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Congrats to everyone who's heard already, especially the OSU folks!


I haven't heard anything, from any of my schools, in 4 different countries. I did, however, send an informal application to another program off today. Not sure I'd be thrilled to attend, but they only wanted a research proposal and my CV, so the opportunity cost was ridiculously low.

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Congrats to everyone who got good news today! And to everyone who is anticipating bad news, stay positive and remember this is just the beginning of schools rolling in! If this one doesn't work out, that means it just wasn't the right fit and I'm sure other schools will bring more welcome news in the future. :)

Edited by boazczoine
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Sooooo, I'm pretty sure I've been rejected from OSU. I did not get an e-mail or anything from anyone. And the application status says pending. That means I am not in the list of candidates whose POI simply doesn't' do the reaching out cos those people would get acceptances, and not in the list of people who have POIs who DO call, cos those people got acceptances too. I am in the list of the 'we don't want you.' 


*sobs quietly in the corner*

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A hearty congratulations!  You must be ecstatic.  Care to share more with us?  Subfield, stats, background, where else you have applied to?  Wishing you continued success!

Thanks, aecp!


I've been debating whether there are any risks with sharing more information; I've decided it shouldn't matter. My subfield is American Politics; I'm also interested in Political Methodology. My GRE scores were unspectacular -- 165V/162Q. I'm a senior at a medium-sized private university in the upper midwest, where I majored in Political Science/Economics and have a 4.0 undergraduate GPA. I do not have extensive research background --  no publications. I wrote a pretty good undergraduate thesis my junior year and completed an extended research project in a graduate econometrics sequence at my university. I applied to six schools (in no particular order): Ohio State, Michigan, WashU in St. Louis, Princeton, Rochester, and Wisconsin.


I convinced myself that I wasn't going to be accepted anywhere; it's nice to received an early acceptance!

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and not in the list of people who have POIs who DO call, cos those people got acceptances too. I am in the list of the 'we don't want you.' 


FWIW, I did receive a call from my POI but did not receive an offer. It is not possible to not feel hurt by rejections, but this is the nature of the process. As our good boazczoine said, this is just the beginning. Let's all try to stay positive. 


I convinced myself that I wasn't going to be accepted anywhere; it's nice to received an early acceptance!


Congrats B, a great way to start the season indeed. Don't you guys forget Ms Sanders' flowers during the admit weekend :)

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Thanks, aecp!


I've been debating whether there are any risks with sharing more information; I've decided it shouldn't matter. My subfield is American Politics; I'm also interested in Political Methodology. My GRE scores were unspectacular -- 165V/162Q. I'm a senior at a medium-sized private university in the upper midwest, where I majored in Political Science/Economics and have a 4.0 undergraduate GPA. I do not have extensive research background --  no publications. I wrote a pretty good undergraduate thesis my junior year and completed an extended research project in a graduate econometrics sequence at my university. I applied to six schools (in no particular order): Ohio State, Michigan, WashU in St. Louis, Princeton, Rochester, and Wisconsin.


I convinced myself that I wasn't going to be accepted anywhere; it's nice to received an early acceptance!



I'm sure your application package on the whole is great, but among others, I think the adcoms really loved your 4.0 GPA!

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Thanks, aecp!


I've been debating whether there are any risks with sharing more information; I've decided it shouldn't matter. My subfield is American Politics; I'm also interested in Political Methodology. My GRE scores were unspectacular -- 165V/162Q. I'm a senior at a medium-sized private university in the upper midwest, where I majored in Political Science/Economics and have a 4.0 undergraduate GPA. I do not have extensive research background --  no publications. I wrote a pretty good undergraduate thesis my junior year and completed an extended research project in a graduate econometrics sequence at my university. I applied to six schools (in no particular order): Ohio State, Michigan, WashU in St. Louis, Princeton, Rochester, and Wisconsin.


I convinced myself that I wasn't going to be accepted anywhere; it's nice to received an early acceptance!

I think you have a wonderful profile!  How could you convince yourself you would not be accepted.  I see many more admissions for you.  Please keep us apprised of your progress. Congratulations once again!

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Thanks, aecp!


I've been debating whether there are any risks with sharing more information; I've decided it shouldn't matter. My subfield is American Politics; I'm also interested in Political Methodology. My GRE scores were unspectacular -- 165V/162Q. I'm a senior at a medium-sized private university in the upper midwest, where I majored in Political Science/Economics and have a 4.0 undergraduate GPA. I do not have extensive research background --  no publications. I wrote a pretty good undergraduate thesis my junior year and completed an extended research project in a graduate econometrics sequence at my university. I applied to six schools (in no particular order): Ohio State, Michigan, WashU in St. Louis, Princeton, Rochester, and Wisconsin.


I convinced myself that I wasn't going to be accepted anywhere; it's nice to received an early acceptance!

Hello B-squared!  Just curious, were you interviewed?  If so, how did it go?  What were you asked?  This could help others in the future. Thanks.

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Do we think any schools will be making and breaking hearts today or tomorrow?


It feels like it's still too early. I checked IR Toni's list and oh cruel gods—all my schools send their acceptances/rejections in mid February, which is not even close. Boulder is our biggest hope.

Edited by jeudepaume
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It feels like it's still too early. I checked the IR Toni's list and oh cruel gods—all my schools send their acceptances/rejections in mid February, which is not even close. Boulder is our biggest hope.


I looked, and a few years ago they were sending as early as Jan 20-25. I would be beyond grateful if they decided to return to this policy and surprise us this week, rather than wait til next Friday (which makes sense from a reduce email influx perspective - though they can accomplish the same tomorrow). I do, however, wonder about their funding policies. What's with waiting until after the visit weekend? And does this adversely affect those who can't do the visit (e.g. this guy in Germany)?

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Ok, I now have concrete evidence that everyone wasn't informed simultaneously by our system. One person emailed me to find out why we didn't admit him/her—but we did.

So no answer still means no answer. And I think I have MY answer: they're using the hamster-powered TRS-80....

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Hey now, we all have our ways of handling things.


I keep all my e-mails that aren't spam in extensive folders. I recently reviewed my rejections from last year. Pretty unhealthy... :)

Sorry, I use sarcasm as a coping mechanism. I'm still with you that it is pretty lame if you do not get in...

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Just got an email asking for clarification from one of my UK schools. One the one hand, it's nice, on the other, they clearly have not read my CV or my Writing Sample to be asking me this. Might just be a pre-sorting thing though!

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Hey guys, I was wondering - if you receive a notification that you have been nominated for a fellowship but haven't heard an official acceptance yet, is it implied? I just sent an awkward email to the dept asking, but I wanted to know if it's a normal assumption to make.


Edit: Never mine, looks like it was implied. Cool.

Edited by Targy
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