raaawr Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @gingin6789parks and rec! i love that show! ben wyatt is amazing!!! lol. I actually didn't take the GRE test because it wasn't required in my program. I think they're largely basing the acceptance on my program on the portfolio, GPA, and statement of intent. I really hope they like my portfolio. On another note, I live near the equator so our weather is summer all year long. Thank goodness for air conditioners. lol
hippyscientist Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 agh i was meant to get a paper returned online today at 5.30 (so 15 minutes ago), and it's up there, but with no grade?! and says the grading and feedback is unavailable for this paper....I WANT TO KNOW!
gingin6789 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 5:40 PM, raaawr said: @gingin6789parks and rec! i love that show! ben wyatt is amazing!!! lol. I actually didn't take the GRE test because it wasn't required in my program. I think they're largely basing the acceptance on my program on the portfolio, GPA, and statement of intent. I really hope they like my portfolio. On another note, I live near the equator so our weather is summer all year long. Thank goodness for air conditioners. lol Expand Ben Wyatt really is amazing haha! His love of calzones fascinates me. Wow you have summer all year round? That's pretty cool! Except not literally cool.
anthrostudentcyn Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @gingin6789 That sounds like such a great day! I've always been a fan of a small wedding, so it's exciting to know that it's doable! gingin6789 1
gingin6789 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 6:02 PM, anthrostudentcyn said: @gingin6789 That sounds like such a great day! I've always been a fan of a small wedding, so it's exciting to know that it's doable! Expand Thank you! It was fun! And it is very doable. We only set up the whole thing a week beforehand. Got the license, a pastor we both know was able to officiate on short notice, secured the venue at the college where my husband works... And luckily nearly everyone could make it! I highly recommend the small wedding, if it's something you're interested in! It was a lot for fun.
raaawr Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 (edited) @gingin6789if i ever get married, I want my groom to be Ben Wyatt. lol! is that so crazy? haha! I would settle for Adam Scott but he's already married. lol! I actually named my 2 of my dogs after April and Andy. I named them Ludgate and Dwyer. haha! Actually, we have 2 seasons, summer and rainy season. It's mostly summer though. lol! Edited January 18, 2016 by raaawr
sjoh197 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I would love to be married.... but we don't have the extra money right now. Need a new (used) car.... need to pay off debt.... really want a damn coffee table. I suspect we'll be together 5 years before we actually get married. Le sigh
haltheincandescent Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 (edited) On 1/18/2016 at 6:01 PM, gingin6789 said: Ben Wyatt really is amazing haha! His love of calzones fascinates me. Wow you have summer all year round? That's pretty cool! Except not literally cool. Expand God I love Ben (and everything about that show--especially being from a small town in Indiana! Hilariously accurate at times (and hilariously not at others--don't try to follow in April's footsteps and go for Vet school at IU; we haven't got one!). People were campaigning so hard for Amy Poehler to be the commencement speaker for my year's graduation, since the show was ending the same year, and Leslie herself gives a speech on IU's campus. (Alas, didn't happen, though some are still trying to make it happen this coming year.) Edited January 18, 2016 by haltheincandescent
gingin6789 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @raaawr not crazy at all! He is a really cool dude. My husband is somewhat like him! Your dogs sounds awesome! My sister and her boyfriend are just like April and Andy! My sister acts like April and her boyfriend looks like Andy! Pretty crazy, right? @sjoh197 if it makes you feel any better, I don't even know how to drive (I'm 26...had a lot going on when I was 16, never got around to driving), and I have tons of debt from undergrad student loans! Ugh! I do hope you can get your coffee table though. Have you tried Craigslist for a cheap yet useful one? Or elsewhere online? @haltheincandescent that must've been so cool to see a show based in Indiana! That's kinda how I felt being from PA and seeing The Office and Always Sunny. I loved pointing out how PA state law forbids the sale of alcohol in gas station convenience stores, despite an ep of Always Sunny depicting them buying a beer at a gas station. I hope Amy Poehler comes to IU's campus! That would be so cool! I actually thought about applying to Indiana!
sjoh197 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 6:46 PM, gingin6789 said: @sjoh197 if it makes you feel any better, I don't even know how to drive (I'm 26...had a lot going on when I was 16, never got around to driving), and I have tons of debt from undergrad student loans! Ugh! I do hope you can get your coffee table though. Have you tried Craigslist for a cheap yet useful one? Or elsewhere online? Expand There's a nice consignment furniture shop I've been looking at... but we're going to move to a new apt. complex in July, and it's extra weight to move. If I see a good one... I'll grab it anyways. For christmas, my partner got a me a nice solid wood jewelry box, since my jewelry has just been lying around in random places. When I opened it (at his parents house with all of his family present) I thought his parents (who are almost 70 and have no son/daughter in laws or grandkids yet) were going to have a heart attack. Apparently they thought there was going to be a big fat engagement ring inside. Much to their disappointment.... there was not.
