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Everything posted by BeckieMSWFall2018

  1. Hello, I was rejected from Long Beach and Dominguez Hills, and just received an email about an interview for Fullerton. How about yourself?
  2. I just got rejected from Long Beach as well.... still waiting to hear from DH and Fullerton though :\
  3. I don't want to bother but I may have to ask just to calm my nerves. I've been checking just about every day. Can I ask what you asked in your email so I can tailor it and make sure it's polite but not pushy?
  4. Here are my stats. I copied and pasted them from another page I'd asked for peoples advice on. You have A LOT of experience, that's great! YOU GOT IN! CONGRATS! When did you turn in all your apps? I may call Long Beach later this week and ask, but I'm afraid of seeming pushy since I haven't been accepted anywhere and don't have that pressing matter lol. I'm mostly going by what's more convenient for me right now because I'll be able to make the best of whatever program I'll get into. My top pick is Long Beach, it's close-ish to home, beautiful campus and I hear the campus culture is really accepting and communal, which I appreciate. Applying for grad school has kind of been a whirlwind. I had a great job with a wraparound program, but I started passing out randomly, lost my license, and therefore lost my job. After I got medically cleared, they wouldn't hire me back on because even though it had only been a week, I was now a liability in their eyes... I got a great paying temp job, but they wanted to hire someone else and I was let go the day before Thanksgiving. I decided I would apply to grad school then instead of wasting another year. So here I am, with my unusually last-minute applications. I also graduated September 2017. How was your journey to grad apps? "I had a 3.313 from UCI in Psychology and Social Behavior, and a 3.28 at my community college. My last 60 units were all at UCI, so 3.313 is my last 60 units. I want to work with child protective services, then move onto found my own wraparound program, my passion is with the kiddos. I have just under a year of experience with special needs with respite care, 8 or so years of experience with children, 7 months of experience with at-risk youth, and 4 years of experience at a home for abused women and children. I was also part of an honor fraternity if that matters at all. I currently work in accounting, just something to pay the bills, but a skill I also believe to be an important aspect "to social work as it utilizes organization, management and office skills. Hope to hear from you all soon. "
  5. I applied to Fullerton the Friday before applications were due, so.... Friday, January 12th. I also applied to Long Beach the same day. Dominguez hills I sent in the mail, I wanna say the 23rd of January. How did Dominguez Hills contact you? When did you turn in your applications? What are your "stats"?
  6. Hey thanks! I applied for social work programs. I'm kinda surrounded by people who have 4.0's so having a 3.3 seems low to me! But I obviously don't know. Thanks for your words of encouragement, I haven't heard from any schools yet. :\
  7. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback :]
  8. Hello, I wanted to create a place for all of us to chat and compare our stats. Also, to congratulate each other when some of us get in and people to plan a second try who don't. Good luck to everyone, and I hope we all hear back soon!
  9. Sorry in advance, but I would appreciate honest feedback as to what y'all think my odds are of getting into Long Beach, Fullerton, or Dominguez Hills, and I would really appreciate any feedback you have. I had a 3.313 from UCI in Psychology and Social Behavior, and a 3.28 at my community college. My last 60 units were all at UCI, so 3.313 is my last 60 units. I want to work with child protective services, then move onto found my own wraparound program, my passion is with the kiddos. I have just under a year of experience with special needs with respite care, 8 or so years of experience with children, 7 months of experience with at-risk youth, and 4 years of experience at a home for abused women and children. I was also part of an honor fraternity if that matters at all. I currently work in accounting, just something to pay the bills, but a skill I also believe to be an important aspect to social work as it utilizes organization, management and office skills. Hope to hear from you all soon. Again, good luck to you all!
  10. Sorry in advance, but I would appreciate honest feedback as to what y'all think my odds are of getting into Long Beach, and I would really appreciate any feedback you have. I had a 3.313 from UCI in Psychology and Social Behavior, and a 3.28 at my community college. My last 60 units were all at UCI, so 3.313 is my last 60 units. I want to work with child protective services, then move onto found my own wraparound program, my passion is with the kiddos. I have just under a year of experience with special needs with respite care, 8 or so years of experience with children, 7 months of experience with at-risk youth, and 4 years of experience at a home for abused women and children. I was also part of an honor fraternity if that matters at all. I currently work in accounting, just something to pay the bills, but a skill I also believe to be an important aspect to social work as it utilizes organization, management and office skills. Hope to hear from you all soon. Again, good luck to you all!
  11. Hello! That's great! I had a 3.313 from UCI in Psychology and Social Behavior, and a 3.28 at my community college. My last 60 units were all at UCI, so 3.313 is my last 60 units. I want to work with child protective services, then move onto found my own wraparound program, my passion is with the kiddos. I have just under a year of experience with special needs with respite care, 8 or so years of experience with children, 7 months of experience with at-risk youth, and 4 years of experience at a home for abused women and children. I was also part of an honor fraternity if that matters at all. I have yet to hear from CSULB, CSUF or CSUDH
  12. Waiting is it's own hell.... 1) Where are you from? - Santa Ana, California! 2) what was the last song you listened to? - Oh jesus.... March to the sea by twenty one pilots? 3) what is your zodiac sign? Gemini!!!!
  13. Can we join if we haven't been accepted? o.0
  14. Great thanks!
  15. I'm not at all sure how visa's work. Do you have to be accepted into a specific university before you can apply fro the Visa? You can't apply under, "schools are as slow as molasses, and I like to be prepared"?
  16. I haven't gotten an advisor. I'm thinking this is maybe an international student thing? I think you should call and ask. Honestly I'd feel better if they gave me an advisor haha. And I have no idea how they sort through the bins. I know the last day they were accepting applications they had 5 or 6 bins, they'd said these were the second round of these bins and it was only around noon..... So I can't imagine how many they actually got. But like someone said, they do rolling admissions, so the earlier you turn them in, the earlier you SHOULD hear back. Good luck my friend
  17. Congrats to those of you who have gotten accepted! When did you turn in your packets? What were your "stats"? I still haven't heard anything and I'm starting to believe it's less and less likely I'll be accepted.
  18. Hello! Yes they did, I have actually received a couple confirmations. One that they received it, one that they forwarded it for review. One recently about sending in transcripts, which I've already done. Good luck to you
  19. Hey yall, I don’t know how many of you applied to CSU Long Beach or Fullerton, but there are pages for each of them separately. I created the one for Fullerton, but it’s empty so far.
  20. Hello Everyone, I just wanted to update that I got an email this morning saying that they had fowarded my application to the final review board. And I was wondering if anyone has gotten rejection or acceptance letters yet. Pelase let me know, Thanks!
  21. Hello Everyone, I wanted to create a place for people to collectively panic about admissions. Compare stats and say if you were admitted or not. So have at it!
  22. Hello Everyone, I turned in my packet in person today (1/12). I have a GPA of uppergrad 3.313 from UC Irvine in Social Ecology (psychology and social behavior), undergrad 3.217 from community college. I have almost a year of experience with special needs, personal experience with LGBT and addictions. I also experience with at-risk youth, about 6 months. Then also almost 5 years experience with a safe home for women and children. Volunteer experience with a neigborhood organization for about 5 years. I also applied to Fullerton today. And frankly I’m terrified. I’ll be finishing up my app for Dominguez Hills this coming week. But Long Beach is my TOP pick.... With rolling admissions and not a 4.0 GPA, anyone able to ballpark what they think the odds are of getting in? Applied: CSULB (1/12), CSUF (1/12), CSUD (???) Accepted: Rejected:
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