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  • Location
    United States
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Speech Pathology

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  1. I was just accepted to Adelphi today!!!!! Send a big THANK YOU to that person for me!
  2. If you're extremely interested in going there, I'd e-mail them. What's the worst that could happen?
  3. Very true - that's what I was thinking as well.
  4. I got the same email. I wonder if we all received the same message and they haven't denied anyone yet.
  5. I received an e-mail at 10 last night notifying me of my rejection
  6. I emailed Jacksonville last week and received this email in return: I hope you are doing well. I apologize for our delay! Due to a high volume of applications, the review process is taking a little longer than anticipated. We will send out all admissions decisions by the first week of April and they will be sent out via email. Feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime! Guess we'll be hearing by next week. Good luck!!
  7. @Fitztastic I pretty much sent & received the same thing last week lol. I also asked if they have sent out any denials yet, or if everyone is on the waitlist - she replied that no denials have been sent out, so we're all on the waitlist. I feel like that's a very strange way to do it, but I guess we'll just have to wait another two and a half weeks or so :/
  8. Nope - there's nothing in my portal.
  9. Does that mean everyone who hasn't been accepted is on the waitlist? That makes zero sense. ** Not saying your answer makes no sense (I actually really appreciate your input), I just don't understand why a school would do it this way lol
  10. Nope, I haven't heard anything either! I'm thinking (hoping, really) that they'll start sending out the second tier soon, since it's been a few weeks since they sent out the first tier
  11. YES. I feel so bad - like I truly feel bad that they're in a "sticky situation" or whatever but seriously, I would give A LOT to be having the troubles they're having.
  12. Yea, hopefully you guys find out soon! And yes, I applied to Monmouth, Western Carolina, Baylor, Adelphi, and Jacksonville. Only one I've heard from so far is Adelphi with a waitlist, but I'm hoping to hear some better news soon!
  13. I applied for the March 1st deadline and still haven't heard anything yet! It's driving me absolutely nuts - I wish they'd give me at least a litttttle bit of an update (such as a waitlist). Ughhhh. Best of luck to you guys, though!!
  14. I think the best thing to do would probably be to contact all of the schools you're interested in -- that way you hear the information straight from the school itself and they're able to see your name before applications and see that you're interested enough to take the time out to contact them... if that makes sense lol. Because, like you, I haven't been able to find any stats for spring admissions. I probably won't start on that adventure until I hear from more schools; although I've only heard from one school so far (waitlist), the other four are not looking too promising. Hopefully none of us will have to apply again though!
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