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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Hello, I forgot to give an update on this. So I did the conference in my city in June (I was selected to do a poster presentation). I did not win the best poster award, but I'm glad I got the opportunity to present when I hadn't even started my MSW. I've also applied for a conference in Paris, this time, to present, and I should know if I am selected next week. That would be in August 2018. And I am speaking with my supervisor about attending a conference in the country in June 2018 as well.
  2. Hello, we're midway through the semester and I am starting to feel overwhelmed. I manage and I cope, but it's a lot, I wasn't expecting it to be so much especially considering the fact that I have a few extracurricular commitments. Plus, I handed in a 50% paper in one class today and I have no idea if what I did was okay, the guidelines weren't pretty clear. Anyone else feeling the same?
  3. Hello! I've applied to present at a conference, this time, in France. It's a five-day conference and they have gotten approximately 400 proposals. What are my chances of being selected in your opinion? Is it assumed that once you apply, it's almost sure that you get selected?
  4. You usually ask faculty if they'd like to work with you while you're in the process of applying.
  5. Hello! Anyone here living and studying in France? I have a few questions for you. PM me.
  6. Hello people, how are you guys coping so far with the first semester?
  7. Hello! How do you get to choose which program to apply to when your research topic falls under many disciplines? I have an idea for a research project but I do not know if it belongs in Social Work, Communications or Criminology.
  8. Hello, when I click on the link it says that it is not available for my account.
  9. Thanks for your answers. So I've spoken to them and they said that my background would be great for their program even if I've never studied in Coms before. However, since I want to write my thesis in French, it could be an issue since the prof I was aiming to work with speaks only English. She's suggested that I look into the work of two of her colleagues who read and understand French and that they could be in a commitee along with her. How do commitees work in PhD programs?
  10. Hello! Thanks! I've chosen to do it on indigenous feminism(s). I want to give different definitions and then explore some of the controversies around the term. My keywords would be indigenous OR aboriginal AND feminism I have to look at 3-4 books and then draw out common themes or differences in relation to one another. She recommended that I look at Signs, differences and GLQ academic journals but I am struggling to find an example of what she wants us to do. Is a literature review and an review essay the same thing?
  11. Hello, so I have a concentration in gender and women's studies in my MSW program. I've never studied feminist theory before. I have to do a lit review by the end of the semester but must submit a proposal this week. I have chosen my topic, but I am really struggling to find an example of a literature review essay based on books on feminist theory. Is this normal? I've contacted my librarian but he is away for a conference for a couple of days and I am pulling my air out because I just want to see how this type of lit review is done in feminist courses. Help, anyone?
  12. What would be your advice to someone from another academic background who wants to apply to a doctoral program in communication?
  13. My uni gives a graduate mandatory course on both (qual and quant). I'm really happy about that. But I wonder, is it possible to combine the two in a doctoral thesis or that's way too ambitious ?
  14. Hello, I wonder if anyone here has done a media content analysis as their master's or doctoral thesis. If your focus was related to violence against women, pm me! Thank you!
  15. I'll know by the end of this month if I got accepted to take part in my second international conference as a master's student. The first one was in my hometown, but this one would be in France. I'm finger-crossed. But they've received more than 400 applications
  16. McGill University, Université de Montréal (UdeM) and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). They are all located in Mtl, Qc.
  17. Hello, so I have to write a literature review for my Women's Studies theory class. Is a lit review in women's studies any different than a literature review in other disciplines? Just want to make sure. I am also going to meet with the Women's studies librarian to get a bit of help on this.
  18. I just downloaded the latest version of Word and for some reason I don't see the ruler. I guess that's where my problem comes from.
  19. Thanks. I just spoke with a professor, and he said that all my community work that I have been doing since I was a teenager also counts. So I would definitely have more than 2 years of experience. Yay! He also mentioned that there is a lack of diversity among social work professors at the current moment and that who I am and the things I do would be an added value to the profession.
  20. Hello everyone, just tried it and I get the same issue. I want to create a border all around this text but whenever I try to do it, I get multiple boxes that aren't aligned.
  21. Hello everyone, sorry for the late response. I am working on this at this very moment with all of your advice. Will tell you if it works. Thanks again!
  22. Hello everyone, I am currently a MSW student, feel free to ask me questions, especially if you're from Qc, I was accepted in all three universities I applied in. Good luck everyone!
  23. My first respondant sent my LOR for FRQSC but my second hasn't and I wonder how many days before the deadline should I send her a reminder. It's the only thing I am missing in my application at this point.
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