busybeinganxious Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 What's up with all the ads about skin products in these forums..? I simply ignored them until now, but it's becoming more prevalent that it's getting a little annoying... Even academics need to look pretty. *sarcastic smirk*
shadowclaw Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 It was -7 degrees Fahrenheit this morning when I left for school. It warmed up to a balmy 2 degrees by the time I got there. The wind chill must have been in the negative double digits again, because my face actually hurt from spending 5 minutes outside walking from my car to my building. Now the forecast is predicting 5 - 8 inches of snow Sunday. There's already a wall of snow bordering thy roads, and I haven't been able to see pavement on my road in God knows when. Why must mother nature continue to dump cold, sloppy weather on me? I really want to be accepted to a school in a warm place.
katsharki3 Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 So today after 4 years of college, I finally managed to lose my school ID. Walking to the bus, and it must have fallen out of my pocket. And had to pay $150 to get a new bus pass, since of course they won't honor the fact that you have already bought one and have a receipt to prove it. So that's $300 now that I spent on transportation for just this semester. Probably still worth it, ends up being ~$16/week of bus fare, which is probably about right. But it was a much better deal with the $8/week of just one bus pass. Ugh. I could've used that $150 for food.
docjourney Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 I can't stop thinking about grad school. Applications. Recommendation letters. GREs. Applications. Did this professor like my proposal? Did I say the right thing? Will this professor write me a strong recommendation letter? OMG. Do I have any deadlines I'm missing? Who do I have a meeting with next? Wait, what's today's date? I think I'm a total mess! TOTALLY FREAKING OUT! CFBrown 1
SLPosteriorCricoarytenoid Posted February 22, 2015 Posted February 22, 2015 If your of adult age and you can't figure out how to correctly use you're...their is no excuse for that. Taeyers, educdoc, scarvesandcardigans and 2 others 5
CFBrown Posted February 22, 2015 Posted February 22, 2015 I got an email a few weeks ago from the department head from one of the schools I applied to saying that she was impressed with my interview and was endorsing my application for final decision consideration. I was mad nervous at first that it was an early rejection letter. This email is a good sign that I could get accepted, right?
dr. t Posted February 22, 2015 Posted February 22, 2015 If your of adult age and you can't figure out how to correctly use you're...their is no excuse for that. ಠ_ಠ IvanBezdomnii, attackonthedoctor, Trinity753 and 5 others 8
IvanBezdomnii Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 An anticipated four hours of last minute proofreading on my thesis before I hand it in to my committee members, is quickly becoming 6-7 hours thanks to cat videos on youtube. mockturtle, blinchik, when and 2 others 5
ChocoLatte Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 I posted some heavy, heavy stuff in here quite a while back...early December, I believe? I was in a very dark place and it took weeks to get out of it. I read all of the responses that I got in here and want to say thank you 1) for reading it and 2) for taking time to say something. I've gotten better; and although it's still a struggle, I'm going to get out with the degree in one piece. Monochrome Spring, scarvesandcardigans and MidwesternAloha 3
scarvesandcardigans Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 this is going to sound silly, but I'm a little pissed that I finally met a really great guy, after two years of dating around this town, with just a few scant months before I move away, probably to the other side of the country. I know I should just enjoy the time we have together, but it does feel like some sort of cosmic tease. I'm hoping-hoping-hoping I get into the one NYC school to which i applied. Their whole application felt oddly ... right ... somehow. It was the only app that had no hiccups, hurdles, or issues whatsoever. Everything just fell beautifully into place, like "oh yes of course this one is easy." It feels like everything is going according to some plan, but is that just my mind searching for some narrative thread to make sense of the mad chaos that is this application process? I'm a sucker for fairy tale endings. I relate to this post on a spiritual level. I also have that "so right" school. My biggest help in the application process, one of my professors, graduated PhD from this program, it has an amazing offer for grad students, is close to family, combines all of my interests, etc. Of course, I haven't heard a thing from them yet and I keep making up scenarios as to why. But the application process was so easy and I had no questions or confusions about it whatsoever. Part of me also wants to go here because my significant other ALSO wants to go to graduate school in the same state, even though it's a few hours apart, it's still something. We met in our final undergrad semesters and had an amazing whirlwind romance and we are overall very happy, but have been separated due to jobs and living circumstances. It's like the universe was dangling some really good opportunities on a hook here. I hope that you, grad_wannabe, get your fairytale ending that you are hoping for!
