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2 hours ago, FoxAndChicken said:

Hi friends! How's it going? I've decided to change my name for graduate school. (And by that, I mean, I'm going by my middle name, which is Elizabeth, though I also will accept Eliza as a shortening of this.) I'm not sure what steps I need to take for this, but I started telling the starbucks barista to call me that, so that's going well. 

I started going by a nickname when I started college. The easiest way to get people to start calling you by that name? Change it on Facebook. I generally go by my full name in the academic world and my nickname with friends. But sometimes I'll introduce myself by my full name and people will end up calling me by the nickname, since that's what they're used to seeing on Facebook. As an interesting social experiment, I introduced myself by my full name to everyone in my current program/scholarship group by my full name, and nearly all of them who I'm FB friends with use my nickname.

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25 minutes ago, thepinkdragon76 said:

I'm throwing in the towel and saying it's just weird but means nothing. Otherwise I'll drive myself nuts.

I'm doing the same thing :/

I got rejected from Boulder (my top pick) and Oregon. I'm still waiting to hear from Wyoming and Utah, but as of now I'm just assuming I didn't get in.

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Anybody in San Diego want to meet up and talk about this whole process together? I have friends that have gone through it, but it seems nothing like going through it right now 

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So I don't know how many of you are yoga people, but I just did a home practice for stress and anxiety but it really really really helped. Feeling a lot more able to tolerate the stress that's happening around me right now. Yoga with adriene was the name if anyone wanted to try it. (I'm not affiliated in any way but I just feel so chill right now I thought I'd share for anyone else who's freaking/stressing/anxious)

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2 hours ago, thepinkdragon76 said:

I'm throwing in the towel and saying it's just weird but means nothing. Otherwise I'll drive myself nuts.

That's a great idea! It can be rough on off-days for running, since exercise in general helps a ton with stress/waiting anxiety for me, so yoga is definitely something I'll try in the downtime.

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I applied to eight schools with a pretty clear top three priority ranking.  I got into my #2 a month ago, which was really great for my peace of mind, and got rejected from my #3 yesterday.  Now I get what it means when people say it still stings, even when it doesn't really matter to what you ultimately do.  There was almost no chance I'd go to #3 but that doesn't mean it's fun not to get in!

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You know what would be awesome? If I heard back from the rest of the schools. And if the fantastic leather jacket I ordered would actually get here and stop being stuck on "accepted." Because I want my jacket and an acceptance. Preferably now. Yes that would be awesome.

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I just need to vent... there's this school I haven't been accepted to or rejected from. I got an email from their IT department today saying "Welcome to ______ State University!" and asking me to activate my student account. I've seen some acceptances pop up on the board for my program at this school. I'm not one of them. Why am I getting this email?! I called the admissions department and they couldn't (or didn't want to) tell me anything except that they would look into the email and get back to me within a week. I just sent an email to the English department.. a nice, polite, inquiring email. BUT I AM KINDA PISSED IF I GOT THIS EMAIL AND DIDN'T GET IN. That is like.. super crappy operations. 

I'm pretty sure it was an error, but COME ON MAN I'm dying over here! 

UGH! Anyone had anything like this happen to them?

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4 hours ago, PattiJeane said:

I just need to vent... there's this school I haven't been accepted to or rejected from. I got an email from their IT department today saying "Welcome to ______ State University!" and asking me to activate my student account. I've seen some acceptances pop up on the board for my program at this school. I'm not one of them. Why am I getting this email?! I called the admissions department and they couldn't (or didn't want to) tell me anything except that they would look into the email and get back to me within a week. I just sent an email to the English department.. a nice, polite, inquiring email. BUT I AM KINDA PISSED IF I GOT THIS EMAIL AND DIDN'T GET IN. That is like.. super crappy operations. 

I'm pretty sure it was an error, but COME ON MAN I'm dying over here! 

UGH! Anyone had anything like this happen to them?

I agree, if they didn't admit you but still sent you that e-mail you need to kick some butts.

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6 hours ago, PattiJeane said:

I just need to vent... there's this school I haven't been accepted to or rejected from. I got an email from their IT department today saying "Welcome to ______ State University!" and asking me to activate my student account. I've seen some acceptances pop up on the board for my program at this school. I'm not one of them. Why am I getting this email?! I called the admissions department and they couldn't (or didn't want to) tell me anything except that they would look into the email and get back to me within a week. I just sent an email to the English department.. a nice, polite, inquiring email. BUT I AM KINDA PISSED IF I GOT THIS EMAIL AND DIDN'T GET IN. That is like.. super crappy operations. 

