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    2020 Fall
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    Social Psychology

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  1. It's now been 2.5 weeks since my Skype, I got no response to my thank you email for the Skype interview, and have heard nothing else from the POI. I get that this is probably a rejection, but at what point do you email to follow up...?
  2. I had a skype interview 8 days ago with my POI from UH - Manoa. and haven't heard back from her at all since. But, I got an email today from the graduate division asking me to send my official transcript & a scan of my passport. Wondering if anyone else got an email like this from UH - Manoa...?
  3. Hi! I don't have a lot of help to give you, but I did an interview weekend in crutches 2 weeks ago, and I have another one this weekend. Yeah, it kinda sucks. But people have been really nice about it for me. Wishing you the best!
  4. School: UC-Berkeley Type of Program: Social Psych, PhD Acceptance Date: Unofficial email from POI on 1/31, email from department head on 2/4, official notification on portal on 2/4
  5. Hi all! I had an interview last weekend, and my biggest piece of advice is: be ready to talk! I expected interviews to be fairly structured but they were not at all. I had 5 in total, each 20 mins, and 2-3 of the profs had no questions for me. It was just kind of "So, what do you want to talk about?" or "What questions do you have for me?" Even my POI didn't have any questions! (We had skyped last month and she seemed to feel like she already knew what she needed to know!) So have questions, or study ideas, or topics of conversation ready. And for the profs that did ask questions, it was almost always "what research do you want to do?" so be prepared with a short speech about that, and be prepared for follow up questions and just generally to talk about your research ideas and interests.
  6. Got invited to skype interview @ U Hawaii. Feel free to DM me for POI.
  7. I think I'm going to have to end up using a backpack... between my laptop, water bottle, notebook, and some sort of document holder. I'm not sure how else I could manage it all. I realize it's a bit informal, but it also seems like the only practical option.
  8. I got my NYU psych invite around Dec 15th.
  9. Did you apply through the cognition stream? I applied to cognitive psych to work through a developmental prof and got an interview invite almost a month ago now. I was contacted prior to Dec 16th, so the LOR delay probably impacted your chances
  10. Jan 31st and Feb 14th - at least for cog. Not sure if the whole dept is at the same time.
  11. For the three I've done, no. But I've seen some people have that happen.
  12. I mentioned this in the social/personality thread, but I got an invite for UC Berkeley. The prof is in both the social and developmental areas, but I was invited through Social. Not sure what this means for developmental people - but I got an official invite from my area, and then the dept as a whole.
  13. School: UC Berkeley Type: Social/Personality Psychology PhD Type of invite: Email from social/personality area head Date of invite: 12/18 Interview date(s): 1/23-24 Feel free to DM me for POI
  14. Just wanted to mention here that I had a social/developmental skype interview w/ UC Berkeley PoI yesterday after being contacted by her over email on Monday. She didn't give me any indication of timing, though, so I don't know where other profs are at in the process. Feel free to DM for initials.
  15. Congrats to you!!! School: NYU Type: PhD Date of invite: last Friday Type of invite: Email from PI Interview date(s): Two options provided for in-person interview
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