grad_wannabe Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 I relate to this post on a spiritual level. I also have that "so right" school. My biggest help in the application process, one of my professors, graduated PhD from this program, it has an amazing offer for grad students, is close to family, combines all of my interests, etc. Of course, I haven't heard a thing from them yet and I keep making up scenarios as to why. But the application process was so easy and I had no questions or confusions about it whatsoever. Part of me also wants to go here because my significant other ALSO wants to go to graduate school in the same state, even though it's a few hours apart, it's still something. We met in our final undergrad semesters and had an amazing whirlwind romance and we are overall very happy, but have been separated due to jobs and living circumstances. It's like the universe was dangling some really good opportunities on a hook here. I hope that you, grad_wannabe, get your fairytale ending that you are hoping for! Sometimes fairy tales do come true ... I got the phone call this morning. I got in. I have my fingers crossed for you! May the gods look with smiles upon us both. scarvesandcardigans and MidwesternAloha 2
MidwesternAloha Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 Can I vent? My husband is tired of listening to my story, lol. I applied to three schools. A reach (my #1) and two I reasonably thought I could get into. I got slapped with a big fat rejection from the #1 and I was sad but I moved on. I just spent a WEEK straight at interviews at both other institutions, having fun, getting excited, making lists of things I liked or disliked about each program. Tomorrow, one of those schools is making their decisions and I should hear from both by the end of the week. Awesome, right? Well, late on a Sunday night (yesterday) I receive an email from Old #1 saying some Professor/dept chair held onto my application and although she's in a different track from the one I applied, she wants to talk to me. *insert confused, befuddled, angsty meme here* Im a mess of emotions at the moment. Stress, mainly. Uncertainty (I'm a control freak, so this is hard for me). And what really gets me about this random email, I was able to get a phone appt/interview/idk what it is scheduled for tomorrow. I should mention this school hasn't had the big interview weekend, yet, either. So confused. Vent over. I feel better. Thanks for reading.
mockturtle Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 I hate when I hold a door for someone, and they walk straight through it without taking it... and then their friend does the same thing... and so do the people behind them. And meanwhile I'm just standing there like some kind of irritable, underdressed bellhop.
Mr. Impatiently Waiting Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 I hate when I hold a door for someone, and they walk straight through it without taking it... and then their friend does the same thing... and so do the people behind them. And meanwhile I'm just standing there like some kind of irritable, underdressed bellhop. I seem to find myself in that situation a lot too. Hopefully they are nice enough to at least thank you for holding it for them. I hate it when people make a conscious effort to completely avoiding holding a door for someone else by just sliding in behind the person in front of them. I mean seriously what kind of person can't even be bothered to just give the door a little extra push so that it stays open long enough to allow the other person to grab the door. I always want to rush ahead of them and drop the next door on them.
Page228 Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 A university sent me an email reminding me about their open house... A week after rejecting me. Now they're like the ex who won't go away. I want a clean break. mseph 1
geographyrocks Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Can I vent? My husband is tired of listening to my story, lol. I applied to three schools. A reach (my #1) and two I reasonably thought I could get into. I got slapped with a big fat rejection from the #1 and I was sad but I moved on. I just spent a WEEK straight at interviews at both other institutions, having fun, getting excited, making lists of things I liked or disliked about each program. Tomorrow, one of those schools is making their decisions and I should hear from both by the end of the week. Awesome, right? Well, late on a Sunday night (yesterday) I receive an email from Old #1 saying some Professor/dept chair held onto my application and although she's in a different track from the one I applied, she wants to talk to me. *insert confused, befuddled, angsty meme here* Im a mess of emotions at the moment. Stress, mainly. Uncertainty (I'm a control freak, so this is hard for me). And what really gets me about this random email, I was able to get a phone appt/interview/idk what it is scheduled for tomorrow. I should mention this school hasn't had the big interview weekend, yet, either. So confused. Vent over. I feel better. Thanks for reading. Boo on the first school for sending an all out rejection when someone was still interested in your app. But at the same time, maybe this professor will be a better fit!
shadowclaw Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 I'm so sick of babies. They're ugly, disgusting little creatures and while I want children, the idea of carrying a child, giving birth, and then being responsible for a helpless being freaks me out. I'm at the age where a lot of people I know have started families, and quite frankly it annoys me that I can't see any of these people without their children in tow. Further more, some old friends live far away and only visit the area two or three times each year. I don't understand why the husbands get to go to the bar with old buddies, go golfing with their dads, and otherwise do any child-free activity they want while the wives never get a break from the kids. Blah. Maybe when I finally do have kids, my brain will rewire itself and I'll develop all of these maternal instincts and think babies are beautiful. Until then, I will politely tell you all that your baby is cute, but really I will be thinking that it looks like an alien. Chiqui74, Kleene, attackonthedoctor and 5 others 6 2
when Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Chewing of food. Loud chewing of food. In fact, any kind of audible chewing in an otherwise silent environment. I strongly suspect that given the right circumstances, it could turn me homicidal. .letmeinplz// and attackonthedoctor 2
Cheshire_Cat Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Have I mentoned before on this thread how much I hate the project I'm on? I want to find a new job for six months. Anyone have a contract position for an auditor? Except not for an auditor because I suck at ticking and tying. But I'd even take doing taxes over this crap. And a lot of the review notes are his fault, I feel like. I asked my reviewer a million questions when he was here and did what he said. Then I wanted him to look at it and tell me if I did it right, but he didn't until an official review, which means I have to redo a lot of work. I hate this stupid project. It can go to hell. The only thing that keeps me here is that I like my senior manager and I need to feed my horse for the next six months.
