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may be joining @nickelmoop... i received the notice today that i am also in at UT!!

this forum actually brought me and moop together so we called and twas nice.

now eating some leftover fried chicken. 

all the best to you all this march and coming weeks, truly so grateful for this space!

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Got an interview at Columbia today! I'm excited but nervous because it's only 20 minutes so a lot shorter than the other schools I've interviewed at! Has anyone interviewed there or had a short interview like that? 

Also congrats to everyone hearing about admissions! You're killing it! 

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On 2/20/2021 at 2:01 PM, Mel Rose said:

I applied to Iowa, but haven’t heard any updates yet. Judging by last year’s timeline, there may be a little more time (looks like interviews/offers began in March in 2020). Hoping that’s the case!

First time poster. I got an email from Lisa from Iowa late last night for an interview, hope that helps.

Just found this forum, and it is truly amazing. Thank you all for the information and kind energy. It's such a nerve-wracking process, living in the unknown. This is giving me waves of relief.

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On 3/1/2021 at 7:08 PM, cheesy said:

may be joining @nickelmoop... i received the notice today that i am also in at UT!!

this forum actually brought me and moop together so we called and twas nice.

now eating some leftover fried chicken. 

all the best to you all this march and coming weeks, truly so grateful for this space!


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Congrats @cheesy and @nickelmoop, hopefully you’ll end up being the UT Austin dynamic duo!!! Does the “may” in your message mean you’re still deciding if you’ll accept?

Congrats to everyone doing Columbia interviews!!! I haven’t done a 20-min MFA interview myself (had one for something else where I felt like I was being shot down a water slide), but I’m gonna focus on staying relaxed and being myself, because as others mentioned, they already liked our samples! Of course, if anybody else has more advice to offer on short interviews, that would be welcome!

@PlayWitch yay for your NYU interview!! Sorry the staggered interview requests were making you feel shitty, glad this has picked up your spirits! This is my first time through and the whole process is definitely draining and has been at times very discouraging. Glad we have each other here.

@smalliebiggz Congrats on your Iowa interview!! Welcome to our little warm, informative, supportive corner of the vast, vast internet!!

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@sandringham Well, aren't you a sweetie pie! Thank you!


It was basically the lighting round, because I got the email this morning and had the interview this evening! I feel pretty good about it! I came in with a few thoughtful questions about the program, and we had a nice rapport. My interviewer was very familiar with my application and had a lot of nice things to say. Such a huge difference from last year when my interview hadn't even read my application. The waiting continues!

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@sandringhambeing shot down a water slide is the perfect way to describe a short interview!!

I just had my Northwestern interview and it was literally only 10 minutes I feel like I actually blacked out it happened so fast...they asked multi-part questions and there were four professors there oh my gosh what a freakin' whirlwind...BUT I think this may have been my last interview (haven't hear anything from Brown and Hunter so I'm assuming I'm rejected considering everything...honestly at peace with this. And then there's still Brooklyn to hear from but they don't do interviews so...) I FEEL RELIEVED. No matter what happens, my part is over, and I really feel like I did everything I could. Let the waiting commence...

and cheeeeers to everyone with upcoming interviews! 

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@sadringham may indeed! while i'm 99% sure i'll end up accepting, i want to make sure i see things out with the other schools / groups i applied to through the end. so, being that i won't hear from most until april, i will hold off on officially accepting, but again, i've been looking at places in austin already so i'm pretty sold bahaha!

and congrats congrats congrats to everyone! such good news, love the positivity that stays generating in here!!! ❤️ wishing you all thebest always. and again, echoing off of everyone, an mfa does not define you and i hope that this process is more encouraging vs destructive.

also my toilets broken so ive been trying to fix it all day, gonna continue at it lol

happy wednesday!

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Congrats everybody!!! Rockstars!!


UT send they'd send the full financial package/info in a week so I'm also still playing the field until then. Also interviewing with Columbia & Sarah Lawrence this weekend! Good luck everyone. 


From what I know though I will probably end up at UT like @cheesy


You probs already know all of this but some questions I was glad to have had thought of concise answers to for the interview were : why playwriting, why an MFA and why NOW, why this program, tell us about work you love/questions you have/things you're excited to explore at this program. And then of course just being really honest about the kind of art you like and artist you are. I definitely don't only want to write plays - I act and direct and wanna build a company. A lot of the way I think about writing comes from my acting background. I thought owning that would hurt my prospects but I think it actually helped. You are valid and good in and away from all of this! Gluck all! 



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hi! haven't posted on here a ton but I just had my NYU interview with Lucas Hnath--and it went super well! The program seems like a better fit for me than I thought and he was very kind, had read my play and liked it (!) and it felt very lowkey and low pressure. It was also very short, about 25 minutes. He did mention that he's not actually on the admissions committee so if you're interviewing with him keep that in mind.


I've been lurking here for a while and ruminating in all of your successes, so, hi, and also, congrats to everyone on their interviews and acceptances and also just for doing the damn thing!! we're almost at the end!!

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Wow! Seems like there’s a lot of us interviewing for Columbia. Makes sense since it’s a larger cohort.

Does anyone know how many they’re interviewing total? I was going to count the interview slots but then I got nervous that someone would take the time slot I was eyeballing, haha. 

Edited by Strelka
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48 minutes ago, quarantini33 said:

Has anyone been contacted by UCLA for an interview? I have not and am not sure if I should just write it off. Thanks! 

Nothing here. There was a rejection notice posted on the results page. Unclear where they are in the process. Unclear to me at least.

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