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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Is it me or we don't have to provide referees (LOR) this year?
  2. Hello, anyone applying to OGS for Fall 2019?
  3. Hello, anyone else applying for FRQSC for Doctoral level?
  4. Okay, so we'll move my RAship to Winter 2019 and I have accepted the TAship offer for this term.
  5. plus they will write reference letters for my actual application to PhD programs. But I feel embarrassed to ask them that because I know they are incredibly busy
  6. Can you work more than 225 hours per semester with FRQSC? I got offered a TAship that I don't want to refuse (but I'll also be a RA next term possibly but haven't been officially hired yet in both cases).
  7. I'm debating whether or not I should apply to OGS and FRQSC but I feel like asking my academic refeeres to write me 5 scholarships reference letters in total (I am applying to Vanier, Trudeau & SSHRC) is too much to ask out of them.
  8. I got offered a TAship for next term because a spot has opened and I was next on the priority list. But I don't know if I can accept it for now because I may also have a RAship. Ideally, I would like to do both but I don't know if it's realistic with everything I'll have on my plate. I'll try to push some commitments to next semester so I make room for that TAship.
  9. Grr, I am only missing the reference letters from my academic referees. But good news: 30 days left before my application is due.
  10. I have my articles and ebooks on an iPad.
  11. I. am. bored. I. am. procrastinating.
  12. I have been offered a TAship for next fall, but I don't know if I'll accepted. I did not get any successful offers a few weeks ago, so I took other commitments for next fall assuming that they wouldn't offer me a TAship. Now I don't know what to do. I have to give them an answer by Tuesday. I also have my thesis to finish and complete...
  13. Yes, you can email them. That's what I'd do. But usually, they ask for abstracts...but double check just to be sure.
  14. My op-ed is published today!
  15. Hello, Applications are open at my current university to blog for the graduate department. Basically, it's writing two pieces of blog per month (on top of get togethers with fellow bloggers) to give tips to other graduate students but also share one's experience with graduate school and academia. I have a lot of ideas of topics, but I'm debating whether or not it's worth it for me to apply. I'm already very busy and I wonder what would be the "plus value" to my professional life of doing something like that when I already have a lot on my plate. What are your thoughts?
  16. I learned a very good news for my conference in August. Plus, I wrote an op-ed yesterday to the newspaper and they are going to publish it in the next couple of days. It's a reputable newspaper here and I had tried to get published many many times, but this time around was the good one.
  17. This seems like a very interesting study. I think impostor syndrome is very common, more than what we would think. Unfortunately, I am a MSW student. But good luck!
  18. Hello, I will be presenting a conference paper at the end of August for the first time ever. It's 20 minutes. I have to admit that I am a bit nervous because I have made a first draft of what I want to say, but my supervisor has not given me any feedback on it yet... I am not nervous about the public speaking aspect of it as I am a public speaker in general, but more about the content because it'll be the first time that I'd be presenting something that a conference as a student-researcher. any tips?
  19. Just got back my REB application with comments. I have 16 clarifications/changes to make to my application before resubmitting it. My supervisor is so busy, I have no idea when she'll have time to meet with me so we can start recruiting participants this Fall. I am so sorry.
  20. Yesterday was a good day. I saw two friends yesterday and we had deep and meaningful conversations about life in general.
  21. I'm so bored right now. Can't wait to go back to school in September.
  22. Hello, so I have submitted my REB application about a month ago. I am still waiting. I have sent to my advisor the first two chapters of my thesis (first drafts) and am waiting for her comments on them still. I am almost done with my scholarship application for PhD in Fall 2019. I have also finished preparing my presentation for a conference that's happening in about a month. I feel like I've just been sitting and waiting for the past two weeks, I literally don't know what to do with my time and myself (I finished my first year of my master's program and am now a master's candidate). Anyone else experienced the same thing? How can I use my summer more productively?
  23. Yeah, why? That sounds strange..
  24. Anyone here moving in the Gatineau/Ottawa region in Canada for Fall 2019?
  25. Don't want to repeat what's been said above, but I don't think it's realistic to work full-time while doing a PhD full-time in my opinion. I think it's setting yourself up to failure.
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