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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Northwestern PhD Materials Science

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  1. @apollobud In response to #3, are you sure that he hasn't guaranteed an RA position? If he was assigned as your faculty adviser, then it seems likely that he can financially support you.
  2. You need to carefully check what the terms of the unfunded PhD are at UCSD. You should contact students at UCSD and ask them what kind of funding options are available. 1) Does UCSD offer a tuition waiver? Even for a PhD without guaranteed funding, there should be a tuition waiver. 2) Are TA stipends easy to come by? Are PhD students guaranteed a TA position, or is it basically guaranteed with a little bit of effort? 3) Have you been talking with professors in your department? Are any willing, or interested in taking you on? If it seems that several professors are interested in supporting you but are unwilling to commit until the year starts, you probably have a good chance at securing a position in one of their labs. If you get positive answers to these questions, you should definitely go to UCSD. The UC schools are great and a PhD (funded) is better than a masters in engineering by a lot. You'll have a great time in UCSD, which I've heard is a very nice school to be at. If you really have doubts about your ability to secure funding at the school, that's a big problem, and you should probably just do a masters in UW, provided that you are financially able to support yourself through the two years.
  3. Not to be pessimistic, but schools like Harvard care a lot about things like GPA and GRE scores. I would say that you have an extremely slim shot at getting into Harvard with a GPA of 3.07, especially if your master's GPA was similar, regardless of any extenuating circumstances. The average GPA of admitted students to Harvard's graduate programs is likely close to 3.90, and they rarely admit students with GPAs lower than 3.5. If you choose to waive the GRE requirement, the school will only be able to evaluate you numerically based on your GPA score. If I were you, I would not count on admission to Harvard, and you should apply to other programs as well if you wish to pursue graduate studies in religion.
  4. "Does this book spark joy?"
  5. I visited UPenn. The program there is smallest of the three, I believe, and they have a distinct nanomaterials focus. If you go to Penn, you can find an advisor anywhere in the school of engineering and applied sciences, so I'm sure there will be semiconductor research. In the MSE dept, there are the Murray and Kagan labs that do research on nanocrystal synthesis of devices, many of which are semiconductor devices or adjacent technology. I believe there is also a good amount of photonics research. Most schools I have visited are slowly dialing down their core "semiconductors research" in favor of newer technology.
  6. I'll be enrolled in the department of materials science and engineering. A number of interesting faculty members have shared appointments with chemistry, however.
  7. If your priority is computer science, then you need to go to Carnegie Mellon. It's that simple. CMU has a very good materials science program (about as good as UPenn and Cornell, but a tier below Northwestern), but has by far the best computer science of the four.
  8. Hi! I just committed to a PhD program in materials science at Northwestern. Are there any other students who will be attending Northwestern in the fall (in any field)? I currently live in Phoenix and will be moving there in August. I'd also be interested in getting to know other students moving to the Chicago area.
  9. Committed to Northwestern! Anyone else going there? Anyone from the area and have any essential tips, recommendations, etc?
  10. Swathi, I'm from Arizona (Phoenix), so if you need any advice about living in Arizona, or the program at UofA, you can talk to me.
  11. benmaterials

    Evanston, IL

    Hi! I'm thinking about going to school at Northwestern. Is anyone willing to give me a good rundown of how parking works in Evanston and the surrounding areas? Is it guaranteed to be able to get a street parking permit, or would some areas/apartments only have the option to buy a parking spot in a lot by month/year? How reasonable/useful is car ownership in Evanston? I like the freedom to drive around to random places in the suburbs, and I would still take the L train downtown, and walk/bus to campus, so I'm mostly looking for a car to use once or twice a week, and occasionally on road trips to surrounding areas.
  12. I visited Georgia Tech at the previous visit weekend. From what I understand, the students at the first visit weekend were already admitted with funding. The students at the second visit weekend are more or less interviewing for spots with professors (and most are probably there because one or two professors are likely willing to take them on after meeting them).
  13. I know nothing about linguistics, but finding a good supervisor with a good funding package for a PhD program sounds better than doing a masters program and then trying again. You can always learn computer skills on the side and try to integrate it into your research! Brandeis sounds like a cool place to study though (I'd rather live in Boston than Kansas).
  14. I would advise against this. I have heard that people who inquire about their status are often rejected immediately, rather than remaining on a waitlist.
  15. There are a couple of strong applicants at my school still waiting for UCSB. I'd hold out a little longer. The visit weekend is the weekend of March 14-16, if you need to contingency plan in case you get in.
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