.letmeinplz// Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Chewing of food. Loud chewing of food. In fact, any kind of audible chewing in an otherwise silent environment. I strongly suspect that given the right circumstances, it could turn me homicidal. Sometimes my girlfriend will start eating almonds when we watch a show. Like during Band of Brothers... ***There is dead silence as our American heroes wait in their foxholes... ready to take cover from German artillery fire, snipers, what have you... the tension builds and you know something is about to happen when *CRUNCH CRUNCH*..........(ellipses). It is ok though, whenever she is watching something alone I just toss the squeakiest toy our dog has into the room...
scarvesandcardigans Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Sometimes fairy tales do come true ... I got the phone call this morning. I got in. I have my fingers crossed for you! May the gods look with smiles upon us both. Congratulations!! I am so excited for you! Thank you.
Walking_dead_79 Posted February 25, 2015 Posted February 25, 2015 The worst thing about grad school is that everyone walks around like zombies too stressed out to muster a bit of civility. They're super nice to you when they want something, like data for their dissertation, but otherwise they barely acknowledge your existence. Yesterday the Korean girl with constant stink eye whose office is next to mine came to my office to ask to borrow my Macbook charger. I happily obliged, but she became irate when she discovered that my new charger was not backward compatible with her old Macbook. I guess Apple's hardware decisions are somehow my fault. No good deed goes unpunished. I guess we'll just go back to ignoring each other. I've been working three quarter time this semester and last, and the government mandated paperwork for my quarter time assistantship is almost as much work as my actual teaching. Oh well, at least I get to flirt with hot Chinese girls. VulpesZerda, ss2player, Taeyers and 2 others 1 4
Mattie Roh Posted February 25, 2015 Posted February 25, 2015 I'm so sick of babies. They're ugly, disgusting little creatures and while I want children, the idea of carrying a child, giving birth, and then being responsible for a helpless being freaks me out. I'm at the age where a lot of people I know have started families, and quite frankly it annoys me that I can't see any of these people without their children in tow. Further more, some old friends live far away and only visit the area two or three times each year. I don't understand why the husbands get to go to the bar with old buddies, go golfing with their dads, and otherwise do any child-free activity they want while the wives never get a break from the kids. Blah. Maybe when I finally do have kids, my brain will rewire itself and I'll develop all of these maternal instincts and think babies are beautiful. Until then, I will politely tell you all that your baby is cute, but really I will be thinking that it looks like an alien. hahaha! Yes! I really hate it when people feel the need to push their kid in your face -- cutting you off mid-sentence to comment on something the baby is doing, trying to get you to hold their kid (seriously, why do people do this!?), making a point to mention the kid even when he/she has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Ugh. Give me a break. I know your child is wonderful, but make an effort to contain your enthusiasm for your perfect little snowflake once in a while.
shadowclaw Posted February 25, 2015 Posted February 25, 2015 hahaha! Yes! I really hate it when people feel the need to push their kid in your face -- cutting you off mid-sentence to comment on something the baby is doing, trying to get you to hold their kid (seriously, why do people do this!?), making a point to mention the kid even when he/she has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Ugh. Give me a break. I know your child is wonderful, but make an effort to contain your enthusiasm for your perfect little snowflake once in a while. Luckily most of my friends can handle not talking about their kids for a little while. What really drives me up the wall though is Facebook. I don't look at it that much anymore, but when I do there are babies everywhere. One of my cousins is constantly putting videos up of her kids doing basically nothing. My one friend's husband enjoys photography, and he wants to start a business at some point. So he's been doing lots of free or cheap photos for people to build up a portfolio (engagement photos, cutesy baby photos with props, stuff like that). He's actually quite good, but he takes so many pictures of their kid and plasters them all over Facebook. Seriously, every week he does a photo shoot.
FinallyAccepted Posted February 25, 2015 Posted February 25, 2015 It's been 2 years and 20 applications. Two waitlists are all that stand between me and being shut out completely. If I hear one more person tell me "Don't worry, you'll make it off the wait list." I think I'm just going to kick them in the shin... or the balls. I'm trying to get a research assistant or lab manager position, but if that doesn't work out, there's basically no reason for me to reapply for year #3. I really loved one of the programs. After I visited, I felt it was a perfect fit. My POI even had a similar background to me, and then I got waitlisted. I'm just so depressed and frustrated.
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