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Everything posted by 1Q84

  1. I'm really glad you brought this up because it helps me to articulate my negative view of the "follow your passion!" schpeel that you hear from both, disturbingly, school guidance counselors and those who can't be bothered to consider that they need to make ends meet six years down the road. In reality, in this day and age, "following your dreams!" pretty much comes with the footnote: underwritten by mom and dad. I don't want to get too polemical here but I think considering the way that the corporatization of higher ed has won so completely, it verges on irresponsible for advisers to tell students to follow their dreams. Maybe I'm just a doom-and-gloomer but the thought of shrugging and telling myself "not to expect a job" and that I'll "scrape by" somehow after I'm done my degree is just unthinkable--probably because I do have to provide for myself and my family. There's no "if" or romantically locking myself in a library and burying my nose in a book about it. Waxing poetical about my love of books was nice in college but it's not going to pay the bills. Sorry for the rant and it's not directed at anyone in particular here. I just really, really think people need to think more about the end result of their degree, not less.
  2. Immediately feel very "..." about my chances this season.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kurayamino


      I'm sure it's no consolation, but you're definitely not alone in that. All I can think about is the things I would do differently.

    3. unræd


      Why, though? You're such a strong applicant, I think, and surely it's too early for such talk!

    4. 1Q84


      @kurayamino Thanks! In a perfect world, we'd all get at least one, eh?

      @unræd I appreciate the vote of confidence! I guess I just really had my heart set on USC and it's been a tough first blow to take. You're right.. it is early, let's hope the rest of the season goes better.

