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vallaboop last won the day on December 22 2017

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  • Location
    New England
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Psychology - cog/behavioral neuroscience

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Mocha (7/10)



  1. I wasn't sure where the best place to post this was so I decided to just make a new thread...to the person who posted they were rejected from UNH for the psychology PhD program can you message me? I have been struggling to get in contact with them as well. Last I heard was on April 16th saying there was still one spot available and "hopefully within the next week we will be able to close out these applications". I followed up again to no response and my application still says under department review. GAH.
  2. blah. Okay thanks
  3. Is it weird to get a rejection email from your POI ("Unfortunately there were not enough slots to accept many of the extremely qualified candidates this year.") just over a week ago but the application portal still says "under committee review"?
  4. I've heard conflicting things about getting a master's first but I think it is a plus! I have my master's which I think really helped because my undergrad GPA was also a mess. Are you looking into research positions too? I sadly agree about the prior relationships. I think connections can be huge but I feel like it can a struggle to make them
  5. Hi all, For those of us who didn't get in this time around (le sigh) I thought it might be helpful to commiserate. We can share our reflections over this cycle, what we are going to do to improve for next cycle, and any plan B's in the mean time. This isn't my first rodeo and I'm getting really down on myself. I think talking among people in similar situations could be really helpful for a lot of people. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is not taking rejection lightly!
  6. I'm a research assistant, I have my master's and I'm an adjunct professor. I feel so down on myself that with all that I'm still struggling to get into a PhD program. I will reach out and ask what I can do to make myself a more ideal candidate this summer. Thanks again for your advice, I just hope it's not me personally
  7. I truly appreciate your honesty and not trying to sugar coat anything. Fortunately I've been out of school for a bit so I already have a job in my field that would love for me to stay. I guess I'm more likely wasting time on not starting to improve myself for next round. It is just really upsetting because this program is such a perfect fit. Would it be inappropriate to reach out to the POI and ask what I could do to improve my chances next application cycle?
  8. Thank you! I appreciate the advice. I'm still scared though, maybe I'll give them to tomorrow afternoon to respond... ?‍♀️
  9. When is it okay to email POI again? I'm assuming I'm waitlisted, I had an interview February 23rd and they told us we would know if we were rejected but if we were on the waitlist we wouldn't know. Since it has been just over a month and it's almost April I'm assuming the first round of offers has gone out. I reached out to my POI last Wednesday and received no response. Previous email communication with her has been prompt. On Tuesday I emailed the director of graduate admissions (who gave the information session during the interview) but she hasn't responded either. The application portal still says my application is under review by committee. I know I can call but I don't know if I can control my emotions enough to do that, I want a spot in this specific program so bad it's killing me. I'm afraid if I call I'll start crying, which is ridiculous and I'm an adult and I should get my shiz together. Any suggestions? Words of wisdom? A slap in the face to snap me out of it?
  10. I had an interview a month ago, I've emailed the POI and the director of graduate admissions and have heard nothing. Based on what they told us during the interview I'm on the waitlist but It would be nice for some confirmation. Also the fact that my future rests on another applicant is driving me insane. How does anyone make it through this process without losing it?
  11. Same here! I've been so anxious and stressed that I finally sent an email on Wednesday, still nothing
  12. That's exactly what I'm doing and I'm having trouble sleeping or focusing on other things. I took your advice and I just bit the bullet and sent an email. Now I feel like I'm going to throw up. ahaha ahh
  13. Thanks for your response! I would probably feel better but I'm scared I just should suck it up and email. This process is honestly the worst.
  14. Is it worth it to reach out to POI? It's been about 3 1/2 weeks since my interview and I haven't heard anything (one of the weeks was the schools spring break but I'm not sure how much that matters). I thought the interview went really well and my interactions with the POI felt very positive. However, there were 3 other people interviewing for the same spot and they all seem incredibly qualified (I Googled them, like an idiot). During the interview they said we would find out if we were rejected but if we were waitlisted we wouldn't know. I'm beginning to suspect I am waitlisted. Is it worth it to email and confirm? I don't know if that will make me feel better or not. On the one hand, I will know how the admissions process is progressing. On the other hand, if I'm waitlisted then I just still have to wait until the other person(s) make their decision about the offer. Which won't help how I'm feeling because I wasn't first choice and my future depends solely on someone else. However, if I am waitlisted I want to start working on ways to improve myself for next round. I'm not ready to give up on getting an opportunity to work with the POI. My interests aren't solely driven on getting into a program, they've become focused on working in this lab that is a 99.999999...% match with my research interests which I have not found in any other program. Honestly, I've been over analyzing EVERYTHING and I really just don't know what to do anymore. Help?
  15. Is it worth it to reach out to POI? It's been about 3 1/2 weeks since my interview and I haven't heard anything (one of the weeks was the schools spring break but I'm not sure how much that matters). I thought the interview went really well and my interactions with the POI felt very positive. However, there were 3 other people interviewing for the same spot and they all seem incredibly qualified (I Googled them, like an idiot). During the interview they said we would find out if we were rejected but if we were waitlisted we wouldn't know. I'm beginning to suspect I am waitlisted. Is it worth it to email and confirm? I don't know if that will make me feel better or not. On the one hand, I will know how the admissions process is progressing. On the other hand, if I'm waitlisted then I just still have to wait until the other person(s) make their decision about the offer. Which won't help how I'm feeling because I wasn't first choice and my future depends solely on someone else. However, if I am waitlisted I want to start working on ways to improve myself for next round. I'm not ready to give up on getting an opportunity to work with the POI. My interests aren't solely driven on getting into a program, they've become focused on working in this lab that is a 99.999999...% match with my research interests which I have not found in any other program. Honestly, I've been over analyzing EVERYTHING and I really just don't know what to do anymore. Help?
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