raaawr Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @haltheincandescentWow! It sounds so exciting if Amy Poehler decides to speak at IU! and I totally forgot about April wanting to become a vet. I wish they continued her story down that path, she would've made a believable and good vet. lol. @gingin6789I named them after April and Andy cause they're the most mischievous ones out of the whole litter. haha! Ben's love for calzones really is one of the best parts. lol! The scene where they were food tasting and Ben got food poisoning from the calzones and he was like, "the calzones betrayed me!?" and the part where he wanted to open a restaurant called "low cal calzone zone" is just too funny. He's such a fun character. haha. I also like the office and it's always sunny but definitely like parks and rec the most. lol! i realized though that not a lot of people get the humor of parks and rec. I've been trying to convince a few people to watch it but they're not into it. I get the first season was slow though, it definitely found its footing at the end of season 2 when they introduced Ben and Chris.
tmh2890 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 This waiting so painful. I JUST WANT TO KNOW. I am on a roller coaster of emotions right now; confident I'll get in all the way to feeling idiotic for even thinking I'll be considered. Wine does seem to help though..
raaawr Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @sjoh197awwww! they must be so excited to be grandparents. @tmh2890I feel the same. There are days when I feel like I might just be able to make it but then the next moment I'll feel like I'm so dumb there's no way they're accepting me. It's going to be an intense few months for our emotions. lol tmh2890 1
sjoh197 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @raaawr Lol... After us being together for 3.5 years, I guess they just can't hold it in much longer. Too bad for them my partner and I have agreed that we both do not wish to have children together. My daughter passed away a few years ago, and I am no longer in the running for providing them with grandkids. But ohhhh how they always mention that all of their friends have grandkids.... and they're going to die grandchildless. Dramatic flair is always added in at opportune moments. Lol.
gingin6789 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 6:58 PM, sjoh197 said: There's a nice consignment furniture shop I've been looking at... but we're going to move to a new apt. complex in July, and it's extra weight to move. If I see a good one... I'll grab it anyways. For christmas, my partner got a me a nice solid wood jewelry box, since my jewelry has just been lying around in random places. When I opened it (at his parents house with all of his family present) I thought his parents (who are almost 70 and have no son/daughter in laws or grandkids yet) were going to have a heart attack. Apparently they thought there was going to be a big fat engagement ring inside. Much to their disappointment.... there was not. Expand Good idea to hold of on one! Right now, my husband has three little fabric storage ottomans lined up in a row, and that's our "coffee table." The fabric storage ottomans are collapsible, too, and lightweight! Could be a good budget-friendly option for you. OH NO!! That sucks that they were so disappointed! But I bet the jewelry box has come in handy for you at least!
raaawr Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @sjoh197oh no, so sorry to be hear about your daughter I think it's amazing though that you mutually decided not to have kids. I don't mind getting married but the kids thing is a no-no for me as well. I just don't see myself having one but I would love to have little nieces and nephews. lol. Right now I just need to find a guy who isn't into having kids too. I haven't met one yet and I'm starting to feel like they're a rare species. lol! Whenever I say something about how I don't see kids in my future whether to my friends or a potential boyfriend, they usually try to talk me out of it. haha!
sjoh197 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @raaawr We don't talk about our decision to others that we are close too. We figure that they will figure it out eventually. My partner was on the edge at first. He didn't know how he felt.... he didn't necessarily want any, but there is the societal pressure of "being normal". After introducing him to experiences with young children (He had literally never done anything with children in his adult life) , he has decided he doesn't like kids at all. His friends now are older "childless by choice" people, and since he is fast approaching 30 he's realized that having kids to please others is a really bad idea. Also... I told him he was welcome to give up his engineering career path to be a stay at home dad. Lol.
anthrostudentcyn Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Wow!Marriage/kids sounds so far off (I'm in my last year of undergrad!). Right now I'm more in the mindset of figuring out the rest of my life, and spending time with friends in the last semester. All this stuff is exciting to think about, though!
