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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Yeah I was wondering this as well. I haven't heard anything and their website says applicants will be notified by Mar 3. (At least for Vis Comm.)



how did you find out?


Got an email from them

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UGH. Just got an e-mail from SAIC, and all excited-like I open it only to find that it was telling me I should apply for a scholarship (that I'm not eligible for)! No acceptance yet. (Luckily no rejection yet, either.)




I just want the waiting to end.

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Dreamed I was accepted to everything I applied to and that it was spring last night.

It's 4 degrees today and still waiting on answers.  :(


LOL. What a cruel, harsh reality to wake up to! Soon. Very soon we will hear back AND spring will start! It's all just one giant test of endurance.

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this evening i got an interview request from usc. the most unexpected email to have reached me thus far in this application process. 

Nice, congratulations! Best of luck with your interview.


Glad that USC's notification schedule will be a little less mysterious after this round.


Just a note to anyone who may be new to this forum...for the benefit of future applicants, please post your results under the "submit results" tab at the top of the page (under the coffee cup). cheers.

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A no from VCU. Emailed the dept for an answer. It's funny because I see a lot of people in threads past saying how hard rejection is and perhaps it was better not knowing. Not me. I'd rather know. And rejection doesn't really sting on this. Wasn't meant to go there, and I'm okay with that. :)

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For the people who have heard back from Arizona State University, which program?

I applied to their Ceramics program- deadline was January 15th and I still have not heard anything but I see others are. Their website still says my application is still under review though. :(

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A no from VCU. Emailed the dept for an answer. It's funny because I see a lot of people in threads past saying how hard rejection is and perhaps it was better not knowing. Not me. I'd rather know. And rejection doesn't really sting on this. Wasn't meant to go there, and I'm okay with that. :)

I completely agree...I'd rather know than sit here checking my email seven hundred times a day! At least if I know, I can start making other plans. On that note, have you heard from ND? I tried emailing to see when notifications would be sent out, but it kicked it back to me...I took it as a sign to not email :/
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UGH. Just got an e-mail from SAIC, and all excited-like I open it only to find that it was telling me I should apply for a scholarship (that I'm not eligible for)! No acceptance yet. (Luckily no rejection yet, either.)




I just want the waiting to end.

I got that email, too. Not only is it past deadline for that scholarship, but the date on the email was 2013.

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I completely agree...I'd rather know than sit here checking my email seven hundred times a day! At least if I know, I can start making other plans. On that note, have you heard from ND? I tried emailing to see when notifications would be sent out, but it kicked it back to me...I took it as a sign to not email :/


Haven't heard from ND at all. In my trusty little spreadsheet I have that their notification date is 4/10. I don't remember where I got that... May have been from their website. What specialty did you apply for? :)

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Haven't heard from ND at all. In my trusty little spreadsheet I have that their notification date is 4/10. I don't remember where I got that... May have been from their website. What specialty did you apply for? :)

Ahh that's a long ways away! I applied for photography. I guess I'll stop incessantly checking then. What did you apply for? I can't remember now

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Does anyone know if SAIC ever doesn't interview and accepts the person? Also, this was my first year applying and I only applied to 2 schools. I know a lot of you have been applying for years, and most of you apply to at least 5 schools. Do you ask the same Professors to do every school and ask them every year? I can't imagine I have more than 4 Professors to ask (I've been out of school 8 years) and feel like it is asking so much to have them do it again next year and do even more schools.

Edited by fishing26
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UGH. Just got an e-mail from SAIC, and all excited-like I open it only to find that it was telling me I should apply for a scholarship (that I'm not eligible for)! No acceptance yet. (Luckily no rejection yet, either.)




I just want the waiting to end.



I got that email, too. Not only is it past deadline for that scholarship, but the date on the email was 2013.


 I got it, too. It initially activated a tiny slither of hope that by some miracle I might still get into the SAIC low res program. It's so annoying that the dates are wrong in the email and most people probably aren't even eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Edited by Firenze
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Yes, indeed.

I think every MFA applicant gets a tuition waiver. Maybe they're waiting to see if they can give you more. I received a fellowship. After visiting, I wasn't a huge fan of the photo program, so even with the money I'm considering declining...if my interviews turn in to acceptances. :\ 

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Haven't seen anyone else mention applying to the University of Baltimore's Integrated Design MFA program, but I just got an email from them in case anyone has applied:


"Applications for the MFA program will likely be reviewed around the beginning of April. You are welcome to check back about your application status around that time."

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I think every MFA applicant gets a tuition waiver. Maybe they're waiting to see if they can give you more. I received a fellowship. After visiting, I wasn't a huge fan of the photo program, so even with the money I'm considering declining...if my interviews turn in to acceptances. :\ 

It says in my email...


Unfortunately at this time this acceptance does not come with any financial support or a tuition waiver. Please know that you are on a short waiting list for full funding and should it become available, we notify you right away.


Which stinks! But the pdf they attached said...


The School of Art + Design provides full tuition waivers and stipends for all of its graduate students in the form of named 
fellowships, and graduate/teaching assistantships.
I'm so confused!
Good luck and I hope they turn into acceptances!
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Does anyone know if SAIC ever doesn't interview and accepts the person? Also, this was my first year applying and I only applied to 2 schools. I know a lot of you have been applying for years, and most of you apply to at least 5 schools. Do you ask the same Professors to do every school and ask them every year? I can't imagine I have more than 4 Professors to ask (I've been out of school 8 years) and feel like it is asking so much to have them do it again next year and do even more schools.

hey there fishing!  Unfortunately I really think no interview means no acceptance for schools which do hold interviews and especially schools who hold big interview events.   :( I often wonder the same thing... having not been extended certain interviews, and there is no one who can tell you that idea is 100% true or 100% false... so there is a chance and I would just wait for some concrete answer, but I wouldn't expect too much I think.  


As for your professors, they definitely want you to go to school!  If you have to apply again next year they can attest to the improvement in your portfolio in addition to anything they have said about your work in their last letter.  I would keep the same professor.  They must get asked all of the time, it's not really as much of a hassle for them as you think.  They want the reputation of their school to grow after all! 

Edited by alexandria
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Hey all-


Got my first rejection from Portland State University today. Has anyone heard from PNCA? Do you know if they do email or snail mail acceptance?


Pretty sure I got rejected from PSU also, although I'm out of the country so I haven't been able to check my mail.  Did you get that notification via snail or email?  


I interviewed with PNCA a couple weeks ago and then got an email acceptance last week.  Not sure when they are done notifying, but I do know they hurried mine because they new I'd be leaving the country.

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Got the official "no" from Iowa MFA film program and UT-Austin MFA film program. Waiting to hear from Duke, Stanford and Northwestern (all documentary MFA).



Hi Princemilo,


I'm sorry to hear that you weren't accepted to UT-Austin, but hopefully your other two options will come through.  I applied to both Duke and Northwestern's MFA progams, but I haven't heard back from either.  When did you submit your applications?



 It's nice to see some film applicants on this thread!  :)

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