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Fall 2015 Applicants

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To the person who posted that their MA result was a win for those of us on the "quantitative struggle bus": you are the greatest. 


I nearly died laughing when I saw that.  As someone who struggles with math and studied for months just to get in the 40th percentile on quant, this was perfect.  There is hope for us non-math people!

Edited by museum_geek
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"one formal rejection from Princeton (with encouragement from my POI to reapply next year....huh?!?!)"

I'd take this as a good sign...I mean, it's obviously a bummer because you didn't get in this year, but if you're able to wait and reapply, it sounds like you have a very good chance of getting in next year.

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Echoing what ArchaeoGeek said, I would see this is a good thing (obviously not as good as getting in this cycle, but still encouraging).  It's possible your POI is really excited about your project and wants to work with you, but doesn't have the time and resources to take on a bunch of students.  In that case, he or she might be encouraging you to apply next cycle as they might be able to take more students at that point.

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Hey Suavesana, could I ask you how did you get to know about your rejection from Duke? Like was it a mail or the web page or something else? I'm sorry for asking, I know it must be painful  :unsure:  I just wish to know already and start torturing myself.  :P


I got an email to check the self-service site, and that's when I found the news. WOMP. But, it might have just been for those of us who applied for evo-anth?

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Thanks for the the insight ArcheoGeek and museum_geek. My immediate response was, "why not just let me in right now?" What is there that is going to change? That is a good point about POI availability. Now, here's to just getting in somewhere else this year instead of worrying about next!

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I checked my Michigan online account, it says 'A decision has been made. Your program will inform you of the decision' but I haven't received anything yet. 

AHHH!!! I just want to know!! 

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OMG..... First acceptance from my first choice!


Ah.... my.... I feel like I'm about to cry. Or fly. Or go crazy!

Just so grateful and thrilled. It's unbelievable!



Wish the best for all of you as well! Although I've been recently participated in this struggle bus, I've followed your postings for so long and always wished good results for you all. Fingers crossed from the bottom of my heart!


YAY congrats!!!

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I'm assuming NYU and Stanford are a no for me, but is anyone else waiting to hear from CUNY? According to the results page last year they had started informing people by now... 


As far as I know, CUNY hasn't moved yet officially. Last year I got my rejection from them on 2/10. I was sweating yesterday, that's for sure.


OMG..... First acceptance from my first choice!


Ah.... my.... I feel like I'm about to cry. Or fly. Or go crazy!

Just so grateful and thrilled. It's unbelievable!



Wish the best for all of you as well! Although I've been recently participated in this struggle bus, I've followed your postings for so long and always wished good results for you all. Fingers crossed from the bottom of my heart!


Congrats!! Yes!

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I'm assuming NYU and Stanford are a no for me, but is anyone else waiting to hear from CUNY? According to the results page last year they had started informing people by now... 


Still waiting to hear anything from CUNY here. Nothing but crickets yet. 


OMG..... First acceptance from my first choice!


Ah.... my.... I feel like I'm about to cry. Or fly. Or go crazy!

Just so grateful and thrilled. It's unbelievable!



Wish the best for all of you as well! Although I've been recently participated in this struggle bus, I've followed your postings for so long and always wished good results for you all. Fingers crossed from the bottom of my heart!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know that feeling - just got accepted to my first choice today too. It's like being on a totally surreal cloud nine. So happy for you!!! I hope everyone on here feels the euphoria soon, soon, soon...

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OMG..... First acceptance from my first choice!


Ah.... my.... I feel like I'm about to cry. Or fly. Or go crazy!

Just so grateful and thrilled. It's unbelievable!



Wish the best for all of you as well! Although I've been recently participated in this struggle bus, I've followed your postings for so long and always wished good results for you all. Fingers crossed from the bottom of my heart!

I got into Michigan too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    :D

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OMG..... First acceptance from my first choice!


Ah.... my.... I feel like I'm about to cry. Or fly. Or go crazy!

