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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Political Science (American Politics)

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Rejected! Good luck with the rest of your season/semester, friends!
  2. Here's info from a previous years' thread on a timeline:
  3. This thought just hit me, too! We may not hear anything for a while then.
  4. Good luck to everyone!
  5. Submitted. Now we wait for January?
  6. I am applying!
  7. Take the gap year. You’re hella competitive to get in, but burn out is real. I took a gap year and loved it. Tbh what you do during that time (“projects”) won’t matter as much as the application itself so if you gotta work as a temp for 10 months then do it. It’s worth it in the end. (Also a social scientist so our fields could differ on the last bit of advice.)
  8. This thread was AWESOME. Ran out of likes, but thank you all!
  9. Hey! Political Science PhD here. =)
  10. I also remember 12-15 as their target size. Claiming a GWU admit now. Likely declining because of transitions within the department. Great faculty, tho!
  11. (Native) Floridian here! There is no public transportation here at all. We all Uber everywhere. Lol
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