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2015 Acceptance Thread


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Has anyone been accepted by UC Davis?


I got an email from Prof. Aldo Antonelli saying that I've been offered admission, with details to follow. That was two weeks ago. No detail has followed (no official offer or detail on funding). I sent two follow up emails inquiring on visiting schedules (which was "tentatively" scheduled for next week). No reply yet. I've seriously started to entertain the possibility of a spam or a joke...


Anyone else been accepted by Davis? Or know what's going on?

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Has anyone been accepted by UC Davis?

I got an email from Prof. Aldo Antonelli saying that I've been offered admission, with details to follow. That was two weeks ago. No detail has followed (no official offer or detail on funding). I sent two follow up emails inquiring on visiting schedules (which was "tentatively" scheduled for next week). No reply yet. I've seriously started to entertain the possibility of a spam or a joke...

Anyone else been accepted by Davis? Or know what's going on?

I wouldn't worry too much. I think a lot of the wait has to do with bureaucratic back and forths between the philosophy department and the university. If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happened to me for one of my acceptances. Edited by Infinite Zest
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Has anyone been accepted by UC Davis?


I got an email from Prof. Aldo Antonelli saying that I've been offered admission, with details to follow. That was two weeks ago. No detail has followed (no official offer or detail on funding). I sent two follow up emails inquiring on visiting schedules (which was "tentatively" scheduled for next week). No reply yet. I've seriously started to entertain the possibility of a spam or a joke...


Anyone else been accepted by Davis? Or know what's going on?

I am in the same boat. I was accepted and have not yet received an official letter, information about funding or about visiting. However, I have not sent an email beyond the "Thank you for the wonderful news!"  

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I am in the same boat. I was accepted and have not yet received an official letter, information about funding or about visiting. However, I have not sent an email beyond the "Thank you for the wonderful news!"  

I applied there and haven't even heard anything back. I think they are just slow with replies. 


Also, as far as I know, Davis doesn't have a system for letting applicants know their application status. There's that website that tells you what they've received, but nothing to tell you what stage in the process your application is in, I don't think.

Edited by Temporal Parts
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Did Aldo Antonelli's email address match the email address from his UC Davis page? Do they have an online application page that lets you know their decision? Have you tried emailing Brian Leiter?

The address matches. From the replies below, I'm not worried as much now. I did also email Heidi Williams, who was supposed to be "in touch for logistics". :P I'll talk to my supervisor tomorrow, who knows quite a few of the faculties, and hopefully he could help me figure out what's going on.

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Thanks for all the replies! I won't quote all of them as to not flood the thread.


Now that I know others are on the same boat, I'm not worried as much :P   I've already planned my visit to another place on Davis's tentatively scheduled dates, only because I can't afford to wait any longer. If they reschedule the dates, I might see some of you there ;) Congratulations by the way!

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So I feel I should contact Oregon and Toronto about the status of my application, but I'm worried for whatever reason that it would reflect badly on me. There were some acceptances/rejections posted a while ago but I've heard nothing. I'm especially curious about Oregon since I applied to the MA if rejected to the PhD and I'd like to know if they rejected me for PhD and are considering me for MA. 

Should I solicit information of just keep being patient?

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Just gonna post a blanket warning here, as there are too many people to PM:


Consistently trailing someone and referring to them as a troll, while downvoting comments that are not in themselves offensive, bad information, or incorrect.... Is in itself borderline trolling/harassment. 

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There may need to be a conceptual analysis of what it is to be a troll. Often times being overtly non-offensive, presenting good, correct information but done so in a pedantic manner is extremely successful trolling behavior. 

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Posting something you don't like =/= a troll. Posting in a fashion you don't like =/= a troll. 


On a forum with a number of people with a number of different, non-US cultural backgrounds, including a number of whom do not speak english as a primary language, asking questions that might seem obvious is not being a troll.


Constantly following someone around calling them a troll? I'd say that's pretty much being a troll. But that's just my personal definition. 


I'd hope that among the educated, mature prospective graduate students on the forum, they'd be able to either politely respond or individually ignore someone who's posting style or frequency they don't like, rather than further sidetracking the thread with non-productive incriminations of said individual. 


For those people who truly bother you for some reason, there's even a forum-wide ignore option you can use. 


I would hope that most of us have a more productive use of our time than tracking someone through their posting history to down-vote them. 

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I have just (4:30 EST) received an offer of admission and funding from JHU. No news on the visit yet.

Hi twasbrilling, would you mind answering some questions?


1) Do you have a master's?

1a) If not, What undergraduate university did you attend?

2) Area of Interest


No worries if you don't want to answer, I'm just curious.

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So I just saw that someone posted an acceptance from CUNY today. I guess that means that all acceptances are going out right now, or at least, to the top applicants. The only hope now is probably a waitlist.


That was me, to confirm. Email was sent at 1:32 PM EST, so I'm not sure what to make of the fact that other notifications aren't posted as of yet. Given that I didn't receive it until much later, I would have thought others would have beaten me to it.

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