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Posts posted by CayceCamus

  1. 1 hour ago, yahearditherefirst said:

    Michigan rejection just now...


    What's everyone's backup plan? Starting to gather together money for my law school deposit...

    Same! Rejection email, woo. Finally feel like I can join the club in having answers now, haha ?. My backup plan is to teach English abroad, shooting for Japan, South Korea, or Hong Kong.

  2. 57 minutes ago, babypoet2k said:

    i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.

    Eeek I am only just feeling comfortable at 23C and below, haha. I grew up in Virginia though and can say it gets pretty humid, swampy, and sweltering there. Charlottesville may get somewhat cool in the winter, but the state overall is pretty temperate. Definitely not like the frigidity of New York!

  3. 1 minute ago, WolfMan said:

    Well that's a productive way to repurpose tarot. But when I hear tarot I usually assume people are talking about fortune telling.

    Yeah that is a common assumption about it. Certainly people use it that way, but in my experience and view more people use it as a psychological tool. If you are stuck on an issue in life you can pull a spread and apply each archetype to your situation and analyze it. It helps you tangibly connect ideas that are not connected in your mind. It can produce some really creative thoughts and solutions to problems. Like anything else, it is a tool that can be used to help or exploit.

  4. Tarot is great for creative writing since it is all based on archetypes. Need a conflict? Pull a card and see what it inspires based on its archetypal meaning and symbolism. Need some character development? Pull a card and see how you can incorporate its meaning into that character's motivations or history. It fosters thoughts you would not otherwise come to on your own.

  5. 1 hour ago, pattycat said:

    It's possible. Historically, though, they've done all fiction acceptances in the same day. ?

    I already feel out to be honest. All my programs are such long shots.


    Don't put yourself down! We have heard of a few alleged acceptances, but those in no way correlate to every school rejecting you, not even close! We are so early in the season and universities are sluggish places. We still got acceptances, wait lists, and then maybe some rejections ahead. Nothing is set in stone yet! ☺️

  6. 30 minutes ago, pattycat said:

    Fingers crossed we get a few days of peace in here.

    In the meantime, let's talk strategies for dealing with rejection. I had one of those weekends--two R's from pubs and also notified that I didn't get a reader position I applied for. My rejection wall is filling out nicely, but it's hard to stay positive when they come in groups like that. How does everyone else handle it--apart from drinking cuz I already got that one down. ;)

    I take the spiritual path and tell myself that those doors closed because they were not the right doors. Those rejections are simply guiding me down the correct hallway and to the correct door. I may not see it yet, but it will be there, ready and waiting for me... And I drink, a lot. I recommend a good Malbec or Bordeaux. ?

  7. 7 hours ago, The_Realeo said:

    I'm still kind of new to the Grad Cafe.  So if this question is not appropriate, let me know.  :)  I definitely don't intend to break the code.

    I'm not an English major, so for my critical writing sample, I submitted an analysis of Chinese and Japanese poetics through a linguistic lens.  But since I'm not an English major, I'm super curious, for those of us who had to submit critical writing samples, what did you guys write about?

    Same! I am a history major so I submitted some analytical papers on Latin American history and focused on talking about my interests in Latin American history in my SoP. Hope it hits some multifaceted, multicultural boxes. :) Your analytical paper sounds awesome by the way!

  8. 3 hours ago, spacedumpster said:

    No, but I'm compulsively consulting the I Ching to use divination to determine whether or not I will get accepted this year! Here's part of the reading I just got:

    "In his large and splendid house, no friends or family dwell.
    He sees no one pass through his gate for three years.

    The "three years" part has me feeling hopeful, but the rest sounds pretty dismal hahaha.

    Whew do I feel this! I have been pulling a card every day from my Rider-Waite-Smith and reflecting on it. Lots of pentacles and swords, i.e. manifestation and choice!

  9. 20 hours ago, Ydrl said:

    Fun fact, it’s too late, but Iowa has application advice videos for poets and fiction writers. They were posted three months ago on YouTube. Idk if anyone watched them, but they’re there.

    I watched all of these! I found them to be really great, if not a little encouraging. A lot of it is the generic 'we just like your writing' sort of advice, but even still, worth a watch pre or post application. It gives a feel of the environment and community there. And makes Iowa all the more alluring ?

  10. 9 hours ago, pattycat said:

    Welcome! Looks like you and I have a few crossovers. Which school are you most excited about? I would be psyched to be anywhere, but Iowa is my dream school and I also have eyes for UVA and U of Florida. 

    Of course Iowa, haha. But I am really interested in Boston Uni, Michigan, and Cornell. Mostly because I have lived in the Southern US forever and I want to be cold!

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