rosali Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 5:36 AM, raaawr said: I only applied to 1 school (*GASP!*) cause that's the only school that has a program that really fits into what I'm looking for so it's still awhile before I hear anything from them. Based on the results search page they start sending out interview requests around February so I still have awhile to wait. I'm kind of hoping though that I wouldn't need an interview and just go directly to "congratulations! you've been accepted" lol!!! I get nervous a lot when it comes to interviews. I will probably mess up a lot and probably won't get in cause of that. lol! Expand I only applied to 4, but on the thread someone made specifically for applicants to comparative literature, it seems like everyone applied to 7+ programs, which is freaking me outtttt! Also, this is some advice that one of my undergrad profs gave me that literally changed my life (at least in terms of interviews): assume that the interviewers want you to do well--you wouldn't be there if there wasn't something they liked about your application in the first place. You're there because they WANT you to be there! They WANT you to fit in their program! Just (clichéd as it might sound) be yourself, and let your all your dorky passion and enthusiasm for your field of study out! (I actually kind of wish I had an interview for mine, because I don't feel like my enthusiasm for my areas of study really came across as strongly as it should have in my SoP). Good luck!!
raaawr Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 @sjoh197lol! when I meet a guy who insists on having children, I will give him the "you are welcome to be a stay-at-home dad and give up your career" line. hahaha! that's also kind of one of the reasons why i don't see kids in my future as well. My career (or lack thereof at the moment lol) is too important to me. haha! how old are you guys? I'm 27 now but I still feel too young to get married. lol!
sjoh197 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 My partner is 28, his birthday is in a month. I'm much younger than he is, but most people either never realize, or quickly forget due to my life experiences. I wouldn't even think about marriage if it weren't for the fact that I have found the one my soul loves. I was lucky that my partner came back for a second degree, or I would have never met him at all. Most of our friends are in their forties. I never have the heart to tell them that they're the same age as my mom. lol
vestigialtraits Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 7:59 PM, rosali said: I only applied to 4, but on the thread someone made specifically for applicants to comparative literature, it seems like everyone applied to 7+ programs, which is freaking me outtttt! Expand That's how I feel in the Student Affairs thread! I feel like I'm the only one that applied to less than 4 schools. Hopefully it works out! If not, I've been provided a great list of schools to look into for next year
raaawr Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 7:59 PM, rosali said: I only applied to 4, but on the thread someone made specifically for applicants to comparative literature, it seems like everyone applied to 7+ programs, which is freaking me outtttt! Also, this is some advice that one of my undergrad profs gave me that literally changed my life (at least in terms of interviews): assume that the interviewers want you to do well--you wouldn't be there if there wasn't something they liked about your application in the first place. You're there because they WANT you to be there! They WANT you to fit in their program! Just (clichéd as it might sound) be yourself, and let your all your dorky passion and enthusiasm for your field of study out! (I actually kind of wish I had an interview for mine, because I don't feel like my enthusiasm for my areas of study really came across as strongly as it should have in my SoP). Good luck!! Expand wow! thank you for this! I will definitely keep it in mind During interviews I sometimes get too nervous trying to come up with the right words to properly express my thoughts that no words come out and I just end up sitting there looking all dumb while my mind is running a marathon lol! Sometimes I get lost in my nervousness I dont hear the question correctly and answer all wrong, and other times I just dont know what to do with my hands I get animated with them. lol! the worst one was during my very first internship interview when I was still an undergrad (that I unsurprisingly didn't get), I was literally fidgeting and slightly swinging (unconsciously) on the office chair lol! i was so nervous I only realized I was swinging the chair towards the end of the interview. so embarrassing. haha!
123hardasABC Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 7:59 PM, rosali said: I only applied to 4, but on the thread someone made specifically for applicants to comparative literature, it seems like everyone applied to 7+ programs, which is freaking me outtttt! Expand I also only applied to 4. Most people in the biology thread applied to at least 7 or 8...so that's really terrifying. But I'm at that point in my life where, while I'm still not done with my education, I'm settling down. I'm getting old; I can't be chasing diplomas from coast to coast like I used to.
sjoh197 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 On 1/18/2016 at 8:13 PM, raaawr said: wow! thank you for this! I will definitely keep it in mind During interviews I sometimes get too nervous trying to come up with the right words to properly express my thoughts that no words come out and I just end up sitting there looking all dumb while my mind is running a marathon lol! Sometimes I get lost in my nervousness I dont hear the question correctly and answer all wrong, and other times I just dont know what to do with my hands I get animated with them. lol! the worst one was during my very first internship interview when I was still an undergrad (that I unsurprisingly didn't get), I was literally fidgeting and slightly swinging (unconsciously) on the office chair lol! i was so nervous I only realized I was swinging the chair towards the end of the interview. so embarrassing. haha! Expand I only applied to 1 school. I met my POI back in august for a very informal meeting ( I wouldn't even call it an interview) But I toured his lab and we talked about his research and while talking he would ask me some pretty simple questions for my field.... and I would literally forget everything I've ever learned about any rock ever in the history of all rocks everywhere. It was extremely nerve racking, but I at least knew the answer for a few... and I'm pretty sure I remember apologizing for being nervous.
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