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Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

What's giving you the sense about UCLA? I think Berkeley notifies this week normally so maybe we'll get a few UC's.

UCLA started notifying on the 5th last year, so it seems that even if they're a few days behind, it would still be sometime this week.

22 minutes ago, la_mod said:

I think UCLA will be behind this year. Didn't they extend their deadline by two weeks? So many application issues.... 

Yea but the application issues have been for all the grad programs and were not English department specific, and a lot of other UCLA departments have notified this past week. The extended deadline might make a difference, but I doubt that they ever start looking through apps before winter break anyway.

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18 minutes ago, punctilious said:

We're a bit nervous about Brown and the other Ivies on our list. We've heard that they almost always accept people from Ivy schools (or their equivalents) and we went to a top-100 public research university. So that's somewhat disheartening.

It may seem that way, but it's a bit hyperbolic.  Having earned my undergrad and first master's degrees from an Ivy, there were a good number of TAs in all disciplines from "less prestigious" institutions.  Indeed the majority were from Ivies, "Private Ivy-like" and "Public Ivies," but a significant minority were not.  A predominant Ivy or "Ivy-like" cohort may have happened in a particular department and in a particular year, but not every year.  This myth you speak of somehow perpetuated and is now almost universally in everyone's psyche. 

I'm in history, but I have seven dear friends who previously applied to Ivy PhD lit programs.  Four were Ivy grads, and three were grads from decent public universities.  Five gained admission and two were denied.  Of the five who were admitted, three Ivy and two non-Ivy.  The other two went into the publishing business.  Humanity fields are mostly about fit, since most applicants meet/exceed the heuristics that adcoms use in the admissions process.  It basically comes down to a numbers game, as it is usually the case of too many qualified applicants to fill a tiny cohort, so a lot of capable people are going to be shut out.  Of course, there are other factors--e.g. too many accepted American lit candidates last year, so need to reduce number this year to accommodate other lit specialties, and so on.  Don't be discouraged that your husband didn't go to an "Ivy" if he has met all the boxes that adcoms check off.  His chances are as good as any if the program is a good fit, which are slim because of the large applicant numbers.  You did the right thing by applying to as many appropriate programs as you could afford to increase the likelihood of acceptance.  Good luck to you and your husband!  

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35 minutes ago, mads47 said:

UCLA started notifying on the 5th last year, so it seems that even if they're a few days behind, it would still be sometime this week.

Yea but the application issues have been for all the grad programs and were not English department specific, and a lot of other UCLA departments have notified this past week. The extended deadline might make a difference, but I doubt that they ever start looking through apps before winter break anyway.

Hell yeah, I'll take it. Last year I heard on the 13th, so let's hope that they're early. 

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5 minutes ago, ltr317 said:

It may seem that way, but it's a bit hyperbolic.  Having earned my undergrad and first master's degrees from an Ivy, there were a good number of TAs in all disciplines from "less prestigious" institutions.  Indeed the majority were from Ivies, "Private Ivy-like" and "Public Ivies," but a significant minority were not.  A predominant Ivy or "Ivy-like" cohort may have happened in a particular department and in a particular year, but not every year.  This myth you speak of somehow perpetuated and is now almost universally in everyone's psyche. 

I'm in history, but I have seven dear friends who previously applied to Ivy PhD lit programs.  Four were Ivy grads, and three were grads from decent public universities.  Five gained admission and two were denied.  Of the five who were admitted, three Ivy and two non-Ivy.  The other two went into the publishing business.  Humanity fields are mostly about fit, since most applicants meet/exceed the heuristics that adcoms use in the admissions process.  It basically comes down to a numbers game, as it is usually the case of too many qualified applicants to fill a tiny cohort, so a lot of capable people are going to be shut out.  Of course, there are other factors--e.g. too many accepted American lit candidates last year, so need to reduce number this year to accommodate other lit specialties, and so on.  Don't be discouraged that your husband didn't go to an "Ivy" if he has met all the boxes that adcoms check off.  His chances are as good as any if the program is a good fit, which are slim because of the large applicant numbers.  You did the right thing by applying to as many appropriate programs as you could afford to increase the likelihood of acceptance.  Good luck to you and your husband!  

I really appreciate this! I do hope that the adcomms will look past the fact that he didn't attend an Ivy, because he did incredibly well at the school we went to and could absolutely succeed at an Ivy.

Good luck to you and thank you for your insight!

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On 2/3/2018 at 5:38 PM, The Wicket Gate said:

Hi! First time posting so I hope this is the right place-- Does anyone have insight into Georgia State University's application deadline of March 8th?? It seems so extremely late that I feel like I'm missing something!

