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18 minutes ago, splash066 said:

Same! Anyone know how long the wait list is/how likely it is that we will get accepted?

no i don't! i know they want us to fill out that form letting them know if we are still interested. but portland isn't my top choice, so i actually just committed to usc. best of luck!

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On 3/30/2021 at 5:29 PM, genericmswname said:

Hi hi all! I have another question: Has anyone been successful in getting an extension to respond to the 3 week deadline from Maryland? Thanks so much!

Sorry if somebody else has already answered this (I'm going back and reviewing what I missed), but yes! Reach out to Amanda Lehning, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor. It might be a bit late in the process to get an extension, but she's very responsive.

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1 minute ago, William Prince said:

Yes I am in the same position as well. Waiting on Columbia to respond. They are my top choice. 

Me too. It is creating a lot of anxiety for me... my deposit extensions are for 4/15, and even for those 2, I am having a hard time deciding. Columbia is my top choice. 

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5 minutes ago, mswhopeful21 said:

What kind of scholarships have people been offered from Columbia so far? I just received my package, which includes a 13k/year scholarship. Even with that, the cost of attendance would be like 60k/year. Definitely not affordable by any means ?

When did you apply and got accepted to Columbia?


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On 3/26/2021 at 10:57 PM, Korovyev said:

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to decide between Hunter and NYU and am really torn. I know they are both top programs but I'm trying to determine which one is more psychodynamic and more clinically focused. NYU offered me a scholarship, so tuition is less of a factor. I'd appreciate any input!      

I replied to your other thread before I saw you posted here, I'm just reposting it in case it helps anyone else thinking through their choices. 


2 minutes ago, EJM said:

few thoughts for you.

1) I have lots of friends who have attended both programs, the general thought I have heard is NYU is "more" clinical and a number of directors I know say that they like hiring Violet grads - that said one of my favorite people to have clinical discussions/group supervision with is a Hunter grad and for the cost swears by it.

2) I haven't looked at the cost of Hunter lately but I have a hard time thinking that NYU is offering anything close to the savings of attending Hunter, I could of course be wrong, but unless you have a plan for it, I would suggest looking at how paying back loans will alter your plans post graduation. 

3) If you are NOT staying in the city post graduation, the NYU name may help get some jobs... maybe? if do you stay in NYC I'm not sure that you will gain that much in name recognition. 

4) One big advantage to NYU is they (along with CU) get the vast majority of the cities best internships. Hunter and Fordham both have good options too, but not on the same level. It is what it is, but a fairly large number of places reserve opportunities for CU and NYU only. (unless there is something VERY specific to your future with an internship I wouldn't make my decisions on this, if you are, try and find out who they mostly take as interns before you decide) 

5) Wherever you go, you will probably want to do some post grad training, so the school will mean less at that point. 

I had another thing I wanted to toss in here... what the heck was it. whatever. Hope this helped. 


I take it you got into both, CONGRATS! no bad choices here!!


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On 3/15/2021 at 10:54 PM, CVMSW21 said:

I applied to SJSU and received an email last week asking to fill out a form if I was still interested in the program

Have you heard back since then? I've seen a few people have been accepted...

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Haven’t posted in a while but thought I would share that I declined my Penn, Columbia & BC offers and have accepted my UChicago offer. I received the most scholarship from them and think it’s the best program fit. Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear or get off waitlists! Loved how supportive this forum was through this process! 

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4 hours ago, mswhopeful21 said:

What kind of scholarships have people been offered from Columbia so far? I just received my package, which includes a 13k/year scholarship. Even with that, the cost of attendance would be like 60k/year. Definitely not affordable by any means ?

I got 13k a year too! I also got 3k in work study. It's still very much not affordable even though I would be commuting. Are you going to commit to Columbia?

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1 hour ago, cp98 said:

I got 13k a year too! I also got 3k in work study. It's still very much not affordable even though I would be commuting. Are you going to commit to Columbia?

On the same boat with work study and living off campus, but it's still far from affordable and I can't imagine taking out that level of debt with the expected starting salary... I'm almost certain I will turn down Columbia and go to Hunter. What are you thinking? 

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On 3/20/2021 at 12:12 AM, SWStudent2 said:

Did anyone appeal UChicago for more funds? I appealed the 33k I got and asked for more and I got my financial aid letter yesterday and it still reflected the 33k. Does that mean my appeal was denied or maybe that they have not gotten to it yet? I did the appeal late February and they said they would start reviewing them this week (March 15). Anyone else do the same and have insight? Thanks!

Hello! Any update on how this worked out for you? I am considering appealing the FA I received from WashU and I am curious to find out how it went. I just received an email back from the FA office stating that they do not negotiate FA based on awards from other schools. I am wondering if that is the case at other schools. Best of luck to you!

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On 4/3/2021 at 9:41 AM, marygiselle_ said:

Another waitlist for UIC here! I emailed Jane Addams to see how soon I'd hear back from the waitlist since I am also an applicant for the MPH/MSW program (I was already admitted in the MPH program in Policy and Administration) and they said that they prioritize the MPH/MSW applicants. I'm hoping that is a good sign I'll hear soon but I will follow up with the Assistant Dean of Admissions in the coming week. 

Did you hear anything yet? I found out from Depaul where I will go if I don't get into UIC that I can accept admission and rescind if I hear back from UIC. One of my doctors went to UIC for his degree and he told me hre also got waitlisted and he found out like the week before school started. I am trying to figure out if I can go to Depaul a year or two and then transfer credits and finish at UIC. Pretty sure every grad program is tailored to the specific school though but not sure. 

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Hi everyone! Is anyone currently deciding between NYU and Penn? I'm from New York and know I want to practice here after I graduate but am also really drawn to Penn's program. I'm going the clinical route and know that NYU is more clinically focused. Anyone have any ideas of how hard it is to get a job in one state after going to a school in another? Any insights/advice would be greatly appreciated! 

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