I'm pretty sure it was an error, but COME ON MAN I'm dying over here! 

UGH! Anyone had anything like this happen to them?

Is that Penn State by any chance? I STILL haven't heard anything from them. If that's sent in error they should reimburse application costs for the emotional trauma!!! I've had an email from another university giving me my email address and log in to all student portals etc., although I haven't had an acceptance email from them either. I feel your pain!!!

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Just done submitting the programs that my POI asked for. Now, she wants me to submit a page long LaTeX on what I learnt from writing the programs. I am still worried that after doing everything that she's asked me to do, she would say NO at the end :( 

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11 hours ago, PattiJeane said:

just need to vent... there's this school I haven't been accepted to or rejected from. I got an email from their IT department today saying "Welcome to ______ State University!" and asking me to activate my student account. I've seen some acceptances pop up on the board for my program at this school. I'm not one of them. Why am I getting this email?! I called the admissions department and they couldn't (or didn't want to) tell me anything except that they would look into the email and get back to me within a week. I just sent an email to the English department.. a nice, polite, inquiring email. BUT I AM KINDA PISSED IF I GOT THIS EMAIL AND DIDN'T GET IN. That is like.. super crappy operations. 

I'm pretty sure it was an error, but COME ON MAN I'm dying over here! 

UGH! Anyone had anything like this happen to them?

Jesus. The carelessness is bordering on sadism. What a mindfuck.

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Penn State finally responded to my email yesterday, letting me know that they were "putting the letters together and they would be sent out today". The wording makes me think postal mail...

And after looking at the few-and-far-between results for my program on this site, it looks like acceptances are almost exclusively notified via post while rejections/waitlists are notified exclusively by email.

So, for once, here's hoping I DON'T hear for a few days and that I get something in the mail.

If I don't get in here, I have one more hope (JMU notifies on Monday the 14th) before I'm trapped in waitlist hell.

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3 hours ago, kseeful said:

Jesus. The carelessness is bordering on sadism. What a mindfuck.

Exactly. I let myself get really excited for a few minutes. Now I'm stomping out that excitement because I still don't know anything, so I'm assuming the worst. Next step is to figure out a way to express my anger constructively to the right person so this doesn't happen again to other applicants. 

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3 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

I've officially accepted Penn State's offer. 

Which is hilarious because I was freaking out about accidentally accepting the offer a month ago. My heart kneeeewww!

To those waiting, switch to Entomology. They have their shit together!

congrats!!! :)


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8 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

I've officially accepted Penn State's offer. 

Which is hilarious because I was freaking out about accidentally accepting the offer a month ago. My heart kneeeewww!

To those waiting, switch to Entomology. They have their shit together!

Congrats! :) I'm waiting on a confirmation of acceptance for mine before I announce it publicly. I'm probably more stressed about properly filling out the electronic form than I was waiting for results. Ergh. It's a little bit unreasonable to fear that I incorrectly ruined my graduate acceptance because I botched up an electronic form, but.. 

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2 minutes ago, Neist said:

Congrats! :) I'm waiting on a confirmation of acceptance for mine before I announce it publicly. I'm probably more stressed about properly filling out the electronic form than I was waiting for results. Ergh. It's a little bit unreasonable to fear that I incorrectly ruined my graduate acceptance because I botched up an electronic form, but.. 

That's understandable! I almost wish I had a form to fill out, just clicking a button made it really easy to accidentally accept. Luckily it all worked out for me.

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Just now, rhombusbombus said:

Visiting? How exciting!

interviewing to be accepted (hopefully)!! it's a top choice for me and everyone that's gone has really loved the program, so i'm extremely excited but also extremely nervous. :P

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1 minute ago, Effloresce said:

interviewing to be accepted (hopefully)!! it's a top choice for me and everyone that's gone has really loved the program, so i'm extremely excited but also extremely nervous. :P

I feel like "don't be nervous" is what i should say but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't nervous at all of my interviews even when i knew i was already accepted!

Nervous is expected! they won't care! they understand! I think it shows how highly you regard the program!

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