Also applied to GSU. The departments website is super unhelpful, but I hope y’all aren’t waiting until March to apply because I’m pretty sure the app deadline is tomorrow! 


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11 minutes ago, Boomski said:

Also applied to GSU. The departments website is super unhelpful, but I hope y’all aren’t waiting until March to apply because I’m pretty sure the app deadline is tomorrow! 


I got mine in early (at this point, I already had my materials for everywhere else), but I agree their website is super conflicting. Their rhet/comp program says specifically (in more than one site page) that you need 2 letters of recommendation, but the English Q&A page says three. Not sure what's going on there, but the I emailed the DGS and they confirmed that it's three. Thie date thing is especially messed up because that could really mess up someone's application and they wouldn't even know it

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22 hours ago, Mise said:

I remember you saying that you had connections in Houston, so Rice would be a nice choice for you! I'd also love to be at Rice, because the Victorianist faculty is pretty cool and I've lived in Houston for a year. But enjoying Sunday is first! 

Yep. I've got family in Texas that I'd love to get home to, but that may be a goal for after I graduate, IDK. Anyway, I did want to add that it looks like it's not entirely unreasonable to expect Rice to stagger its acceptances. Last year, a round went out on Feb. 2, then someone else got word they were in on Feb. 16. Mostly just trying to make myself feel better, but I wanted to share. ;) 

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Dreamt that I applied to a bunch of MFA programs out of desperation and woke up feeling like this is *the* week. Starting to get frustrated with Stanford and wondering why they haven’t sent rejections yet.... last year it was within an hour or two of the first (and only?) acceptance posted in the results page.

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27 minutes ago, jpbends said:

There's an Irvine acceptance on the results page and I wish they would just let us all know already please.

Have you checked the application page? I've been checking Cal's non-stop...

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12 minutes ago, jpbends said:

The Irvine application portal doesn't display decision status, only submission status :^/

they don't post decisions there eventually though? that's frustrating

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I'm not expecting to hear from my last two programs (Stanford's MTL and UPitt's Critical and Cultural Studies -- anyone else?) until next week. It's very odd going so long between responses, especially considering they've been mostly positive so far; I feel like I'm already making my decisions even though all my eggs haven't hatched yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


I am hoping for good news for those of you expecting responses this week!

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On 2/5/2018 at 1:19 PM, bumbleblu said:

I'm not expecting to hear from my last two programs (Stanford's MTL and UPitt's Critical and Cultural Studies -- anyone else?) until next week. It's very odd going so long between responses, especially considering they've been mostly positive so far; I feel like I'm already making my decisions even though all my eggs haven't hatched yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


I am hoping for good news for those of you expecting responses this week!

At least you have some acceptances! (I mean this genuinely, though I worry it sounds sarcastic.) Are the schools you're waiting for your top choices?


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On 2/5/2018 at 1:23 PM, la_mod said:

At least you have some acceptances! (I mean this genuinely, though I worry it sounds sarcastic.) Are the schools you're waiting for your top choices?

Yeah, I know I'm quite fortunate, and that has obviously made this waiting way less awful. 

I'm not sure I have a top choice (perhaps I did this whole application this wrong?) -- I feel equally interested in all these programs, but for different reasons. So really, I shouldn't making any decisions (even hypothetically) until I know what's what. 


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27 minutes ago, bumbleblu said:

I'm not expecting to hear from my last two programs (Stanford's MTL and UPitt's Critical and Cultural Studies -- anyone else?) until next week. It's very odd going so long between responses, especially considering they've been mostly positive so far; I feel like I'm already making my decisions even though all my eggs haven't hatched yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


I am hoping for good news for those of you expecting responses this week!

I'm in the exact same boat -- I feel like I am already mentally going through the decision process between my two options when I haven't even heard back from the majority of the schools I applied to. I also feel like it's weird going through this seemingly long bout of silence between responses as many of my schools are due to make decisions the second week of Feb. I'm so excited/anxious to hear back so I have all of the information I need to actually start the decision process. 

20 minutes ago, bumbleblu said:

I'm not sure I have a top choice (perhaps I did this whole application this wrong?) -- I feel equally interested in all these programs, but for different reasons. So really, I shouldn't making any decisions (even hypothetically) until I know what's what. 

I also feel the exact same way about this! People keep asking what is my top choice, but I am equally interested in each program I applied to as each of them has a particularly strong fit. I also tempered my expectations quite a bit going into applications this year. I figured that I would be lucky to have ONE acceptance, I would be thrilled and would attend that school no questions asked, so having a choice is really something I hadn't even considered. The only preference I do have has to do with location--I favor some cities over others--but I know that it would be silly to make any decisions based on location alone. I will definitely not be making any decisions, hypothetical or otherwise until I have all of the information from each school. 

