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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Bluefit, you applied for a Fulbright Scholar Grant which is different from Fulbright ETAs or Fulbright Full Grants. I believe this is why you have gotten a response so early. The Fulbright Scholar Grants are for professionals already in the field, while the other grants are for current students or recent graduates. Hope this helps explain why some people haven't heard yet!

Oh thank you! I almost had a heart attack.

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Just peepin' in as a current Fulbright (full). I was recommended on Jan. 18 last year - advisers were informed earlier in that week that recommendations were on their way, I believe.


Yes, scholars would have already heard. Try not to panic too much until at least after the New Year! :)

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So, how do you keep calm while waiting? Keep busy? Keep networking in the US and the host country? 

I have a proposal and thesis to write in the mean time...I will also be in Spain and France for a month this coming December so I won't have to think about Fulbright until January 9th (thank goodness). I am also looking into possibly studying abroad through my department in Iceland in case Fulbright falls through. It's hard, but I am trying to stay as realistic as possible and not put all my eggs in one basket. I want to have something to look forward to if things don't work out hehe..

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Bluefit, you applied for a Fulbright Scholar Grant which is different from Fulbright ETAs or Fulbright Full Grants. I believe this is why you have gotten a response so early. The Fulbright Scholar Grants are for professionals already in the field, while the other grants are for current students or recent graduates. Hope this helps explain why some people haven't heard yet!


Yes, I believe you are right. 

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Bluefit, you applied for a Fulbright Scholar Grant which is different from Fulbright ETAs or Fulbright Full Grants. I believe this is why you have gotten a response so early. The Fulbright Scholar Grants are for professionals already in the field, while the other grants are for current students or recent graduates. Hope this helps explain why some people haven't heard yet!

I applied for a Fulbright Scholar grant, and haven't heard back yet. While the type of award does affect the response date, the location of the grant affects it as well. Not all regions notify at the same time, but rather have to notify by the the end notification date. 


The notification timeline (http://www.cies.org/us_scholars/us_awards/Notification-Timeline.htm) states Scholar applicants are notified between November-December, but no specific dates.

Edited by hejduk
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I applied for a Fulbright Scholar grant, and haven't heard back yet. While the type of award does affect the response date, the location of the grant affects it as well. Not all regions notify at the same time, but rather have to notify by the the end notification date. 


The notification timeline (http://www.cies.org/us_scholars/us_awards/Notification-Timeline.htm) states Scholar applicants are notified between November-December, but no specific dates.

Hejduk, my response was towards those who applied for the same country as Bluefit (the UK) but had not heard anything from Fulbright (bar_scene_gambler, and bbnh). Unlike Bluefit, they applied for the ETA or Full Grant awards in the UK, not the Scholar award that Bluefit already received notification. I understand that Scholar grants get notified beforehand and vary from country to country (just like the student awards). My previous post was in regards to those who applied to the same location as Bluefit. 

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I have a proposal and thesis to write in the mean time...I will also be in Spain and France for a month this coming December so I won't have to think about Fulbright until January 9th (thank goodness). I am also looking into possibly studying abroad through my department in Iceland in case Fulbright falls through. It's hard, but I am trying to stay as realistic as possible and not put all my eggs in one basket. I want to have something to look forward to if things don't work out hehe..

Definitely! Sounds like you have a lot of great plans, that's wonderful. I, too, am applying for a number of back-up plans as well as being a little too OCD with this Fulbright. I'm surprised I haven't yet learned of anyone else who has applied for a Fulbright to Armenia. Hopefully, we can all help keep each other sane....

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Are you studying abroad now? you seem to have many things going on.

Bluefit, I really would like to be studying abroad! I am currently not, but I certainly would love to be. I am stuck in Texas in the mean time, hehe

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At first I was being really calm and zen about the waiting process, second year in a row for me.



I feel you, I am trying to not think of this right now but then I get small panic attacks of what is currently going on in DC now that they are reviewing the applications. I do not want to be a ball of stress that second, third week of January...

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Totally understandable. Well, I am trying to move to DC, so that might not ease the anxiety if they're reading the applications in the same exact city. A past Fulbright friend of mine suggested to find alternate routes to the country I'm applying to just in case. Even if you're not currently in school, there are plenty of options. Or just watch SNL and eat Christmas candy. That helps, too

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Is there a spreadsheet where applicants can see across the nation the status of applications? I remember my friends applying last year and they found out about a spreadsheet. Does anyone have any ideas if it's one floating around for this year?

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Is there a spreadsheet where applicants can see across the nation the status of applications? I remember my friends applying last year and they found out about a spreadsheet. Does anyone have any ideas if it's one floating around for this year?

Spreadsheet is here:


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What's the notification date for research/study in Germany? I mean the date we know whether our apps will be sent to Germany for consideration. I read late January.

There usually the second or third week of January for most of the countries. 

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Bluefit, I really would like to be studying abroad! I am currently not, but I certainly would love to be. I am stuck in Texas in the mean time, hehe


You seem to know an awful lot about the process. I'm sure its the same for the Research Award, but once it's sent in country, what is the percentage you think of getting it, or you've heard. The letter they sent me stated at some times they send more then what's allotted and only select a few.


As far as studying abroad, I would just apply. I'm sure you will get in. You seem tenacious.

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