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2014 Applications... waiting room.


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That's what it says on mine too.


Same. :/ The other MA and the PhD that use the same applyyourself all just show "submitted". I'm guessing I just have to wait until march for everything...


(As much as I want to go to the BGC, the other two MAs I applied to are more likely to fund me, and the PhD I want to be accepted to most has a POI that is very very in my area of interest. So I'm just as eagerly waiting to hear about those and really hoping I get in. I just want good options. Even so, I definitely applied to more placed than I wanted to, and think I should have just narrowed it down to the top five choices I had instead of applying to 7). I keep telling myself if I don't get into a PhD this round (the one I want), I really want to thrive at an MA so I can be more discerning about my applications. 

Edited by m-ttl
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Anybody heard from U of T's PhD program? Lucky MAs, BAH.


I was wondering this too. Looks like in the past they've notified PhDs before MAs... but I guess they also don't accept many direct entry PhDs?


On a related note, anyone have any insider info about UT Austin? It looks like they usually notify all throughout February with no rhyme or reason, but it's starting to get sort of late at this point. Maybe this is the week??

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I was wondering this too. Looks like in the past they've notified PhDs before MAs... but I guess they also don't accept many direct entry PhDs?


On a related note, anyone have any insider info about UT Austin? It looks like they usually notify all throughout February with no rhyme or reason, but it's starting to get sort of late at this point. Maybe this is the week??

I would really love to know about UT Austin as well.   I don't think anyone has been notified.  Not sure if this means anything, but a few months ago I had just sent their office a brief inquiry about possibly visiting and didn't receive a response until a few days ago, which was a somewhat cryptic email telling me to attend the Graduate Symposium next month.  It could have just been a standard response, but I am trying to think positive and tell myself it means that they were waiting to decide to admit me and then decided to let me know (laugh at my pain, guys).

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Congratulations! :D


Is it a European or North American school?

Thank you! :D It was a Canadian school (not McGill, UoT or UBC, no worries people) It is a much smaller department, but perfect ongoing research for my focus.

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I was wondering this too. Looks like in the past they've notified PhDs before MAs... but I guess they also don't accept many direct entry PhDs?


On a related note, anyone have any insider info about UT Austin? It looks like they usually notify all throughout February with no rhyme or reason, but it's starting to get sort of late at this point. Maybe this is the week??


Going back the past five years, U of T is all over the place on their notifications. Some years it's hella early and the PhDs hear first and other years it's hella late and the MAs hear first and the rejections don't go to the waitlist until May 29 (cough last year cough). It does make me feel better about not having heard yet though.

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Has anyone heard from:






I feel like I am the only one who hasn't heard anything yet. I am assuming I didn't get in. But I really thought I had a good chance with UCSB as I had exchanged numerous emails with a potential advisor - and even a long phone call where they said I would be an ideal candidate... 

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I would really love to know about UT Austin as well.   I don't think anyone has been notified.  Not sure if this means anything, but a few months ago I had just sent their office a brief inquiry about possibly visiting and didn't receive a response until a few days ago, which was a somewhat cryptic email telling me to attend the Graduate Symposium next month.  It could have just been a standard response, but I am trying to think positive and tell myself it means that they were waiting to decide to admit me and then decided to let me know (laugh at my pain, guys).

I do not know have you received any new from UT Austin or not, but I just want to let you know that one of my friends got acceptance from UT Austin on Feb 20. Good Luck.  

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Gosh... I thought that after receiving a few good news, the whole waiting anxiety would subside. But no, it's been quite the opposite for me! How are you guys handling it so far? I still have 5 more schools to go, though there are only 2 schools that I care to hear back from.


I am ready to know what my options are so I can make a decision... aaaaghhhh!

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Gosh... I thought that after receiving a few good news, the whole waiting anxiety would subside. But no, it's been quite the opposite for me! How are you guys handling it so far? I still have 5 more schools to go, though there are only 2 schools that I care to hear back from.


I am ready to know what my options are so I can make a decision... aaaaghhhh!

Yeah I also figured that once I had one down the stress would go away, but it didn't occur to me that schools don't generally know about your funding situation right when they accept you, so it is very stressful to know that, while I have been accepted to my dream school, I still can't feel secure knowing that I will be in grad school next year.  I have 12 still to hear from (I really hedged my bets) but only a few of those would be real contenders now.  


Question: So I remember hearing/reading a long time ago that schools (at least in the U.S.) had to tell us their decision by April 1 and we have to decide by April 15.  But now I have no idea where I got that information; can anyone confirm or deny?  Because, according to the Results Search from last year, people were still hearing from places into April.  

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Yeah I also figured that once I had one down the stress would go away, but it didn't occur to me that schools don't generally know about your funding situation right when they accept you, so it is very stressful to know that, while I have been accepted to my dream school, I still can't feel secure knowing that I will be in grad school next year.  I have 12 still to hear from (I really hedged my bets) but only a few of those would be real contenders now.  


Question: So I remember hearing/reading a long time ago that schools (at least in the U.S.) had to tell us their decision by April 1 and we have to decide by April 15.  But now I have no idea where I got that information; can anyone confirm or deny?  Because, according to the Results Search from last year, people were still hearing from places into April.  


I was wondering too for a while, but I can confirm. The date wasn't mentioned on my acceptance letters, but it was mentioned when I got funding packages that April 15 was a "nationally agreed upon" date to accept or decline the offer of admission and funding.


I assume those who are accepted after the 15th are from the wait list, and they were replacing people who had declined.


Edit: Not sure about the April 1st thing... maybe that's when they have to notify the first round of acceptees?

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I was told last year that all decisions had to be made by April 15th and that this has to do with the accreditation boards (or something like that). There are probably exceptions made but that seems to be fairly across-the-board.

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