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Status Replies posted by DBear

  1. Wait-listed at my "safety school."

    What a strange thing graduate programs are. I know that fit is important, but it blows my mind that the less-prestigious programs rejected or waitlisted me while the significantly more prestigious schools accepted me.

    I'm relieved that I got into my top-choice, and that I didn't need to count on this safety school. I've got a weird sort of disappointment though: I didn't want to go there, but I'm still hurt that they didn't want me, you know? Like when you think 'they'll definitely want me' and they don't it's a strange sort of feeling of pseudo-failure.

    1. DBear


      Several of my friends who had been through this fun ride we are just getting off of said that they had got into all the schools they thought would scoff at their application but got rejected by their safety schools. I know what you mean though, though they weren't my safety schools, the two schools that waitlisted me weren't all that high on my "OMG I REAALLLY want to go there" list. Still felt not-so-great being waitlisted by them especially after 4 straight admits (for some reason, all my admits came around the same time... all the non-admits came later). I guess anything short of a yes doesn't feel great? ugh.. well it's over now!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Done! Thankful that I won't have to do this over again. 3 years of prep is enough. Gonna go burn some GRE books!!

    1. DBear


      @OptimiscallyAnxious thank you!! @I_mix Thank you so much! Hope you will be done with this roller coaster soon!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. 4 for 4 on rejections. will try again next year!

    1. DBear


      Best of luck! I really mean that because it seems like there are so many factors we can't control in this process.. like maybe a POI would love to have you but they just have way too many advisees that won't be graduating soon... Who knows! I found out during an interview that the POI I was speaking to was down to one advisee as a bunch just graduated and had successfully found jobs. This was dumb luck. So really, I hope everything falls into place and you get into a program you love and also works well with your entire family!

  4. Just got a message from the graduate advisor at UK and I can't check it because I'm at work and don't want to get emotional. Two hours until I find out my future.

    1. DBear


      Yay!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Laughing at PT when he says I maybe shouldn't fly to the preview weekend because I just had surgery. IT IS WORTH THE RISK

    1. DBear


      What's he smoking?!

  6. This entire process is unsettling my soul.

    1. DBear


      it's upsetting my stomach

  7. I always loved three day weekends but this is a particular weekend that I'm not enjoying as much as I should, especially knowing that no one will send out any decisions until Tuesday at least...  

    1. DBear


      scary thing is that leaves only 6 business days in Feb

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Thanks again for the positive reminders. Be well and good luck! 

    1. DBear


      Thank you for the sweet note! All the best to you!!!

  9. Phone interview TOMORROW. Ugh...so nervous. Any good advice floating around out there?

    1. DBear


      Woot! Now you'll probably replay the whole conversation in your head way too many times - but congrats on being done!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Like Clockwork. I get a Thursday rejection lol. Every Thursday this month. 

    1. DBear


      So, so weird. But you know what that means? It's Friday tomorrow!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Phone interview TOMORROW. Ugh...so nervous. Any good advice floating around out there?

    1. DBear


      Congratulations! You've probably seen all the tips in the various threads here but from my experience, it's really handy to have your SOP and notes about the program ready. At least with a phone interview, no one can see you rifling through notes. My first interview this season, I was so nervous I blanked on the first question which was "why did you apply to this program". The interview ended up okay but dude I was so caught off guard by that standard question. Over 3 interviews, the question that recurred was: why do you want to get a phd? I was also asked what other programs I applied to (seems some schools do this).  Just remember what you want to research and what you like about that program and you will be fine!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Apologies !  It's back!

    1. DBear


      Thank you thank you my hands were twitching!

  13. When thegradcafe is down for posting and it gives you the same anxiety you get when an email comes in from a school you applied to...

    1. DBear


      @Bibica, if that makes you a loser, then I'm a HUGE loser :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. When thegradcafe is down for posting and it gives you the same anxiety you get when an email comes in from a school you applied to...

    1. DBear


      I miss my Comm forum buddies :( withdrawal is so baaad

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. The month of February is creeping by painfully slowly... 

    1. DBear


      Yep - around December, right after I sent in all my applications, I was like "I can't wait to see my status updated" "I can't wait to hear back" then around Jan - it dawned on me that I could be hearing back, and that it may not be good news.. after that.. my daily rounds of checking my email/  online application status was like a thriller movie.. :(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. The month of February is creeping by painfully slowly... 

    1. DBear


      Depending on where in the world you're at, Feb is half way through!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. If you say that decisions will be out "by mid-February, maybe earlier," it should be a crime to have them out after the 14th. THIS IS MID FEBRUARY PEOPLE. 

    1. DBear


      lol!!!! and it's not like the deadline for application submission was flexible, why should notification timelines be! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. If you say that decisions will be out "by mid-February, maybe earlier," it should be a crime to have them out after the 14th. THIS IS MID FEBRUARY PEOPLE. 

  19. Hardest day of this whole process... watching those who were invited to interview being shown through the department... while I sit wait-listed.

  20. I hate weekends! Let's make February all business days so maybe we can hear back for our apps!

  21. 2nd rejection- at least the POI wanted me. Doing some home spa time to relax and de-stress. 

    1. DBear


      I hope you're getting cat hugs too! That's the thing that gets me, just because you're an awesome candidate doesn't seem to guarantee admission - seems like there really is a lot of luck. I'm surprised at how lucky I've been since I really am not that great of a candidate on paper. Let's see how the rest turns out, but for now, have a great day!! It's finally stopped raining in my neck of CA so maybe I'll go outside.. 

  22. I wish I know how many weeks exactly is "a few weeks" when it comes to emails from from adcoms. It has been almost three weeks since they said they will have their decision in the next few weeks and realizing that four, six, or eight weeks could still be considered a few weeks for some is just...

    1. DBear


      lol sorry, not to laugh and be insensitive but lol!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Whenever I get an interview offer, my excitement reaches for the farthest galaxies, but it plummets back to earth 30 seconds later, because I also know that an interview is still not a 100% admission guarantee... this is really killing me... :( 

    1. DBear


      Definitely higher admission possibilities with interview than without! Congrats on getting interviews, and good luck!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. Whenever I get an interview offer, my excitement reaches for the farthest galaxies, but it plummets back to earth 30 seconds later, because I also know that an interview is still not a 100% admission guarantee... this is really killing me... :( 

    1. DBear


      Interviews are really sucky that way - it sucks if you don't get an interview invite, but then if you do, then there's the anxiety of "what if I say something that will truly ruin my chances" and then the waiting for results after the interview and .. so much more. But still, remember that not everyone got that invite, so you can be proud of yourself!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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