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Everything posted by koalalover1

  1. It was for my program! It should say on the apartment website whether or not it's furnished. There were actually multiple apartments that could either be furnished or unfurnished where I go. I feel like it's a pretty common thing, but maybe that's just me? If you're unsure, you could definitely call the places you're interested in an ask? Or send emails if you can't find time to call/find that easier. Otherwise I found it really helpful once we had a Facebook page for our class, people that did their undergrad gave helpful info on apartments that were unfurnished versus furnished! Saved a lot of money and time moving heavy furniture, plus I get to live with people from my cohort so I met people right off the bat and pay less in rent a month that I budgeted for!
  2. Have you thought about looking for furnished apartments/places to live?! I ended up moving to my program from another state, and got a furnished place to live in with three other people in the program. This place even had a full sized bed (I have a queen at home, though) so I did not even need to bring the bed. All i brought was my clothes and other necessities, but no heavy furniture because it was already at the new place! My parents drove with me and I loaded up two cars! Did not even rent a U Haul. That's always an option to look into, depending if your program has the housing you are looking for that is furnished!
  3. If this is helpful, last application season I applied to 8 grad schools with under a 300 GRE, and I'm in a program! My GPA was lower than yours, too! As I went through the application process, I felt like schools really like the major GPA, and your experience, over your GRE score. You also have a high writing score, which is helpful! Verbal and writing are really the two they look at, over the math section. But if you have a good GPA to balance it, I've heard that a lower GRE isn't as important, which it seems you do! Also, good letters of intent that are unique to a program stand out, too! I also think it depends on where you apply, too? Super competitive areas weed out apps just because they get so many people applying. The programs I applied to did not have a cut off GRE. Good luck with your apps! I hope you hear good news soon!
  4. I wish you good luck! I will be in that boat soon! I'm sure you will do great! If you want to put it positively, you likely are scared/nervous because you are very passionate for this field and care a lot about what you want to do with your degree! And you really, really want this! Only good reasons! I'm sure you will pass!
  5. I am just signing on, too! I will email you also if that's okay! Sorry I'm so late on responding!
  6. I am eaves dropping on this convo - but I wanted to quote you because I am actually also from Wisconsin (Go Packers!) Anyways, I decided to do my Master's in Ohio, but am thinking for my last semester I will be coming back to Wisconsin (I've been looking into doing my last semester full internship and CFY in Wisconsin). I do know I want to work in a school as of now. I have been trying to figure out what the Wisconsin teaching license requirement is, as we are on our own for reporting to our clinic director about the requirements per state. I'm only in my first semester so I have time. I didn't know if it would be easier to message you? Just saw the connection and figured I'd ask! The ASHA website is very helpful and I get the gist of it, but it is also helpful to talk to someone who has gone through the process!
  7. Hello everybody! So right now I am at my first semester of my graduate program for speech language pathology. I know I have a long way, but I have started thinking about the Praxis. I wanted to ask- have any of you actually graduated with your Master's and taken the Praxis yet? I am just curious if you have any study tips or books or online courses to recommend! I am not the best at test taking and would like to prep myself sooner than later! I know I have a lot of time, but five semesters will go faster than I think! Thanks!!
  8. I was accepted at the one I am at (Bowling Green State University)! I was waitlisted everywhere else I applied, but most of the schools I chose were unusually competitive this year. I just liked BGSU a lot and it was the one I got into! I have been enjoying the program a lot as well! My word of advice is that if you are willing to apply to schools that are out of state or are a longer drive yet feasible, I would! Just make sure you could see yourself at the program and you will enjoy it! I also think having a higher last 60 credit GPA helps a lot (I had around a 3.85!)
  9. You seem quite competitive to me, especially with that GRE score to add onto your GPA! If it helps at all, I actually had lower GRE's and a lower GPA and I have been accepted! It all depends on how you display yourself in your SOP and what LOR's you get! Good luck!
  10. GRE scores are important, but certainly not everything! I had a similar score (both were under 150) but my writing was a 5, and I got accepted into a great program! If you plan on re taking it, I would try and focus some time on the writing and the verbal section for sure. It also depends what your GPA is and your experience to put on your resume!
  11. Makes sense. That's what I thought too but after reading this and around the forums I just thought it would be interesting to hear some stories like that! I already have been accepted this cycle so I don't really have to worry about that but there's always that thought of what if there's one school you really want and you don't get it the first try?!
  12. I'm just curious in this topic - have any of you actually been accepted into a program, and after the outcome of your schools you then decide to take a gap year and try again because you didn't get into the school you really wanted? Or is that insane to do?
  13. Have you looked into positions as an ABA therapist for children with autism? Those positions are usually very flexible with hours! Only down side is they may want you to commit at least six months. I have been an ABA therapist during my last year as an undergrad, and it was only 9 hours a week. I'm fairly certain it helped me get into the program I got into! It is a great experience and would look good on a resume for any job really.
  14. Has anybody who has been waitlist at UW Milwaukee heard back yet? I am very confused by this process! I am on the first tier of the waitlist, and they have sent us a website that updates as people get offers. They said it will be updating as people get offers, but it has not updated since April 20. When I look online on their website it says a fair amount of people get offers off the waitlist (they've averaged offering admission to 36 people off the waitlist each year for the past three years, which seems high to me). I'm getting that from http://uwm.edu/healthsciences/wp-content/uploads/sites/129/2015/05/3-year-CSD-Grad-Program-Statistics.pdf so correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe it is just a competitive year? Or they accepted more people initially? Or I am being impatient...I'm just curious because I am highly interested in this program! If anybody has any insight, message me! Thanks We also have not received any emails about the class being filled or anything, and I've received emails after the April 15 deadline from them.
  15. Thanks! Because of it I am most likely going to decline an offer to Whitewater if I ever get one, so maybe it will help you! We should be hearing again next week!! Thank you!!
  16. Got off the waitlist today at Bowling Green State in Ohio with a six credit scholarship available! Have until tomorrow to decide! Want to wait on the Wisconsin schools but I have an option!
  17. Hopefully we hear something in the next couple of days! I just wish we could know where we stand on the waitlist!
  18. Has anybody heard from UW Stevens Point in regards to the waitlist, or know how the process works?! I am getting anxious over here
  19. Thanks! Good luck to you as well as we go through the waiting game! Did you fill out the survey that asked if you wanted to remain on until the 22nd for Whitewater?! They will most likely wait until then and rank us! That's when I would guess you would hear something...but who knows!
  20. I haven't heard anything yet! I have found out though I am on the first tier waitlist for UW Milwaukee, so if I get in there I will be rejecting my waitlist spot at Whitewater! Hope to hear good news soon and maybe can help out you guys! (No clue about ranking, though )
  21. I believe one or two girls from our cohort were waitlisted and got in, but I'm not really sure. We don't all talk too much because it's kind of a touchy topic for people who don't get in and such, but I'm pretty sure they were waitlisted. Most people I know who got in took the offer right away though. They may also change their minds if they get off of other waitlists, so I'm sure the waitlist will be changing!
  22. Yeah, it is so small. They take 14-16. It's a great program, but I just want to go somewhere new. The professors have told me, though, that it's common for people to change their minds late, which opens spots on the waitlist! Definitely don't give up hope yet!
  23. I got that from Whitewater as well (I'm assuming this is the one you're talking about?). Still haven't heard from any of my other six schools yet, getting anxious for tomorrow! I go to Whitewater, so luckily it is definitely not my first choice (program is great, I just want a change)!
  24. I am curious as well, as I am on seven waitlists!
  25. I am waitlisted at GVSU currently! Did you go to the interview?
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