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  1. I'm currently employed at a college as a lecturer in the school of education (specifically teaching in early childhood education as well as child & family studies at the moment). I'm hoping to move to a tenure-track position somewhere, but I will need to get a doctorate for that. I want to pursue the degree, I've wanted a PhD for a while, but I do not want to give up my position at the college if I can help it. Can anyone recommend any schools with low-residency PhD programs in the field of Education? For reference, I have come from a K-12 teaching background, but I have graduate degrees in education and counseling and have worked as a therapist as well. My initial thoughts are in curriculum/instruction or teacher education, but I'm open to looking into different kinds of education degrees for my PhD.
  2. I've been struggling for a while now trying to discern what kind of PhD program I should be pursuing. The problem I am running in to is that there does not seem to any programs that I've found that will more broadly let me study education. For some background, I am a former K-12 teacher now working as a mental health counselor and adjunct faculty member in Early Childhood Education. I love teaching and ultimately see myself teaching in a School of Ed. My main research interests are the intersection between sexual and spiritual identities in LGBTQ+ youth, moral development and education, career education, and K-12 to college/work transition. I think because of the broad nature of my interests, I am having trouble finding a good hole for my academic peg. I think Counseling Psychology might actually be a good fit for my research interests, but then I would probably find myself teaching psychology and not education. Similarly, a degree in something like Curriculum & Instruction would satisfy my desire to land a position teaching about K-16 education, but I would be unlikely to be able to pursue my research interests (except maybe college preparedness?). Counselor Ed & Supervision seems like a possibility, but those programs are very focused on training people to teach counseling classes. I feel like I will need to pick between my research interests (more in the development/psychology/counseling vein) and my teaching goals (education/teaching/student development). Do I need to just make a choice or is there maybe some type of program I am overlooking that would marry these?
  3. I got an email from POI, wait listed.
  4. That's a real shame. I have noticed through this process that it is very limiting to people with limited resources or other commitments. I work full-time in a position with a lot of dates at work that I cannot miss, for instance. For people with demanding jobs, families, or financial struggles, the process seems very limiting (to the extent that it almost seems like intentional gatekeeping). I've been fortunate that nothing has had to stop me from attending an interview yet, I've had a fair amount of good luck around dates.
  5. Still waiting to hear from the Learning & Developmental Sciences program at Indiana. Anyone know roughly when interview invitations might be expected to go out or if they already have? I'm kind of thinking by now they might all be out and I just didn't get invited.
  6. While I'm in Dallas for an interview for a Counseling Psych program, I will also be taking a day to visit the campus of another school in the area where I applied for a PhD program in Counselor Education. I will be meeting with the professor I hope to study with and his TA, but this is not a formal interview. Any thoughts on what I should wear?
  7. That's a really good point, I forget that master's clinical psych isn't license eligible (in some states you might be eligible for LPC or the equivalent though). In Pennsylvania, for instance, you *can* be a school psychologist with the right master's degree as well. Personally, I have a master's degree in student affairs and counseling from a CACREP program, got the NCC certification, and have been working as a therapist at a college since. I am going back because of academic and research interests I would rather focus on. If being a practitioner is your main goal, I would highly recommend looking into a master's degree in clinical mental health counseling or the like.
  8. If waiting another round isn't feasible (financial reasons, opportunity cost, etc) another option might be applying for some master's programs in clinical psychology or counseling in your area. This would probably be more relevant if you are hoping to work in the field as a practitioner instead of an academic career.
  9. I've got my first interviews this week and am starting to feel some nerves. The programs have such low acceptance rates that the stakes feel very real. I feel very fortunate to have the interviews I have, but that's just the first hurdle.
  10. I did not do the referral since I already have a master's degree, but I got into the EPM program back in 2016. I decided against it just because of the cost. I decided to go to a fully-funded program instead.
  11. Yeah, I'll DM you it. Are you interviewing there as well? If so, who is your POI?
  12. Any applicants to IU-Bloomington? I applied to the Learning and Developmental Sciences, haven't heard anything yet.
  13. Congratulations! Have you been able to make them all or are there some conflicts?
  14. You may be able to at a local library, perhaps? Our local colleges actually let community members use some resources there, too.
  15. Does anyone know if any word has gone out from NYU's Counseling Psych's PhD program?
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