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Everything posted by plugandsocket

  1. I'm the editorial assistant for a journal and handle all of the tasks of removing an author's name from an article and sending articles to reviewers. I sent one a few weeks ago to a reviewer after I had "scrubbed" it of all traces of the author's name (including removing the author's identifying information in the properties tab on Word docs). I sent it to the reviewer, got his review back a bit later, and sent it off to the editors. After getting both reviews back, I sent the author a revise and resubmit request based on the reviewers' feedback per the editors' wishes. The only problem is that I realized that in the original article I sent to the reviewer, I missed one place where the author's name was left intact. I emailed the reviewer once I realized this, who said that he has his suspicions of who it might be based on the fact that he is an outside reader for a dissertation on the topic, but that he did not in fact see the author's name left in the article. He is someone in the field who can be trusted (and is actually a clergyman in addition to his academic appointment) so I don't have any qualms about whether or not he's telling the truth. I 100% think that the integrity of the review process was upheld. My only question is: Is my mishap something I should tell the editors? I can't think of anything that would come of them knowing since A) the reviewer did not see the identifying information at all and B) the article is already progressing through the process and can't really be retracted now.
  2. Perhaps posting under the "The Arts" board on gradcafe would be the best place to ask this
  3. I will PM you!
  4. Current ND student here. Happy to field questions from any incoming students.
  5. Just curious: For those of you who cancelled classes during the strike, how did your students respond once you got back to class this week?
  6. I agree that all of this is basically moot since you've only been accepted to one of these schools. But in the event that you get into both and this actually becomes a decision (and for the benefit of other people in similar situations who read this now or in the future), I will offer you a different perspective, if I may: I'd go with the bigger name advisor at Arizona that can offer you more career-wise, since she seems like a decent person that you could envision working with. A lot of the personality-wise issues that you label as drawbacks at Arizona are things that you really can't tell, fully, in a prospective visit weekend. They take time to figure out. I say that, of course, as someone who both attended my own visit weekend and then learned what the department culture is really like after being a student for a few years, and as someone who has hosted prospectives when they come up since then. The following isn't meant to sound harsh, and it certainly isn't mean to condone hazing or ill treatment of new grad students, but FWIW: I'm guessing that current students there told you about struggles with getting their students engaged. But as a TA at an elite private R1, I can tell you that my colleagues and I similarly complain about this very issue on a regular basis. It's a struggle (almost) everywhere. I wasn't there, of course, and everyone experiences things differently, but I get the sense you may be jumping the gun in deciding that there's "not much community among grad students" and that "people didn't seem particularly excited, friendly, or enthusiastic about what they do." When prospectives come up to visit us, we try to be friendly and welcoming, but there also can be somewhat of a (for better or worse) distance that older students keep from prospectives (and first years). It's not an attempt to be rude or unwelcoming; rather, the type of camaraderie that exists between people in the same cohort or among older students takes time to build. For example, when I visited my current institution as a prospective student, I attended a talk with an older grad student and then later she was going to take me to another event. After the lecture was over, she said, "I'm going to go talk to some people over there for awhile, but I'll meet you at X location at 5:15." Would it have been great if she had said, "Come with me and I'll introduce you around?" Sure, but I also understood that that's not how some people operate. And it was fine. So if people seemed "low key" or not tripping over themselves to meet you, don't take it personally. You describe yourself as "gregarious and excitable." It may have been that you have a different personality than many of the students you met. Some older grad students can also self impose distance from what they perceive as over eager prospectives or first years (not saying that you are, of course, having never met you. Just saying that some older grad students take that approach if they perceive that to be the case). So it could be that there is a thriving grad community there of people very much excited about their work, but for a myriad of different reasons, you didn't see it. That's ok. It can develop over time as you get to know people in whatever school you choose. I wish you all the best.
  7. Hmmm...I've never been there or known anyone who's lived there. I looked to see if I could pictures of the inside online too, but could only find ones of the outside. Based on those pictures, I'd guess the interiors are pretty dingy/old/run down. Another apt complex I forgot to mention that's walking distance to campus is Campus Court. I hear it's pretty affordable!
  8. Peach Rings
  9. To revive this thread: I wish I had known to narrow down the 6-7 best people to work with in my field and only applied there rather than applying to 16 schools, many of which would not have made me competitive on the job market.
  10. Just out of curiosity, OP, how did things turn out?
  11. Hi, welcome to ND! Congrats on your admission! As for apartments, on campus grad student housing includes Fisher and O'Hara Grace (though that one is getting torn down...next year? Or the next?) Some technically "off campus" but within walking distance include The Overlook (pricey), The Foundry (also pricey), Stadium Club Apts, Village Terre. If you have a car/are willing to get a bit farther from campus: Riverside North, University Park, Runaway Bay Rentals, Williamsburg on the Lake Let me know if I can answer any more questions! Again, welcome!
  12. If you makes you feel any better (misery loves company, right?), you're not the only one who did that today. My students definitely saw me with the "no makeup look" since what was there had definitely been washed off during the waterworks. Sending good thoughts your way. Grad school sucks sometimes.
  13. Was looking through old threads and am reviving this one to say I second all of the above re: coursework and academic writing. To anyone reading this with the same question, I'd say that it probably won't be as big of a deal as you think in everyday normal conversation. UK people in our program blend in just fine, even if we do like to tease them about the occasional phrase here and there
  14. This year, yes it does. Next year, my apt complex will be charging for heating/AC on top of that. But everything else is included. And yes, absolutely! Feel free to get in touch!
  15. ND grad student here, living on a grad stipend in the Humanities (which is on the lower end compared to STEM fields etc). You'll be FINE on 23k. I make less than that and my rent is $1050 a month and I'm fine. Probably could save more if I was more on top of my spending habits lol. But you'll be just fine on that!
  16. Ah, yes, I vaguely remember something called "sunshine" but it's all a bit hazy
  17. Yep. As a current ND student, I can say you never really learn to enjoy living in a cold, dumpy rustbelt wasteland; you just learn to tolerate it. South Bend isn't God's country, folks.
  18. Thank you. I agree! Ahh, this would be my dream. But unfortunately my advisor would never in a million years be willing to spend that much time on students. Asking for a weekly meeting would probably be met with the same look as if I asked him to pull out his personal checkbook and write me a blank check. Yeah, I'm wondering if I just need to ask for time outside of office hours. Which might be doable, as long as I didn't ask frequently. Yes, thank you. I totally agree. Good thoughts. Thanks.
  19. Regarding attending your advisor/professor's office hours: My advisor has office hours from 2:30-4:00 once a week. So yesterday I came by around 3:10 and there were no other students there. I told him that I had a few questions and asked whether this was a good time or if I should come back later. He told me that this was fine so we talked until 4:00, the end of his office hours. I asked for help outlining the structure of my first ever lecture next week and he gave me suggestions (it's not like we were just casually catching up or chatting). Then this morning I got an angry email from him saying that an undergraduate waited nearly an hour to see him during his office hours because I was in his office. The student never poked his or her head in or stood at the doorway to wave or otherwise indicate that he or she was waiting so neither myself nor my advisor knew anyone was there. So I'm not quite sure why this is my fault or why he felt that it was appropriate to send me an email blaming me for the student having to wait. By itself, this wouldn't be a huge deal but it comes in a long string of things that my advisor seems to find fault with me over petty things to blame me for. I'm not quite sure how to respond.
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