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Everything posted by Zouzax

  1. I agree with Hopeful, spitz - NYU is a great 'only' choice. I hope you feel the same after the open house. I don't know if you've been to NYC before, have lived there, etc, but I'm from there -- so if you have any questions feel free to ask! In terms of MIT, I think their admissions decisions should be coming any day now -- acceptances came out on this day last year but I agree, a lot of people seemed to have applied so it'll be a long shot. Keeping my fingers crossed for us all ....
  2. i feel if i continue staring into my mailbox menacingly, an acceptance email is bound to appear at some point

    1. MoJingly


      I don't think it works that way :(

    2. beanbagchairs


      How wonderful if it works that way though... I'll have tons of acceptances :P

    3. Zouzax


      yea ... hasnt worked so far :(

  3. so interesting to see everyone's jobs here! I'm a full-time English teacher and a Master's student. I teach at a private language school, so most of my students are adults (with the occasional high schooler thrown in). It can be stressful sometimes, but I enjoy it.
  4. i know, this page is blowing up! So, I applied to Stanford on the west coast, and like most people was one of the rejects too bad. in hindsight, i wish i had applied to one or two more in Cali because I always dreamed about moving to the west coast. after reading your research interests, Im thinking we will definitely cross paths at some point. you're like ... my grad cafe soulmate haha. ok, not really but .. yea. I'm interested in psycholinguistics, syntax, language processing, and cognition as well, and wrote exactly this on my SOP. i had also applied to nyu but since everyone already received their acceptances it's pretty obvious i won't be accepted ... so! 0-2 for me so far .. ugh. i also applied to brown, mit, and yale, and am working on a few apps for programs here in europe. how about you?
  5. the process has made me realize how much junk mail i get.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moxie42


      It made me realize how little email I get at all.

    3. Langoustine


      Hahaha I hate seeing the ticker on my Gmail tab say 1 new msg bc when I click over it's always trash!

    4. Zouzax


      seriously ... Golfer Magazine??? I'm a 20-something who lives in Turkey. do i really look like a potential client? to the point that they send me mail every week?!! argh!!!

  6. lol my ex-boyfriend of a year a half broke up with me over email. Granted it was a long email, but ... it was an email.
  7. Welcome to Turkey! Where Burger King and McDonalds deliver .... See, there IS an advantage to living here ...
  8. That's awesome spitz congrats!!
  9. well got my first rejection today. funny how it was the one time i received a *ding* and didn't really care because I'm feeling very sickly and tired. Of course, I shouldve realized this was a bad omen. To tell you the truth, I'm not that upset. I figured I wasn't getting accepted as they never contacted me for an interview. Trashed the email. First one out of the way! EDIT: I did, however, order Burger King delivery. Perfect post-rejection food.
  10. another week begins!! here's hoping that this week will be *life changing*

  11. oh no! the weekends used to be my 'less crazy' time.
  12. Don't worry -- nothing on my end, either. I've been working on a plan B as well. Ill probably apply to one or two schools in Europe that have deadlines in April, and if that doesn't work out either, I'll just continue teaching English in Europe, beef up my app, and try again next year ... of course, it's only the first week of February so let's stay positive. Good luck to everyone!!
  13. GREAT idea! I just did the same. A lifesaver!
  14. i just called my cousin a "socially inept a**hole" so ...... you tell me if I'm "increasingly moody"
  15. wow - to sit down and take the time to type out a phony result for grad cafe is really, really pathetic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zouzax


      ha true. but it is kinda fun to see them called out.

    3. Langoustine


      Yes! Have you seen the Drag U posting? 'Shontay you stay!' lol

    4. katerific


      well, maybe one of them made me giggle due to the sheer absurdity.... but yes.

  16. that is .... horrifying imagine a boyfriend/girlfriend breaking up with you and saying ... that. "Yea, I don't love you anymore, but .... yea, I wish you the best of luck with whoever wants you"
  17. update: last night I forced myself to go to bed at 12 AM. (I'm usually up until 2 AM, drinking wine & hitting the refresh button on my email obsessively). Woke up this morning feeling GREAT. I am now not allowed to check the results page more than once a day. I have signed up for 3 (yes, three) different language classes. Feel like a new person. Highly recommend it
  18. Ha well I'm officially experimenting today ... going to *push* positive energy toward my inbox. I'll report my results later tonight.
  19. I applied to Stanford, too .. and if I don't get in, that is EXACTLY what my parents will say. They live in New York, and when I was in college in Boston they came to visit me 3 times in 4 years. Yes, three times. If I go to Stanford, I might as well be located in Zimbabwe because I'll never see my parents.
  20. needs some motivation to finish my last paper of the semester .. I'm dragging here.

  21. haha umm... that IS what I meant. is there another meaning Im not aware of?
  22. February - June: work on my languages, finish my thesis, try to graduate from my Master's program on time June: quit my job, prepare to move back to the States July-August: move back to the States. celebrate with friends and family I havent seen in over two years. drink lots of champagne. buy things I shouldn't. check out my new city, find an apartment, attempt to move way too much stuff/ animals into said apartment August: once settled, have boyfriend move in so that we can start our new, American adventure. drink more champagne, in celebration. end of August: start!!! that was fun!
  23. lol! maybe we'll cross paths as we both try to survive
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