Just so grateful and thrilled. It's unbelievable!



Wish the best for all of you as well! Although I've been recently participated in this struggle bus, I've followed your postings for so long and always wished good results for you all. Fingers crossed from the bottom of my heart!


HOORAY!!!   :D 

How exciting for you!  Now you get to go Google all about the town you'll be living in, find the best coffee shop and the cool indie bookstores and all the fun stuff...

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Thanks for the the insight ArcheoGeek and museum_geek. My immediate response was, "why not just let me in right now?" What is there that is going to change? That is a good point about POI availability. Now, here's to just getting in somewhere else this year instead of worrying about next!


I don't want to beat a dead horse here, since the response generally seems positive even though it was initially negative, but I had a very helpful conversation the other day with a professor who is a LOR writer for me...She basically said that there could be any number of reasons for a rejection that have absolutely nothing to do with you as an applicant...Maybe the professor is just not taking students this year...Maybe they just got funding for a sabbatical...Maybe there are too many students in the subdiscipline in the department but a couple will be graduating by next year...(I am thinking of things that might fit your specific situation where they basically told you to reapply and you'd get in)  

This actually sounds like a horrible breakup speech though, doesn't it?  "It's not you, it's me"   ;) 

But seriously, unless you get a much better offer, think about the fact that an awesome professor basically said "Hey, I really like you!"

Edited by ArchaeoGeek
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Woo congrats SSCCATAGAPP!! It looks like you're off to a very good admissions season! Just curious, since Cornell is one of my top picks, do you know if they have already sent out all acceptances/wait lists already?

Congrats again!


Hey! Sorry for the late response, but I am certain they have already sent out acceptances and waitlists because the result boards have shown a handful of acceptances and waitlists from them. Good luck though! I just got an email from Michigan's Rackham stating that I've been accepted (no email from the department yet), but if funding comes through, I am more likely to choose Michigan over Cornell. If you're on the waitlist, best of wishes!

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OMG..... First acceptance from my first choice!


Ah.... my.... I feel like I'm about to cry. Or fly. Or go crazy!

Just so grateful and thrilled. It's unbelievable!



Wish the best for all of you as well! Although I've been recently participated in this struggle bus, I've followed your postings for so long and always wished good results for you all. Fingers crossed from the bottom of my heart!

So happy for you!!!!! You rock!!!

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A note on funding. An important thing to think about once you've been accepted to places is: how am I most likely to succeed in a PhD program. For me, funding was a big part of what I felt I was going to need to do well. I didn't want to have to worry about summer funding etc slowing down my time to completion. Or, having to do other work part time to make ends meet.


Once you're in, you're in a privileged position to get to choose what is going to work best for you. Keep in mind cost of living vs stipend. Also keep in mind that private universities are going to be have better funding packages. It's unfortunately just the way it is. Some schools ae even able to negotiate your funding packages if you are being offered more somewhere else. Sadly, Michigan was not one of those places last year. Michigan has good funding. The Ivys have great funding. Just my thoughts on why I didn't end up at Michigan. It was ultimately a numbers game for me.

Hey! Sorry for the late response, but I am certain they have already sent out acceptances and waitlists because the result boards have shown a handful of acceptances and waitlists from them. Good luck though! I just got an email from Michigan's Rackham stating that I've been accepted (no email from the department yet), but if funding comes through, I am more likely to choose Michigan over Cornell. If you're on the waitlist, best of wishes

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Congratulations to everyone who can celebrate their acceptances. That's great!

I have a little question on waitlisting. I found out today that I was waitlisted by one of my top choice schools and I was just wondering whether anyone has any experience with this. Do waitlisted students generally have a decent shot at getting in? Or is it more of a 'hey we want you to know we liked you but unfortunately not enough move" that usually doesn't lead anywhere. On the one hand I am glad not to have been rejected directly but on the other hand I also don't want to hold out too much hope only to be sad later.

So does anyone have any experience with this?  

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