YA_RLY Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 If you have been blessed/had the good fortune of being accepted somewhere, please tell us what you were doing when you first found out the good news...and what you did RIGHT AFTER. (I have seen some people share this info randomly, but thought it would be fun to have it together in one place.) drph_phd_hopeful 1
YA_RLY Posted February 12, 2011 Author Posted February 12, 2011 I remember it was about 9am and I was brushing my teeth. I heard a "bing" from Outlook - new email. I rushed back to my computer, toothbrush in mouth. Before the popup window completely faded, I made out part of the email address...something about grad admissions. I felt my heart pounding as I opened the email. The first thing I read: "Congratulations." I ran to the front yard to tell my mom the good news. I ran past the landscaper, who gave me a funny look. Toothpaste was foaming around my mouth. In the excitement of it all, it never occurred to me to set the toothbrush down - or even take it out of my mouth! I approached my mom, who just so happened to be standing on the front lawn with a neighbor, talking about landscaping stuff. My mom spotted me, smiled, and said, "Nice look! What's up?" I said "I got in!" but it came out more like "uh buh gih" - like dental patient gibberish! While she said, "I'm not sure what you're saying," I swallowed and then exclaim "I GOT IN!" And even though I looked super funky and the neighbor lady had no idea what was going on, my mom started screaming "Whoo hoo!" and jumping up and down SO enthusiastically. You would have thought she'd won the lottery. Her reaction to the good news was almost as good as being accepted in the first place. Thanks, mom! shepardn7, sturdyelm, honghanh315 and 19 others 5 17
kotov Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I was...checking my email? taharah, jri, b3lljar and 3 others 4 2
Alyanumbers Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I was at my mother's on a "shower break" from the revolution, as I'd spent the night on the pavement in front of the Parliament. I saw I had a new email message, and was expecting a journalist or a friend checking in on me; it was an automated message telling me I had a new message in my InTray on the uni's server. So there were 5 stressful minutes as I opened the website, and the page refused to load. Then as soon as I saw "Conditional offer of admission" in the subject line, I jumped around in joy. Exhaustion and worry dulled my emotions, though. HatedByTheRegulars, brunch, Bukharan and 8 others 11
Sky Pilot Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I was at work when my cell phone rang. It was a number I didn't recognize, so I answered. The guy on the other end of the line introduced himself as being from the school, and that's where things start to get blurry. He said "I'm calling to inform you-- actually, I'm calling to CONGRATULATE you on your acceptance...." And then he told me I received the Dean's Award, and asked if I had any questions. My brain hadn't caught up with what was going on, so I told him no, thanked him, and got off the phone. I sat there for a second thinking about it, then I pumped both arms in the air (victory!) and said "I JUST GOT IN TO GRAD SCHOOL". I work at a university, and I'd told my colleagues about it, and we had four student workers in our office, so they were pretty psyched for me. I went around explaining the program and grinning like crazy. I called my husband to share the good news, TRIED to call my mother (she was out) and just basked for a little while. Later, I told my mom and she seemed pleased... She asked to "brag" to family/friends, and then the email she sent (one of my family members responded to me {duh} and I saw the original) said: "She really WAS serious about being a minister! Yikes!" ....uh, thanks for the passive aggression support?? Oy vey. She's still not dealing well with the idea that her daughter could become a minister. TITX and Svaghefi 2
SuperPiePie Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I was just checking me email as usual and boom it appeared.
lydibird Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I came home to start studying, but checked my e-mail first. I saw an e-mail from UMich with the subject "Offer of Admission." Since I'd been getting so much e-mail from the schools I'd applied to and I was sick of reading it, I proceeded to start checking other messages. Then the lightbulb came on and I realized that I was in!!! I felt so dumb for it taking so long to register, but it did eventually. After reading the e-mail I called my mom, then my dad. I almost started crying when I told them because I was so relieved. I then started telling my siblings and friends. That night my roommate/best friend took a picture of me with a printout of my acceptance. We officially celebrated about a week later when we had more time to.
