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Everything posted by chipsahoy2018

  1. I would probably email back politely asking why the deadline is different from April 15, but I have no idea how to phrase that email! That is so late to hear back for a response, and if you were waitlisted they should at least send you notice of that!
  2. I declined at: Indiana University, Bowling Green State University, Miami of Ohio, University of Pittsburgh, University of Georgia, and University of Tennessee! Hoping this helps some people! Miami and BGSU had funding offers included, so that money can hopefully go to somebody else too
  3. I interviewed at a school after I had already been accepted to my top choice! I think getting the interview practice can never hurt
  4. I feel like it would be more based on the quality of your writing skills rather than what you actually were able to say about the treatment! Hopefully at least! That sounds stressful!
  5. I think there was a thread from last year about exactly this! Try searching for it, I know there was at least one really in depth post about pros and cons!
  6. I have some like that too! Hahaha yeah I figured it would be weird so that's why I wanted to double check! So for the recruitment style one I have coming up later, she could come to that and it wouldn't be weird? She sometimes thinks of things I don't so it can be convenient to have her around sometimes!
  7. It is one where it is like an open house in the morning and an interview in the afternoon, so probably the interview open house! The school is a three hour drive away so we are making a short trip of it, and I was trying to determine if I should bring her in with me or just have her go shopping or something during the time! Not sure if that changes anybody's thoughts haha. If it isn't weird I'll go ahead and bring her in, but it's not a big deal if I just go in alone!
  8. My question is what is in the title! My mom wants to go learn about these programs with me, I just don't know if that is a normal thing to see at these or not!
  9. Hi! I haven't heard back either but I am very anxiously awaiting!!! Don't worry, you are not alone!!
  10. That makes me feel better! I just resent mine. Just knowing that some people have already heard back means that I'm checking the portal at least twice a day lol. I just want to know!
  11. Hey, Snoves! Did you resend ASU your transcripts with your fall grades? I thought I had done that but apparently my request didn't go through!
  12. Wow, congrats!!! That must be such a relief!! I'll keep periodically checking then, thank you!
  13. Hey!! Do you know how ASU sends out answers? Did you get an email or did you have to check the portal? And do they do it a few applications at a time?? There's no update in my portal and I just want to know one way or another!
  14. I also received my email on Saturday!
  15. I started with why I decided on this field, then went into more detail about my experiences (volunteering, research, and observing) and how those will help make me a good clinician, and then I talked about why I want to go to that specific school! I've read a lot of accepted students personal statements, and they were all so different! I don't think it really matters how you organize it as long as it flows!
  16. Try not to worry! Your stats sound great!! I know that is easier said than done though. But honestly your GPA is good and your GRE is great! And calling it the Indiana University will not make or break that application! You've got this!
  17. I want to say everything but the letter of recs, but somebody else should chime in just in case! I am in the same boat as you.
  18. I *think* that CSDCAS's average processing time is 2 weeks, but I would play it safe just in case! You can also submit your applications even before the letters of recommendations are submitted, so I think they can start being processed even if that part isn't totally done. It would be really unfair to make it be such a risky game when that part is out of your complete control! Somebody correct me if I am wrong though.
  19. Hi! I have heard that Ball State primarily accepts students who went there for undergrad, so I would probably skip that one. Purdue is more research based, but I've still met plenty who have jobs in hospitals now, so I don't think that makes too much of a difference!
  20. I've had the issues a few times of my undergrad uni not offering some of the prereqs! I have the same questions.
  21. What is your quant score and writing score? From what I can tell, a verbal of 159 is pretty dang good already! Most schools want a GRE of 300 combined I believe. However, if your GPA is lower I definitely get wanting to raise it all for your own peace of mind!
  22. Hi everybody! I hope you all aren't freaking out about applications as much as I am. I have most of my schools picked, and I tried to pick a good variety. However, it might be helpful for everybody if we combine our knowledge a little bit here about what kinds of schools our GPAs and GRE scores could realistically get us into. Or, for the extra high achievers out there, what kind of schools might give you funding with your stats. For example, I have a GPA of 3.94, GRE Scores of Verbal: 156, Quantitative: 156, and AW: 4.5. What kinds of schools do those numbers match up with? What schools have people who previously applied with similar stats been accepted to? I know so much more goes into the graduate decision process, but our numbers are the most tangible things all of us have! I've scoured EdFind, but there are SO MANY schools it's been overwhelming to try and look through them all.
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