  3. I wish. I'm dying right now. Haven't heard back either. First entry person PM'd me about it, not sure if she or he wants to make it known. But apparently two calls gone out thus far.
  4. Update on this: I filed a complaint about this in November and (after many brush-offs and stalling) finally had it resolved today: they're offering me a free re-test in April. Really not sure if I'm going to bother taking them up on this offer. Perhaps I might have to when all my results come out in the next month or so...
  5. King fans unite! I'm not at all ashamed that he was the first "adult" author that really got me into reading. IT really changed my childhood... (I mean, reading a horror meditation on childhood during one's childhood has weird effects). I think Running Man and Misery were the next ones I read... good times. I also haven't read any of his work past Everything's Eventual but I heard Doctor Sleep was actually not half bad as a sequel to The Shining.
  6. I'm not sure I understand this advice. Does this mean you have to create a different WS for each department to which you apply? Or does it mean you have to have a "section" in your WS that includes each faculty member of each university to which you apply? Either way, unless the essay organically grew out of your research interest in one faculty member's work, it would be pretty tricky to do without coming off as forced. Same here. I was tempted to footnote a professor in a department I was applying to, especially after he mentioned one of his books to me in an email, but it would have been entirely synthetic and not as relevant to my WS as it should have been in order to be included. I'm skeptical of this advice! But someone sell me on it... because it sounds like I'm missing something.
  7. Agreed. I'm waiting until I get word back.
  8. People who leave the cap off whiteboard markers. Is it that hard to put the cap back on each time after you use it? Just leaving the cap off ONCE on a brand new marker ruins it completely. AGH! Whenever I go into a classroom and see one sitting in the tray with the cap off, I get a mini-stroke.
  9. This. When I'm neurotically trawling through results, I find seeing the outliers as both more positive for my morale and informative about my chances. I think one way of counteracting this--and I've seen it in some people's entries-- is to enter some of the more subjective aspects of one's acceptance (if known) in the written field (eg. "POI said good fit," "Received compliments on WS," etc.) That data plus the hard number data combined would probably lend greatly to what hreaðemus is talking about.
  10. Just wanted to thank you for this recommendation. It's blowing my mind wide open and has changed my research trajectory significantly!
  11. I think this is a great way to approach all graduate education as well. A great reminder to be humble about one's knowledge. Interesting! Was the professor referring to your walkout or to the loudmouth? And, I should note (and looking back, I guess I didn't) you're right in that there's only 2-4 disrespectful students while there are also a bunch of chill, thoughtful, and friendly philosophy students in there too.
  12. I am not female but a few of my female colleagues have run into just somewhat similar troubles. Two examples (from the same colleague): for a while, male students would break rules of varying seriousness and then simply wink at her, thinking they're being charming and that flirting with her would be cause for a pass. She was understandably freaked out by this and consulted a supervisor. Another time, a male student was very touchy with her and would always touch her arm when trying to finesse an accommodation. Again, she was freaked out and consulted a supervisor. Each time she was advised to be firm and remind the students of the inappropriateness of their behavior as well as the rules of the college. I thought one of the most useful tactics was the appeal to authority--remind students that the syllabus acts as a contract: upon entering the class, students agree to abide by those rules to the letter. So any time students get weasly, you can point to the "letter of the law," so to speak, which tends to make any (often male) students less willing to try to continue the smooth talk/arguing schtick.
  13. It's my main (and sometimes only) food group!
  14. Wow! Thanks for all the great feedback, folks. As to what overoverover said, I'm definitely not trying to pathologize philosophy students or call names. More like I'm trying to understand the norms of the discipline better so that I can contribute in this weird hybrid of a course. I'll definitely try to point to the text more, which should help draw the discussion back from (in my mind) pointless tangential comments. Will keep everyone updated but would love to hear more thoughts as well!
  15. So, I'm from the English forum but thought I'd peek in here to see if anyone could offer some insight into a problem I've been experiencing: I'm currently in a graduate level Marx class in my MA program. Interestingly, it's been cross-listed with the philosophy department so the lit students (even though it's technically offered by the English department) are actually outnumbered by the philosophy ones. Anyway, I don't have much philosophy reading under my belt but more importantly, I don't have any experience interacting with philosophy students in an academic way. So our first two classes have been rough for me because it was a) dominated by very outspoken, brash and (frankly, in my opinion, rude) philosophy students who wanted to cram their point down everyone's throats and those who keep sidetracking the discussion into minutiae of philosopher biography or semantics. I haven't been able to contribute much because I don't know how or am unfamiliar with the really obscure philosophy that they're bringing up. I don't want to say anything because I might be asking an extremely elementary question that all philosophy students learned when they were in freshman year. I don't blame these other students because from what I gather, this is how most philosophy classes operate. The strong assertions, even the "you said x, do you mean y?" type of comments. I see it as my problem... a "discipline shock," so to speak, because that's not how many literature classes operate. I do very much want to better myself and be able to function in this type of environment, though. Any philosophers here have any advice on how I can better contribute and offer my usually-uninformed opinion? Is there a better way I can phrase my questions or comments that might go over better with these students? tl;dr how do I contribute to philosophy discussions without looking like a jackass? Thanks!
  16. Hahaha amazing. Me when I rush to the computer after an email notification to find it's only spam:
  17. I'm officially freaking out seeing as last year Stanford and Berkeley started notifying January 31st. THAT'S ONE WEEK FROM TODAY (assuming they do Friday notifications.) Edit: assuming those results are not fake-outs.
  18. You'll do amazingly! Congrats (oh, I thought the interview was for acceptance but I see in the results board it's for a fellowship and you already have acceptance? Double congrats!!)
  19. For the Halberstam fans, just thought I'd put this here as they combine my two (or three, including the Last Bookstore) loves into one beautiful video: http://www.ifc.com/portlandia/videos/exclusive-women-and-women-first-debate-in-downtown-la
  20. I understand the feeling though... seeing acceptances rolling in for schools I didn't even apply to is stressful in and of itself! (And thanks! I see there's a user called YoungFoucault with the same picture though so I might have to change it... )
  21. picture perfect
  22. Knowing that we have quite a few programs in common and looking at past years notification dates, we won't be receiving any notice until earliest Feb 1!
  23. ^ Upvote for Fox! When people tell me "Oh you'll get in somewhere. You're so smart!": When I get an unwarranted burst of confidence about my chances of acceptance but then reality returns: When I look at my application status page and see "under review:"
  24. Very jealous of you bed readers! I'd be 100% asleep after one sentence. Can't imagine reading in the bath. I'd be terrified of dropping everything. Okay this papasan thing seems like just what I need.
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