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Everything posted by joyannna

  1. https://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#~!/groups/1190574117732046?ref=bookmarks
  2. I ended up deciding on Georgia state! Cheaper and closer to home, and still an all around good program.
  3. Hey guys, I'm currently trying to decide between these two schools. I got a grad assistantship to GW, but still in the end will have to take out around 40k in loans for the two years. The program and city seems like a better fit for me, with their specific labs and professors, and the grad assistantship means I would gain a lot of unique experiences with clinic, research, and TAing. I'm not sure, however, if it's worth the cost. For GSU there is a possibility I can get a full tuition waiver, and even if not, it is still cheaper than GW. It's also closer to family and Atlanta is cheaper than DC. Basically, not sure if going to a new location (I really don't want to stay in Georgia), at a more prestigious school is worth 40k in the end. Part of me is thinking I should just go to the cheaper school, then afterwards can move to any new location, but I'm not sure. Any advice?
  4. Contact the department and ask the what your responsibilities would be. You could also ask previous students about their experiences!
  5. Stats: Undergrad GPA: 3.74 CSD GPA: 3.95 GRE: 165 V, 155 Q, 4.0 AW Experience: 1. Peace Corps Volunteer (2015-2017) - several leadership roles within Peace Corps 2. Reading Tutor - volunteered once a week to assist first-grade classroom 3. AmeriCorps - 600+ community service hours 4. Orphanage Volunteer - New Delhi - 2 months 5. NSSHLA member 6. Created a reading club to research and discuss academic articles with other students and associated faculty 7. CommunicAID Nation - Fundraising Chair - fund raised to provide access to affordable services 8. Student Research Assistant - Aided in analysis and transcription of data 9. Intern at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - program for teens/young adults with acquired brain injuries 10. Special Needs Aid for a summer - one-on-one assistance to a young girl with Williams Syndrome 11. Student Supervisor - local campus dining hall 12. 25 observation hours Results: Accepted: BU, MGH, UW, GW (with funding) Waitlisted: UVA Waiting: Georgia State
  6. I know this might be a little early, but now that many of us have been accepted to different programs, I thought it'd be a good idea to start a thread containing Facebook groups for various programs. I've seen people posting groups in the results page and figured this might be more efficient. If you create a group, please post a link here! When others commit to a school, they can find the groups here. Congrats to everyone!
  7. I was able to find the PAC number by going to the application portal and its the number next to the student ID. Hope that helps!
  8. I'm also unsure how much debt is reasonable. Currently trying to decide between two schools, one in DC with an assistantship, and the other a cheaper state school. With the assistantship, I'd be taking out about 45-50k in loans for the two years including cost of living (DC's insanely expensive to live in.) The next cheapest school would be around 35k for the two years. I've heard the general rule of thumb is to not take out more than entry level salary (so for us around 50-60k). Do you guys think the DC school is worth the extra money, especially since I'd have the asssistantship work to add to my resume?
  9. Still waiting to hear back from Georgia state and UVA. I saw many people were accepted to UVA a week or so ago. Still not sure why they haven't told me a decision...
  10. I called UW's financial aid office (for MedSLP) about an issue with FASFA. I also asked about about funding and she said they don't give scholarships, just loan opportunities :/
  11. Could you explain more about why you were unhappy/how you found a program better suited for you? I'm currently in the process of choosing a school and your advice would be appreciated!
  12. I was notified about my GA position a few weeks ago! They said I had till April 15 to decide by, which is also the regular decision date. It probably just depends on the school. You could email their financial aid offices to find out!
  13. Yeah, that was my line of thinking too. I'm not too worried about it though! I'm just happy to be able to go somewhere
  14. That's a good point. I guess what I'm saying is, without funding, I would not accept this school, so maybe worth a shot...? Not sure :/
  15. So I was accepted to Boston University today, which is my top choice, but with no mention of a scholarship. I see on the results page others have been offered scholarships with their admission. I also was accepted to George Washington University with a $42,000 scholarship. I would much rather attend BU, but cannot without some funding. A few people recommended (politely) using the scholarship from GW school as leverage for receiving funding at other schools. Anyone heard of this actually being a thing? If so, what's the best way of doing it? Thanks for the help!
