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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck" - The Dalai Lama

As a 2nd rounder, the above Instruction from the DL has proved an invaluable thing (for me) to focus on.

If I'd taken 2nd prize from my first attempt in 2011:

  • I would never have been inspired to work even harder to get into my #1 choice next time - a whole new body of stronger work was the result
  • I would never have been offered my dream school this year - I believe this only happened because of my new body of work

Acceptance of the Universal decision is hard, but I believe there's always a reason even though it might not be clear to start with.

Go well into your new adventures.

PS Best to you Kazoo and congrats - your wait was worth it!

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For all you peeps trolling this Forum in the future...

Though I am sure I have missed some (and please, if you got an offer not listed here, or you know of another, please add to it), these are the programs I found to have the best funding. In NO particular order:


- UCSD (full ride + teaching stipend)

- UC Irvine (I believe there is good funding here, but unsure of details)

- UCLA (both DMA and the regular arts program give up to 100+% funding with teaching)

- USC (many admits get full tuition funding)

- UCSB (full finding + excellent stipend and teaching)

- Stanford (full ride + excellent stipend and teaching)

- UC Berkeley (full ride tuition)

- Mills (not always, but I have heard of 50+% funding here)

- UC Davis (50-70% funding)

- UOregon (full ride + teaching stipend)

- UW (full ride)

Midwest / South

- UTex-Austin (50% or more funding, I have heard of)

- Georgia Tech (MS in Digital Media is a full ride)

- UIowa (I believe there is full funding avail here)

- Indiana (full ride, I believe)

- UChicago (75% tuition funding + teaching stipend) - KEEP an eye on this program. They are dumping a TON of money into the arts here (esp. with their fabulous Logan Arts Center. A "hidden gem" of a program)

- UI-C (I have heard of good funding here)

- Northwestern (full ride + excellent stipend and teaching)

- SAIC (I hear of one full ride and one half ride per department)

- UMichigan (full ride, first year travel funding, free computer, + stipend)

- Ohio (full ride)

(I'm sure there are others in the M-W…)


- Alfred (for Elec. Arts, I know they offer full ride + stipend)

- RPI / iEAR (half the admits get full finding)

- Carnegie-Mellon (70+% funding)

- RISD (Pres. Scholarships range 40K, 20K and 10K, but most pay)

- Rutgers (heard of 50+% funding)

- SUNY Buffalo (heard of good funding here)

- SFMA (has been known to dish out some decent money, but not all the time)

- Yale (if you are low income, along with your parents (regardless of your age, they ask for your parent's financials), you can qualify for excellent funding. If not, you will pay)

- MIT / ACT (I have heard of around 50% funding)

- Univ of Maryland (full ride + teaching stipend)

- VCU (70+% funding)

- Cornell (full ride + teaching stipend)

- MICA (25-50% tuition for some)

- Bard (heard of there being up to 50% funding)

- Keep an eye out for Dartmouth doing a production orientated "Digital Studies" Masters in the future, and if it is anything like their outstanding "Digital Musics", it'll be a full ride +)

You included Ohio, but you should perhaps say Ohio State University (OSU) and also include Ohio University (OU) as they are different schools. I received full tuition waivers and very nice stipends from both. You also missed Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC). Another school with full waiver and very nice stipend. Also, Tulane provides full funding for its MFA I understand. It is also possible to get full funding plus stipend from Temple/Tyler. It is somewhat unusual for this to happen for first year MFA's, but I am personally aware that it occasionally does.

Edited by Fool4nine
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Does anyone have a clue if getting on a waiting list to Yale actually matters? Is there still

A chance to get in? How do they decide who gets in?

I know for sure that it does mean something in painting. I asked my friend who is a current second year painter there if people get off the waitlist and he said "ALL OF THE TIME." that often, people will get into both Columbia and Yale for example, and chose to be in ny (or with their faculty or funding). That said, you should probably call and see how they decide who gets off etc.

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I'm really startingto wish I'd applied to these places I herar about good financial packages like Yale and UCLA but I keep forgetting I'm not from the US and being international makes me ineligible for this amount of support, boo.