natsteel Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I was sitting in class and just decided to check my email real quick. I saw an email from my POI. After I read it, I sat there for a few seconds trying to hold it all in and then I got up and burst out of the room. I jumped up and down the hallway a couple of times and then went to the bathroom to splash water on my face. Took me a good ten minutes to regain enough composure to go back into the classroom. gellert, leesta, TITX and 1 other 1 3
ThinMountainAir Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 It was a slow day at work for me (I'm a paralegal). I began browsing GradCafe to see if anyone had heard anything from their respective schools, and then began checking my application pages. When I saw those delightful words "Decision: University Acceptance" I gasped and ran out into a nearby hallway, where I called my girlfriend and parents to tell them the news with tears streaming down my face. I spent the rest of the day feeling like I was on a cloud. YA_RLY and newkidontheblock 2
lea23 Posted February 12, 2011 Posted February 12, 2011 I was at work checking my work email, and I received an email from my POI with the subject "MHA Admission". I thought it was a response to my application material email i sent but it said "Congratulations ..." . I just sat in the chair and smiled really big. Then I told everyone who would listen. Easily on the top of my list of the best things that have happened for me. YA_RLY 1
OnceAndFutureGrad Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 I hope to have a sequel for 2011; for now though I will share the 2009 acceptance story. It was the day before my senior thesis final draft was due. I was a commuter in my senior year, so I had driven in early to do one last read through and reference check in the library. I had a copy of my thesis in my email (I'm notorious for losing thumb drives) so, for once, I opened my inbox without thinking about what could be in there. I don't even think I saw the email at first, I was so bleary-eyed and tired that I was only thinking about my thesis. It was about 8:30am and my POI had written me just fifteen minutes before; the funding was there and I was accepted! I had a brilliant white-out moment where everything just blanked as my entire world turned upside down - from sleep deprivation and despair to a shining new future - and then I jumped up from the library computer and said aloud, "I got into graduate school!" Fortunately or unfortunately, it was early in the morning in the middle of the semester, so the library was empty. I ran outside and shouted "I GOT INTO GRAD SCHOOL!" but only a kindly old gentleman walking on the sidewalk was there and he smiled and nodded at me. I pulled out my cell phone and began calling people, waking them up, and most of their contribution to the conversation was: "yawn, why did you wake me - OH GOD IS IT AN EMERGENCY oh you got into grad school that's grea- zzzzz". Hmph! That's what I get for being a morning person, along with my POI and now-advisor. I remember how much my hands shook. I hope to get the shakey hands again newms and Clawsworth 2
sideorderofchuckles Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 For some reason I was expecting a letter. That's how I understood that I would be notified. I don't like the mail, it's always junk, but for the last 3 weeks I was checking it religiously, even on Sundays . It got to a point that I would check the mail anyway but not really expect to see anything. And I started to prep myself mentally for not getting in. So I am in a master's program now (I am applying into PhD). I have a group project in one of my classes and went to check my school email this morning which I haven't checked in a week. I open the email and the top email in my inbox is subject line 'Good News from I/O Phd Program!' Totally took me off-guard. I yelled to my wife 'I got in!' and read the email aloud to her word for word (but really wasn't processing anything other than I got in) and then called my mom. I really wanted to have a beer or some champagne but it was noon on a Sunday. So now it's later and I'm having my beer now instead WanaBSLP and communications13 2
communications13 Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 I had just woken up and reached beside by bed to open the computer. The letter was strangely formatted, first saying that a hard copy was in the mail, so it took me a little while to find the congratulations part. It was the middle of the day during the week and everyone I know was at work, so first I did the "nobody is watching me happy dance" then scooped up my cat and swung her around the room. The cat kept licking my face like she knew I was excited. beeblebrox, Supbanana, Clawsworth and 5 others 8
HyacinthMacaw Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 On 2/13/2011 at 9:46 PM, communications13 said: I had just woken up and reached beside by bed to open the computer. The letter was strangely formatted, first saying that a hard copy was in the mail, so it took me a little while to find the congratulations part. It was the middle of the day during the week and everyone I know was at work, so first I did the "nobody is watching me happy dance" then scooped up my cat and swung her around the room. The cat kept licking my face like she knew I was excited. Aw, I believe I'll do a similar thing with my family's bird--I'll let him down on to the floor where we can take turns doing jumping jacks. (Every time I jump, he jumps, though I don't think he gets the part about clapping and spreading your legs.) Then I'll recline in a chair and pet him real good while he's on my chest. And I'll top it all off with a nice treat for him--a big stalk of millet with fresh apple on the side! And oh, can't forget the Cheerios and corn! And raw pumpkin seeds! Yum! Clawsworth 1
UFGator Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 Got an email around 7pm. Still waiting on 2 other schools.