  16. I received this in an email from a school I got accepted to (GW): Submit your FAFSA Early! The Office of Student Financial Assistance has set a priority deadline of February 15th to ensure your funds are available before classes begin. Federal Direct Plus and Private Alternative loan applications are due May 15th. Not sure if this is the same for every school, so I just went ahead and completed mine today.
  17. Hi! I did CMSD undergrad at UGA. Feel free to message me with any questions about the department or Athens!
  18. Hey guys! Anyone have any idea when we typically to hear about funding (scholarships, TAs, etc.) from schools? Is this usually in the acceptance email? I've heard some schools wait even till after the commitment deadline :/ I know this varies between schools, so if anyone knows specifically about GW, BU, MGH, UVA, or UW, that would be great! Thanks!
  19. I also got an email from Boston University a few days ago! Since I live in China I have to do a Skype interview
  20. Hey everyone! Same as last year's thread: now that the interview season is upon us, lets post the following: when you got the invite to the interview where one could find the invite, portal, etc any tips from previous interviews questions that were asked on the interview that can help us good luck to everyone!!
  21. Just want to hear some overall thoughts of current grad students
  22. Hello!! First, thanks a ton for answering some questions. My first question is what were your stats for getting into BU? I know this is a bit direct, but still helpful! Also, whats your opinion on BU's financial aid / scholarships? How's the feel of the program so far? Why'd you decide on BU?
  23. Hi all! I'm a new user to the site (although I have def looked through many posts by now...) and was looking for advice in regards to which schools I should look at applying to this upcoming admission cycle--fall 2017. Most of the schools I'm interested in pretty highly ranked, and I'd like some honest opinions on if I'm reaching too high. I am looking into Boston University, MGH-IHP, University of Washington MedSLP, George Washington University, and Georgia State University Some stats about me: - Graduated from the University of Georgia's CMSD program in 2015. I applied for the 2015 fall cycle simultaneously with the Peace Corps. I ended up getting accepted to UGA and the Peace Corps at the same time. I decided on joining the Peace Corps (as an education volunteer in China) and declined the UGA offer and stopped my other applications. I will be returning to the states next year and so am applying for the 2017 fall cycle - Overall GPA 3.74, major GPA 3.95 - GRE 164/V, 155/Q, 4.0/W - Have a good bit of volunteer experience with various populations including children with developmental disorders, at-risk youth, ESL, acquired brain injuries, and teens. - Little research experience - did one semester of analyzing language samples for one professor. - Did ESL in China for 2 years (Peace Corps) Also some bonus questions: Are there programs that you would absolutely stay away from? Are there schools that like to accept their own residents first? Based on my personal stats, do you have any recommendations for me personally? Any advice on making this process any easier I would GREATLY appreciate. Thank you in advance for your responses!!! I'm really nervous and excited about completing this process
  24. Hi all! I'm a new user to the site (although I have def looked through many posts by now...) and was looking for advice in regards to which schools I should look at applying to this upcoming admission cycle--fall 2017. Most of the schools I'm interested in pretty highly ranked, and I'd like some honest opinions on if I'm reaching too high. I am looking into Boston University, MGH-IHP, University of Washington MedSLP, George Washington University, and Georgia State University Some stats about me: - Graduated from the University of Georgia's CMSD program in 2015. I applied for the 2015 fall cycle simultaneously with the Peace Corps. I ended up getting accepted to UGA and the Peace Corps at the same time. I decided on joining the Peace Corps (as an education volunteer in China) and declined the UGA offer and stopped my other applications. I will be returning to the states next year and so am applying for the 2017 fall cycle - Overall GPA 3.74, major GPA 3.95 - GRE 164/V, 155/Q, 4.0/W - Have a good bit of volunteer experience with various populations including children with developmental disorders, at-risk youth, ESL, acquired brain injuries, and teens. - Little research experience - did one semester of analyzing language samples for one professor. - Did ESL in China for 2 years (Peace Corps) Also some bonus questions: Are there programs that you would absolutely stay away from? Are there schools that like to accept their own residents first? Based on my personal stats, do you have any recommendations for me personally? Any advice on making this process any easier I would GREATLY appreciate. Thank you in advance for your responses!!! I'm really nervous and excited about completing this process 0
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