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ucla. Somebody said they got 100% plus a small stipend, but I think that person was in-state, I'm out of state and international...

I'm out of state the first year, but I'm a US citizen. They offered me "at least 15k" but that includes a TAship. I think the total tuition for both years will be around $20k or less.

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Yeah, Tyler has really good funding. I'm not sure it's unusual at all. The grad students I spoke with there all had funding for TA, for both years, I'm pretty sure. One told me she chose Tyler (partly) for the excellent financial aid they offered.

During the interview, a professor asked me if I'd be able to support myself for the first semester, but I don't have any studio art courses at all (so it would be pretty silly to think of me teaching).

Granted, Tyler photo is a small department, and my guess is that the other departments are pretty small, too. But it has amazing funding, that's for sure.

You included Ohio, but you should perhaps say Ohio State University (OSU) and also include Ohio University (OU) as they are different schools. I received full tuition waivers and very nice stipends from both. You also missed Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC). Another school with full waiver and very nice stipend. Also, Tulane provides full funding for its MFA I understand. It is also possible to get full funding plus stipend from Temple/Tyler. It is somewhat unusual for this to happen for first year MFA's, but I am personally aware that it occasionally does.

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ucla. Somebody said they got 100% plus a small stipend, but I think that person was in-state, I'm out of state and international...

Yes, I did, and I am in-state. I believe out of state (and/or International) is double the "Univ Fee" (i.e., tuition). which is 15K/yr...

I'm out of state the first year, but I'm a US citizen. They offered me "at least 15k" but that includes a TAship. I think the total tuition for both years will be around $20k or less.

...since tuition is about 15K/yr, total tuition for in-state would be 30K instead of 20. And, even if the dept. still "only" covers the in-state portion for those out of state/International, paying 30K (if you do the degree in two years) for a UCLA MFA education is quite a steal.

Edited by OutWest
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To all, thanks for the feedback and support through this roller coaster ride. This forum has been such a valuable resource....

I'm going to Tyler! Couldn't be happier!!

Best of luck to everyone!!

Edited by RaphaelF_S
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I just had it this morning.

It was good. I looked at it as an opportunity to learn more about the strengths/weaknesses of my work, and to practice interviewing.

There were very few questions. I was told about the program. I got to explain the rationale behind my work, and why I made certain stylistic choices, and the rest was a crit. I spent most of the interview listening and asking questions for clarification, and at times (once or twice - it was a very insightful crit - explaining why I felt differently).

It was relaxed, informal and an education in and of itself.

I was told that there were about 100 people invited to interview for it, so I expect there are several profs doing this and no two interviews would be alike.

Advice? I don't know, I guess, try to be as relaxed as you can, don't be afraid to sell yourself a little as a viable candidate, and take it as it comes.

Good luck!

Thank you very much! This is going to be my first grad school interview. I've applied to MFA programs this year but didn't get in. My bachelor's degree is in biology, so the post-bac program will probably be a better fit.

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I ended up getting into the one school I applied to, PNCA. Congrats to everyone and good luck in your future endeavors. Anyone else going to PNCA??

I am on the Waitlist there for Visual Studies

What program are you accepted into

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To all, thanks for the feedback and support through this roller coaster ride. This forum has been such a valuable resource....

I'm going to Tyler! Couldn't be happier!!

Best of luck to everyone!!

Congrats on making the decision! I will be seeing you next year!!

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An interesting segment on 60 minutes tonight...

see near the end when Blum and Poe discusses the actual percentage of people who purchase contemporary art.




Sweet find. I have to send this to my daddy.
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I don't think SVA adopts an open admissions policy. I don't think many schools do any longer, but even if they did, I doubt it would apply to graduate programs.

hi there,

From some yahoo answers and forums, I have heard that "SVA adopts the open admission policy, so most likely a lot of people get accepted". Is this true???

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They seem a bit disorganized. It wouldn't surprise me if some applications were still under review.

Many of us have been wait listed, but they don't actually seem to tell you that unless you call to ask. They didn't have a decision on my application until late last week....

I just got an email confirming that all of my materials had been received and my application is currently being reviewed at Tyler. Isn't it a little late?

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