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What's unique about you?


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This thread is so interesting!

I don't think I'm all that unique, but I'll name a few things for fun

1) I had to skip over that sp _ _ _ r picture up there really quickly

2) I practice martial arts

3) I can be really quite antisocial without meaning to =(

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1) I had to skip over that sp _ _ _ r picture up there really quickly


I wonder, why so many people, including me, are afraid of spiders?? I mean, they are so tiny, they have much more reasons to be afraid of us then we - of them!!

There must be some phsycological explanation!!! :huh:

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These things may not be unique to me, but...

I'm a songwriter that taught myself to play six musical instruments.

I also taught myself audio engineering and record albums at home.

I used to coach Little League when I was in my late-teens/early 20s.

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I wonder, why so many people, including me, are afraid of spiders?? I mean, they are so tiny, they have much more reasons to be afraid of us then we - of them!!

There must be some phsycological explanation!!! :huh:

I'm not afraid of the tiny ones, I'm afraid of the GIANT ones like the one above!! Do you see what I mean, how they just APPEAR without warning???? Now I can't check this thread anymore, so if you write a response I won't see it, I'm afraid....mellow.gif

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What's unique about me? Not much, but here are a few thoughts:

I am irritatingly logical, yet very creative. I still can't figure that out.

I'm sick and tired of having people tell me I have bad people skills. I worked on it long enough with little to no improvement.

I hate it when people tell me to smile. I want to tell them to think.

I don't know my right from my left, so I often get lost.

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I'm sick and tired of having people tell me I have bad people skills. I worked on it long enough with little to no improvement.

I hate it when people tell me to smile. I want to tell them to think.

I know what you mean. I can be painfully (even, paralytically) shy in social situations involving people I don't know... unfortunately, it means that I am sometimes misperceived as being aloof.

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I am irritatingly logical, yet very creative. I still can't figure that out.

I'm like that as well. I think the key is that 'imaginative' doesn't mean 'chaotic'; it's perfectly possible to enjoy creative things while structuing your life in general around order and rationality. (Those who are into MBTI personality-typing note that this is a rare combination, but it exists, particularly in INTJs.)

I am extremely introverted, but when extroverts equate this with "shy," I feel as misunderstood as a 14-year-old emo poet.

Yep. Different things. Double-dissociation, too, as far as I can tell. I'm introverted but not shy (I don't mind interacting with people, and I actually kind of like giving talks about my research; but at the end of the day I'm thrilled to get back to my own little apartment), and my sister is the reverse (she says she wants to hide when in the presence of strangers; but she loves hanging out with her friends as much as possible, and sometimes gets lonely when she's in a room by herself).

I'm not afraid of spiders, but my husband is. He called me at work one day to report one in the bedroom. I had to talk him through smashing it like ground control leading a passenger through landing the plane.

Heh! Annie Hall, anyone?

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I'm afraid of spiders as well. This is a fear I consider quite normal. However, I am also terrified of those pressurized cans cinnamon rolls, biscuits, crescent rolls, etc come in. I refuse to open them myself, and I have to leave the room when someone else opens them or I will scream and almost jump out of my skin once they "pop" open. I am not, though, afraid of balloons popping.

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Oh, I know, I remembered another phobia that I have that is more interesting that the fear of spiders!! :P

I am afraid of flying objects!!! :D I mean, I cannot participate in games like tennis or basketball or volleyball - anything with a ball, small or large - because I am terrified by the idea that this ball can hit me!!!! I guess I COULD play golf, though, but I have not tried :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

3) I can be really quite antisocial without meaning to =(

hey, me too. I can even come off as a bit of a jerk without actually doing anything. Most of the friends I've made as an adult have later told me something like "hey, the first time I met you I thought you were a little weird and a bit of a jerk,..." funny part is these people are now my closest friends.

I hope I didn't make the same kind of first impression with adcoms :(

Edited by OR_Dan
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I'll give it a shot:

  1. I used to play bassoon
  2. I played ice hockey in college
  3. I love video games and toys. Seriously. I got an Iron Man figurine for Christmas and squealed like an 8 year-old. And I'm a girl.
  4. I can tell you if any food item has either Splenda or gelatin in it-- I can taste both.
  5. I've been a vegetarian for almost 9 years
  6. I won a grant in high school to build an outdoor sculptural piece, which was displayed in front of city hall for a year
  7. I barrel race competitively
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Hahah what a great idea! Zouzax your story is AWESOME! I will give it a go, since we are talking of fears - I had a fear of milk when I was a kid. Ok maybe not *fear* but I really really really did not like it. Like my mom would use milk as a punishment for me. She would pour me a glass and told me I had to drink for whatever thing I did. I remember crying. But it's OK because now I really like milk :)

Um I am awesome at limbo and have won every contest I tried (3), I can mimic bird calls pretty well (not little chirpy passerines), I lived on a pacific island for a few months and was able to 'talk' with some of the local birds!

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I do not have synesthesia. I am a synchronized swimmer. I am good at whistling. I am an American who learned everything except English and American history in French through the 8th grade (yeah...not so good at math...). At 22, I am one of the youngest Rotarians in the world.

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What's unique about me? Not much, but here are a few thoughts:

I am irritatingly logical, yet very creative. I still can't figure that out.

I'm sick and tired of having people tell me I have bad people skills. I worked on it long enough with little to no improvement.

I hate it when people tell me to smile. I want to tell them to think.

I don't know my right from my left, so I often get lost.

I don't know my left and right either! But I'm pretty good at absolute directions (N,S,E,W), so I don't usually get lost.

I'm envious of everyone with synaesthesia! I wonder if there is a relationship between synaesthesia and having academic interests?

Also, I'm afraid of my balcony. There was a time (thankfully over now) that I couldn't sit in my own living room where I could see it!

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I do not have synesthesia. I am a synchronized swimmer. I am good at whistling. I am an American who learned everything except English and American history in French through the 8th grade (yeah...not so good at math...). At 22, I am one of the youngest Rotarians in the world.

What is a Rotarian?:huh:

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my profession is branding and consumer behavior

But I never liked brands personally only academically that is I don't care about the brand i buy and prefer vintage, unknown manufacturers etc.

Oh and I absolutely hate logo's!

Oh, I can sleep anywhere. among the places I've slept in you can find: rave party, movie, class room, on the floor at airport... I felt great after waking up.

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