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Fall 2021 Clinical & Counseling PhD/PsyD

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1 hour ago, Coffeecup123 said:

I’m getting ready to leave my RA position to go to grad school. Trying to find someone to fill my position. What are the hot spots to post job postings? 

We've had great success using academic Twitter to disseminate job postings. These accounts post threads/retweet job opportunities regularly: @PsychResList, @PsychinOut, @PsychChatter

We've also had success emailing university departments who will then send out job postings to relevant listservs of students. 

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If it's true what the person on the results page says-- kind of sucks that Harvard doesn't even consider applicants outside of their own pool. I get that they get money from applications but why let people apply if you're not even going to interview anyone outside of your current labs...?

I'm not too salty about my reject because I knew it was a long shot but didn't realize it was "literally impossible and not worth applying"-level.

Maybe applying to clinical psych in general is like that though...

Edited by Oxford_comma2
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2 hours ago, psychlover33 said:

Has anyone accepted an offer to CUNY-HPCS? 


1 hour ago, ClinicalPsychHopeful24 said:

Would also be curious to know this! I'm on the waitlist but haven't received any updates yet. No pressure if people would rather not share, of course. ❤️

I know I chatted with some of y'all, but I'm the one who posted an acceptance on the results page - I also posted in the other forum that that was me but realized I should share that here too! I haven't yet accepted (I just got the official letter yesterday, so was holding off on moving forward before that - might be why y'all haven't had any updates yet!) but I plan to post on the results page if I decide to give up the offer! I know how stressful this all is so I wanted to share here that it's me in case anyone has any questions (anyone should feel free to DM) :)

Edited by willow_15
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*Email notification on my phone*

Me: oh my god oh my god

*opens email* "Dear XXX, Please find your decision letter attached."

Me: is literally dying inside, opens the PDF letter

"Dear XXX, We are happy to inform you of your selection as an alternate-"


thank you for coming to my TED talk

Edited by NotYourMothersGrad
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School and Program: University of North Texas - Counseling Psychology PhD

Accepted my offer to the program. To anyone else who has accepted or considering, I would love to connect so PM me!

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts on Nova and Mercer PsyD programs. I’m trying to decide between the two. I know Mercer is new program, but it seems like it has so much potential and all programs have to start somewhere. Then there’s Nova that’s seems to be a decent program in a nice location. Any thoughts on how to choose between the two? Has anyone been accepted to both & want to chat?

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Help! Someone on the results page said they had an interview with LIU Post PsyD and said it was a mess and that they might lose accreditation (??). I am considering their offer, can the poster (or anyone!) who has any info on the school and program please respond or DM me? I don’t want to go to a school that has a shit show program so please I’m begging you guys, if you have any info at all please let me know and help guide my understanding of the program 

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On 3/8/2021 at 3:37 PM, thatoneguy272 said:

They emailed me today saying they added an extra interview day in April. I said yes because like I said, I haven’t heard back from anywhere I interviewed yet, but it seems like I’m a back up plan? Maybe the interviews this past Saturday went really terribly? Idk 

Hi, I emailed them asking for an update and they said a spot opened up on March 27th....I need to do some researching into this program! Do you know much about it?

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1 minute ago, gradstudentMACP95 said:

Hi, I emailed them asking for an update and they said a spot opened up on March 27th....I need to do some researching into this program! Do you know much about it?

I don’t! My impression is that the research is very student-driven. I’m confused how they pair is with faculty, etc. but maybe they’ve gaged it by what we put in our applications? Hope that helps. 

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Does anyone have any insight into how the Denver University's PsyD program offers acceptances? According to the results page, today there was one acceptance, one rejection and a waitlist from about a week ago? I haven't heard anything at all so just trying to decipher what this might mean for my application 

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