YA_RLY Posted February 14, 2011 Author Posted February 14, 2011 I was having a particularly difficult session on the can due to a fiber-deficient diet when my iPhone made that "new email" sound. Turns out it was a nice email sent from program director. It didn't quite help with the pooping, but I did breathe a sigh of relief. LOL! Congrats!
katemiddleton Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 It was 4:00 on a beautiful, sunny california winter Friday, and I was on my front porch reading a romance novel and eating chocolate. I walk into the house to get away from the sun, and check my email (which is compulsive now, btw). I look and I see two emails, one from the POI at UCSB and the other from the DGS at UCLA, and I almost don't open them, because I'm so sun dazed. But then I do and I see-I got fully funded into 2 of the best Phd History programs in America! And I did such a happy dance that I pulled a muscle in my back, and I kissed my grandma and called everyone!!! Alyanumbers and imonfire98 1 1
Sevi Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 I was sorting through rat urine at work. Heard my phone buzz from the email notification, read it, and told my coworkers. Vacuum, a.arcane and elx 3
MoJingly Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 I was sitting at work and received the email. "Congratulations!" I walked over to my office mate and told her to stand up. She did, and I just gave her this really long hug. She asked, "why are you hugging me?" "I just got accepted into grad school." We started jumping up and down and dancing around the office. After calling my parents and letting them know, I left work and celebrated with a delicious bottle of chardonnay.
Langoustine Posted February 14, 2011 Posted February 14, 2011 I was having a particularly difficult session on the can due to a fiber-deficient diet when my iPhone made that "new email" sound. Turns out it was a nice email sent from program director. It didn't quite help with the pooping, but I did breathe a sigh of relief. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OOMG!
paigeski Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 (edited) I was at work when I noticed a new email on my phone, email said to check website for admissions status. I do not have internet at work, called my Dad frantically, he checked and told me I was accepted. YA. Proceeded to squee loudly on the inside, as I did not want to freak out my co-worker. Edited February 15, 2011 by paigeski
wanderlust07 Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 I was totally waiting for the first pot of coffee to finish percolating and bracing for a student to return my last email. Ugh. Suffice to say I read that missive several times, acquired coffee, and read it again before its meaning sank in. Much better than the dream I'd just been having in which I'd applied to Syracuse (I didn't) and they'd mailed me a cheap t-shirt and this mysterious set of children's toys which formed a puzzle that I had to successfully complete in order to attend...
Mrs. Grad Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 I was at work, looking up the average recovery time of my upcoming foot surgery (Four months off my feet! Yuck!) when my iphone beeped. I saw "Penn State" and "Congratulations" and started squealing and called/texted my husband. He, in turn, found out in a text message while he was in the middle of a conversation with his boss.
pinot noir Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 Mine's not that exciting: I was in the shower when I heard my phone ring. I wasn't expecting a notification until at least March (MFA's take ages to process apparently). When I checked my voicemail I was delighted to hear the head of the creative writing department at UC Riverside telling me that they had read my application with 'great interest' and would like to speak with me 'as soon as possible.' That was Friday. We played phone tag all weekend and just today, Tuesday, I received my sixth call from him and he said it straight up, "We would like to offer you admission for Fall '11." I didn't know how to respond, but I was at least happy that my $80 wasn't wasted. I said, "I'm not quite ready to make a decision yet" (I'm still waiting on ny). He said he understood completely and I have until April to decide
Bukharan Posted February 15, 2011 Posted February 15, 2011 Mine is boring. I was obsessively checking my gmail. A new e-mail arrived. My heart stopped. I opened the e-mail. The heart started beating again. leesta and Esperantistino 2
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