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Everything posted by mynamjef

  1. very cool I just got my dream admit to UIUC's MCS yesterday, very excited! Your case for GA Tech is very logical, and my choice to not even apply to OMSCS defies all logic but for me it's a personal thing to get that UIUC degree Best of luck to you!
  2. I got in! emailed received today 2:12PM
  3. here's what i'd do: find some big name cs schools, find out what their curriculum is, look for the course websites, read thru the syllabus, identify topics, find their textbook, read the textbook, do the practice problems, rinse repeat or coursera is good too or follow something like https://www.google.com/about/careers/students/guide-to-technical-development.html
  4. those uiuc folks really like to procrastinate...
  5. b_brew and cyril, are you applying for the masters, phd, or some other program? (I'm applying for MCS, which would fall under some other)
  6. 4:17PM 2/27/2014 was when ppl heard back from the program I'm applying to this season. the anxiety is real.....
  7. Hi Keo, Without going into too much detail, I found myself in a similar boat as well. It sounds like you are very conscious of all the reasons why you should go to BU, but the only one you've identified for JH is prestige. You may find that JH has more going for it than just general prestige, perhaps even fleshing out why it's prestigous can help you better compare and contrast the two. In any case, grats on both admits!
  8. IcedCapp, Are you looking for an apartment to move into in August? And you want to sign in August? I lived in CU for 5 years and used only big landlords, like Green Street Realty (do not recommend), Advantage Properties (highly recommend), Roland Realty, University Group. The good apartments thru these landlords for August move-in of a given year are usually leased out by February/March of that same year. So you'd probably need to look at some solo apartment complexes like - 309 green ($750/month) - tower at third ($800/month) - burnham ($800/month) - one south/north ($400-500/month) Or sublease from someone travelling abroad for a semester, there's a facebook group for that I'm sure. Here's a list to help you with your search: https://www.cribspot.com/blog/urbana-champaign-apartments-and-management-companies-list/VXiery0AAJsAaMaJ?ref=breakoutlist As for crime, we have a mailing distro that the police department uses to send alerts to everyone on campus. I've noticed a trend where these crimes tend to happen at frat houses and dorms, and usually late night/early morning.
  9. This thread is dead but still relevant for current and future applicants. While UIUC's CS department doesn't publish stats, the Division of Management Information (DMI) at UIUC does (and not just for CS, but for all programs at UIUC). You can find admit stats by going to dmi.illinois.edu, clicking on Campus Profile, and then searching for 4160 (Graduate Computer Science) It breaks it down by degree, MS, PhD, MCS, etc. And you can see the number of applications, admits, etc for each year by program. For 2016, UIUC's on campus MCS admit rate is ~1 in 6. Online MCS admit rate is ~40%. MS is 1 in 12, and PhD is 1 in 6.
  10. hey, did you end up accepting either? I'm in a similar boat, applied to UIUC and am waiting for my result, and if it's a reject then I'm going for Georgia Tech OMSCS. Also working in tech as a developer so it's nice to see someone else identify the same two schools as I did.
  11. had kwait as a professor for an undergrad physics class 4 years back, he's a jerk
  12. my coworker told me this today, life is a series of rejections, it's a part of life for everyone. hope you feel better
  13. over watch
  14. that really sucks dude, I only applied and am waiting for a single dream admit for a professional program but i'd imagine your agony is mine x10
  15. Grats! UW-Madison is a huge admit for CS now if only the rest of us were this lucky
  16. It would seem to me that the SE track is more geared towards industry professionals whereas the CSE track has more research opportunities. If you're trying to get a job, SE track should be enough. No professional masters degree necessary, really. But if you're trying to do research, then I'd second the above recommendations and go with CSE.
  17. people can offer their views on your chances but really it's just their own, non-professional opinion. so take it with a grain of salt but also it would help if you included: what program you're applying to (Ph.d, MS CS, MCS, etc...) what the program ranking is on some well known website like US news and world reports how good you think your LORs are
  18. Profile: poor undergrad grades at UIUC, transferred and finished BS in Computer Science at sister school with 3.5GPA, 2 year software developer experience for USPS, 9 credits @ 3.89GPA of 400 level CS coursework done online thru UIUC (non-degree student) GRE: Q168/V158 Focus is limited to top tier online Masters CS programs with no thesis/research portion Awaiting results for: UIUC MCS - applied January 14th Georgia Tech MS CS - waiting for UIUC decision before submission
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