I also feel very, very lucky to even have the luxury of a choice at this point. I couldn't be happier. :)

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11 minutes ago, clinamen said:

I also tempered my expectations quite a bit going into applications this year. I figured that I would be lucky to have ONE acceptance, I would be thrilled and would attend that school no questions asked, so having a choice is really something I hadn't even considered. The only preference I do have has to do with location--I favor some cities over others--but I know that it would be silly to make any decisions based on location alone. I will definitely not be making any decisions, hypothetical or otherwise until I have all of the information from each school. 

I also feel very, very lucky to even have the luxury of a choice at this point. I couldn't be happier. :)

Same. After my rotten luck two years ago, I was wary of applying to certain schools, so I applied to programs that I liked and felt like good fits, but nothing that felt like too much of a reach. And I really wasn't expecting being able to have a choice. I'm sure I'll be happy wherever I end up (though as you say, there are some cities I would prefer over others), but choosing has its own difficulties. 

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At the beginning of all this, I split my schools into three groups (first choice, second choice, third choice) and had a "favorite" in each group - it was my attempt to minimize heartbreak and maximize joy. 

Now, I'm jazzed about the schools that have responded but am also itching to make a "decision" (which I cannot do) which leaves me a lot of time for thumb-twiddling. 

Choosing is definitely going to be difficult, @bumbleblu, and I'm curious about how things will change post-visit/contact; I'm so hopeful that seeing the place and meeting the people will help bring it all together (though I'm also terrified I'll just end up in a mental deadlock.)

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7 minutes ago, a_sort_of_fractious_angel said:

At the beginning of all this, I split my schools into three groups (first choice, second choice, third choice) and had a "favorite" in each group - it was my attempt to minimize heartbreak and maximize joy. 

Now, I'm jazzed about the schools that have responded but am also itching to make a "decision" (which I cannot do) which leaves me a lot of time for thumb-twiddling. 

Choosing is definitely going to be difficult, @bumbleblu, and I'm curious about how things will change post-visit/contact; I'm so hopeful that seeing the place and meeting the people will help bring it all together (though I'm also terrified I'll just end up in a mental deadlock.)

This is a really, really smart idea (especially if you're applying to a lot of schools).

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6 minutes ago, a_sort_of_fractious_angel said:

Choosing is definitely going to be difficult, @bumbleblu, and I'm curious about how things will change post-visit/contact; I'm so hopeful that seeing the place and meeting the people will help bring it all together (though I'm also terrified I'll just end up in a mental deadlock.)

Yep, I'm pretty much hoping that somehow, between now and April, things will become clear and the choice will be easy (or easier). We'll see!

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(Apologies in advance if this has been covered elsewhere) Can anyone give some insight into the "rules" for contacting departments about when they expect to notify applicants of their results? I guess up until now I've assumed the most appropriate option is to wait silently, but it's just eating at me--especially for those schools that have sent out a couple of responses but nothing has made it my way (lookin' at you Rice!). At what point, if any, do you decide to check in? And what do you say when you do? 

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13 minutes ago, JustPoesieAlong said:

(Apologies in advance if this has been covered elsewhere) Can anyone give some insight into the "rules" for contacting departments about when they expect to notify applicants of their results? I guess up until now I've assumed the most appropriate option is to wait silently, but it's just eating at me--especially for those schools that have sent out a couple of responses but nothing has made it my way (lookin' at you Rice!). At what point, if any, do you decide to check in? And what do you say when you do? 

I'm in the camp that says to just wait it out. The departments are busy and cannot handle inquiries from all of their applicants. It's still early February. We have a lonnnnng way to go! In late March/April, I might have a different answer. 

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4 minutes ago, Wooshkuh said:

I'm in the camp that says to just wait it out. The departments are busy and cannot handle inquiries from all of their applicants. It's still early February. We have a lonnnnng way to go! In late March/April, I might have a different answer. 

I knooooooooow you're right. Lol. I guess I knew it before I wrote it, but still. :rolleyes:

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25 minutes ago, JustPoesieAlong said:

I knooooooooow you're right. Lol. I guess I knew it before I wrote it, but still. :rolleyes:

I totally feel your pain. I have such a desire to reach out to BU and Delaware. I'm not even the applicant so it probably wouldn't reflect on anyone if I did... but still, I know I shouldn't bother anyone.

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