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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I heard about this award, I thought of applying but was unsure. Did you get it?
  2. Do you guys recommend investing in a specific type of desk chair?
  3. Same here, but at the master's level. Last summer, I sent all of my undergrad transcripts to know if I was eligible, they said I was. So I applied in the fall. At the end of December, I got an email saying that after reviewing my application, that I was not eligible. So I panicked, contacted them to understand what had happened since they had initially told me that I was eligible. Turns out when I entered my grades in the system, I made a mistake in transcribing my CGPA off my transcripts by two points under the first-class average. They reviewed my application again, and turns out that was the mistake that I was indeed eligible when taking into account my grades on my actual transcript. So now, the system says that I am eligible, and it’s been the case since that situation, but I still have like « left-over trauma » from it. I feel nervous just because of that first-class average criteria because I am aware that I am borderline under or above in or right on it (My first year of uni was tougher and my CGPA was a bit lower during that year). But I think my application was pretty strong on other aspects (I got SSHRC for my first year of study, have research, volunteer/leadership experience, a research project and a supervisor and have won multiple scholarships all throughout my undergraduate studies). I still feel very nervous. I live at my mother’s place still, so it won’t be the end of the world if I don’t get funding from FRQSC but I’d like to get that scholarship because it would be a good asset for my application for doctoral scholarships this year… They say the results come out by the end of April 2018. But I heard that it often comes out very late (I've been told almost a month late one year or two years ago).
  4. Again, it,s the language barrier I guess because I am being misunderstood entirely on this. I don't want to get married and have kids now and I never said that I wanted to have kids and get married at 26. I am saying this to make a comparision statement, because I can't even have a boyfriend. I've already had an "exploration" phase for the last 5 years+ and I'm sick of it. I just wish I could have an official relationship, even if it's for 3 months. I've been free my entire life, met new people for my entire life and I did everything I wanted personally and professionally speaking, and now I wish I could experience something different. It's legitimate and I should never be told that it's not just because I am in my mid 20s.
  5. Do you think it'd be a good idea to have a photobooth on this forum? So we could all post pictures of ourselves? What do you guys think?
  6. I fell in love with my best friend. He's already in a relationship. I tried to forget about him in the last few months, but I was not able to. So I told him about how I felt, and we've decided to go our seperate ways so I can stop suffering. We've known each other since 2012. I'm heartbroken. All of my friends are getting married and having children. And at almost 26, I just wish I could be in a significant and meaningful relationship with somebody that genuinely loves me back, even if it's just for 3 months. I'm devastated.
  7. I am asking this, because I am writing my research proposal for Ph.D. applications along with my future supervisor, and I feel hesitant to ask for help or clarification by fear of being seen as not suited for a Ph.D. program...My sense is that at the Ph.D. level, you are supposed to show that you can be an independant scholar even though you're still a student, right?
  8. I'm still very nervous about me being even admissible for the scholarship because of what happened last semester
  9. I am looking for a book for social sciences researchers who want to use feminist research methodologies in their research design. Any recomamndations?
  10. I'm officially done with all of my course work for this term. I finished one assignment yesterday and I've got two more to go by the end of the Month. Then, I'll start working on my thesis research full-time. Also, someone took a really pretty picture of me, so I put it as my profile picture on FB.
  11. My instagram account just got hacked and spammed. I had to delete all those posts and change my password.
  12. My supervisor suggested that I present something I've done for a congress last year in June. But I feel like that would not be enough (it's a case study with results and it was supposed to be an introduction/glimpse into my initial research project). I think I'm gonna present that case study and explain that my research project changed along the way and explain these changes..or do a lit review type of presentation?
  13. I am surrounded by lots of people, I know rationally that people appreciate me and look up to me, and yet, I still feel incredibly lonely.
  14. I have a question about this, I'm interested into this conversation as well. If you've got guaranteed funding for Ph.D., what happens if you quit your program or finish later than what you had expected?
  15. I find it quite insane that I have to apply for scholarships this summer when I haven't written a line from my master's thesis yet.
  16. I found a new direction to my research project that seems feasable. Yay!
  17. That's excellent advice. I also live with bipolar disorder and a lot of anxiety/depressive symptoms. And I definetly don't compromise sleeping. Otherwise, I just don't function well if I don't get 8+ hours of sleep. I'm really lucky to not struggle with insomnia.
  18. At my uni, when I pay my student fees, I have an insurance included in it and that covers for my medication. I live in Quebec, so a part of my medication costs are covered by public health care. So basically, it costs nothing to me with the school insurance and the public health care combined.
  19. Hello, so I have met with my supervisor. It went pretty well. We've decided together that I'd keep the same research project but that I would broaden the population that I wanted to study. So my target population are women in general, instead of women of a marginalized community. And instead of doing multiple interviews, I'm going to conduct two to three focus groups with workers who intervene with survivors of sexual assault. We believe I should be able to finish it all within a year. It sounds like a good plan to me!
  20. I'm meeting with my supervisor tomorrow. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks everyone!
  21. When applying for Vanier ,are you automatically considered for SSHRC?
  22. For Ph.D, that's how they grade it. For me, it's 60 (competency) and 40 (research project), so yes, there's more emphasis on research at the Ph.D. level. COMPÉTENCES 50 points Qualité du dossier académique et reconnaissances 30 points Résultats universitaires (20 points) Bourses, distinctions et prix reçus (10 points) Expériences pertinentes (en ou hors milieu académique) 20 points Lettres de recommandation PROJET DE RECHERCHE 50 points Originalité de la problématique et contribution à l'avancement des connaissances 25 points Pertinence de l'approche théorique et méthodologique et calendrier de réalisation 25 points Bibliographie
  23. I am waiting for a decision for FRQSC at the master's level right now. I believe you need a first class average? Which would be A- for your entire master's studies?
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