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Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school


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Human - "What are you going to study in grad school?"


Me - "Art History."


Human - "Oh. I didn't know you needed a Ph.D. to flip burgers."


WTF that's terrible! Although it does remind me of Daniel Clowes' comic strip Art School Confidential, where there's a picture of someone flipping burgers and it says "Remember, the only piece of paper less valuable than one of your paintings is a BFA degree."

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"Why are you going to grad school straight from undergrad? Don't you want to explore the world while you still can??"

^ soo frustrating

yep. there are definitely good reasons to work a year or two out of undergrad (I did) but 'seeing the world' is pretty far from the reality of it.

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Most of my family is like what you described. Even when I tell them the Ivy-level admissions numbers (i.e. 5%),they go on like every school will fly me over on a private jet and bribe me with gourmet food or something.

Then my parents, who thankfully do understand the odds, are upset about me moving far away. I live in another city on my own, but it's still only about an hour's drive. They're from TN and consider everything above the Mason-Dixon Line to be "The Great White North". It's like they expect I'll just crawl into a corner, curl into the foetal position, and die at the first sight of snow.

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I can identify with so many of these!  Especially the oft-quoted, “But you’re so smart — you’ll get in everywhere!”  And the ever-popular, “So what will you do with that degree?”  


My plan to study American Studies has produced a wealth of responses — apparently, many people disagree that this is even a valid field of study (that’s always fun).  Here are a few of my favorite responses I’ve gotten:


“American studies?!  Ha ha ha, what is that?”


“So you’ll be a better American when you finish?”


“They actually have a program for that?!” 


“So you study Americans then??”  


“But aren’t you already an American?  What do you need to study?”


“Oh, I have a friend you should talk to.  She’s studying <100% non-related field> at <university I didn’t apply to>.  You two would hit it off!”


“Wow, they just have PhDs for EVERYTHING these days . . .”


“Well, it’s better than women’s studies, at least.”


“Is that one of those made-up degrees?”


“But I thought you had a masters in history?”

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"Why couldn't you have applied to schools across the country?" - Ex BF, also a Ph.D Student (I may have pestered him about the application process a little too much)

"You should have applied to schools where (cute guy, bff) is" - Parents

"Congrats. Have fun being broke!" -BFF

"So, you can still work during the Ph.D program, right?"

& "Congrats.  I'm no good at math"  -Everyone else


"You are absolutely insane.  Why do you want to do this to yourself? You already have a CPA, wasn't getting that enough torture for a lifetime? And you have a good job. You are going to starve!" -Myself


"Accounting is great and all, but you should go for a Theology degree" -Google Analytics.

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"Don't worry, I'm telling EVERYONE that I'm a good friend because I'm encouraging you to get married instead of the PhD if you have to make a choice between the two." (Um, I'm not dating anyone...)

"So, I guess you'll be a professor with that degree? Why would you want to do that?" ('Cause it's freaking awesome! That's why.) 

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"What is grad school?" -- my boss


"I can be your first patient!!" -- everyone, because sadly no one understands that there are many more subfields in psychology other than clinical or counseling. Argh!


My boyfriend's mom reportedly pouted all day the day I got into a program (no 'congratulations' from her either but I saw that coming). She is upset with me because I'll be taking her mid-twenties son 4 hours away from home...


Plus, pretty much every other quote in this thread regarding getting married, having kids, finding a job, finances, moving away -- this is not other people's business!

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My boyfriend's mom reportedly pouted all day the day I got into a program (no 'congratulations' from her either but I saw that coming). She is upset with me because I'll be taking her mid-twenties son 4 hours away from home...

So terrible. Straight out of undergrad I lived a few states over from my family. Four hours means you can visit on long weekends pretty easily,

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"When will you find out??"

Heard this maybe three times a week until I was accepted. It drove me nuts!

Or if people keep asking "did you hear back from them yet?" My response always has been "I will let you know if I hear anything", but sigh, some people get pretty impatient I suppose...

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"You're applying for a PhD?  I was thinking about doing that when my kids go to school and I have some free time again.  I'll be needing some new hobbies at that point"  When she found out getting a PhD in two years, part time wouldn't be an option she decided she wasn't actually interested after all.


"Well, just because they accepted you doesn't mean you have to go.  It's not too late to stay at your job and get married instead." My mother's reaction after hearing about my first acceptance.  I've given trying to get people to understand the extreme highs and lows that come with applying for a PhD.

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So terrible. Straight out of undergrad I lived a few states over from my family. Four hours means you can visit on long weekends pretty easily,

Yeah, four hours is nothing. Maybe my perception of a "long drive" is warped because of all the road trips I've done. I don't even mind driving eight hours in one day! Not to mention the public transportation between these two particular cities is excellent... I'm lucky I didn't get shut out due to limiting my program selection to a four hour drive radius (9/10).

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My parents are trying to be supportive as the rejections start to roll in by denying all logic.


"Don't get too down on that rejection! They could always change their minds and accept you later!"

"Just because some strangers on the internet said all the acceptances went out last week doesn't mean you're rejected. You shouldn't believe everything you read online! I'm sure you'll get in!"

"Well, if you just got an email, that's not official. Just wait -- maybe you'll get an acceptance letter in the mail."

"Yes, my old coworker's sister's daughter's friend applied to grad school, and I think I remember her saying to wait for an official letter in the mail."

Edited by juiceboxrampage
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'You must want to work for the White House or for the US president then.'


-When people hear the name of my intended program-

'What does that involve? I've never heard of it.'

'Oh, wow! That sounds dangerous! Why do you want to get involved in that?'


-The one I hate from people in general:

'I believe in you. You will get in.' (I appreciate the positivity, but not all of us have the highest qualifications for graduate school..which can be anxiety provoking.)


-My dad:

'Why are applying to so many schools...They're all too far....There's nothing in-state?'

'When are you going to hear back?'


The question I get millions of times from relatives

'You plan to move to New York after graduation?' (No -_-. I'm moving to destination of whatever graduate school takes me.)


The worst are the people who do not realize that the application process is very tedious. It is more than just filling out a basic application.

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