So he was quite busy but good. The prof was involved in a bit too many projects and not always on top of his game. Had however an amazing network and gave me a lot of independence (was too busy anyway lol). However, I think most of these differences were related to their personalities, money, etc.
  17. Stay another year abroad; join a lab here, learn the language, publish at least 2 of my manuscripts that I'm working on, and 2/3 that could be worked into a publication. We'll see. I've always wanted to open a coffee/teahouse where I make fresh stroopwafels I think I have a market here for that tbh.
  18. In the meantime haven't heard anything. Not sure if it's a good or bad sign :') At least no rejections
  19. I would like to add to this that there are 'special' journals that target students and their research. I was an editor for a while for the Journal of European Psychology Students (only targets psych) and it's set up just like a real journal (we did have the 'experts' do reviews - profs were usually very happy to help students out). Biggest difference is that we do MANY rounds of feedback before we send out the manuscript for peer-review (usually to improve the writing). They're also a bit more easy going about sample sizes and the like (but are strict with methodology in any other way). Lit reviews are also published. However, doubt if it would really carry an awful lot of weight to publish in here for your application. I've had a talk about this with a prof from one of the top schools (NYU - social psych). He said the QUALITY matters a lot more than the quantity. He'd rather work with someone who published one extremely exciting paper or writing sample than a bunch of so-so papers.
  20. love my new house <3
  21. learning a new language, work part-time, work on research projects, eat too much food to distract myself
  22. 1. Never re-read your statements. 2. It will look sloppy, but it won't be the reason for not accepting you.
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