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  1. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from S_C_789 in 2020 Applicants   
    I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to mention waitlists from previous years. I think the admissions committee changes each year and each one will look for different things to fill in a cohort. I also think there are far more valuable things you can talk about in such a small word count.
  2. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Narrative Nancy in 2020 Applicants   
  3. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from havemybloodchild in 2020 Applicants   
    I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to mention waitlists from previous years. I think the admissions committee changes each year and each one will look for different things to fill in a cohort. I also think there are far more valuable things you can talk about in such a small word count.
  4. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from ignoredfab in How much can I save from my PhD stipend?   
    I think you're going to have a hard time finding the answer you're looking for because there is no standard saving amount. There are a few factors that impact this:

    -Your stipend (which may or may not be the same as everyone else's in your cohort. Sometimes, people do bring in outside funding which increases their total funding. Sometimes, the university adjusts their funding if you have outside funding. Some limit it to a certain amount.)
    -Cost of rent: Some people have no problem living with others to cut costs. Sometimes, you have no choice to share a house or apartment to be able to live on the stipend. Some people prefer living on their own and will invest to ensure that they don't have roommates. Having a pet or a family complicates things even more. Sometimes, there are two people earning an income; sometimes just one. Someone might pay $700 or so for rent while another person will pay $1300 to live in a more desired location with easier access to attractions or the university or for more space.
    -Cost of food: Nobody in a single cohort will eat the same thing. Some prefer investing money in organic food or eating locally. Some people might only have access to one grocery store.
    -Transportation: Not all universities provide free public transportation to their students. Sometimes, a car is needed. A car costs money and unexpected repairs might put a dent in savings. Having a car does offer you the mobility to get groceries whenever you'd like. A parking pass will cost more money at most universities. The cost of a parking pass varies significantly.
    -Bills: Electricity + Gas aren't included as part of your monthly rent. This numbers vary depending on how often you need them. Cellphone and internet are other things you'll likely have to pay for.
    -Books: Different courses require different books. Most people will take different classes.
    -Conferences:  Local conferences can be cheap. Not all conferences will be local. Some might require a plane ride + hotel reservations. Some universities are generous in covering all expenses; some might have a certain limit for your entire time at the program.
    -Moving expenses: Most universities don't give you additional money to move.
    -Furniture: Unless you move into a furnished unit, you'll need to buy some furniture if you don't have it.
    -Going out: Sometimes, your cohort will want to hang out. Sometimes, you'll hangout at restaurants and you'll want to ensure that you have money to do so. Sometimes, you won't feel like cooking. If it's a sit-down restaurant, a tip is courtesy and is common 

    Other expenses may include: pet expenses, lyft/taxi rides,  hospital bills, dental appointments, major appliance purchases (such as a washer or dryer), and so on. 
  5. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from vondafkossum in 2020 Applicants   
    I'm not sure if it would be beneficial to mention waitlists from previous years. I think the admissions committee changes each year and each one will look for different things to fill in a cohort. I also think there are far more valuable things you can talk about in such a small word count.
  6. Like
    Warelin reacted to onerepublic96 in 2020 Applicants   
    Must be some universal good luck kicking in for us all, because I just got the first confirmation emails saying my final recommender has begun uploading letters! 
  7. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from onerepublic96 in 2020 Applicants   
    You can do it!
  8. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from TGCA in Seeking Moderators and Area Moderators   

    We are interested in recruiting new moderators and area moderators to join our staff. Moderators help their fellow members by answering questions and keeping the forum free from spam.

    Moderators and Area Mods are an all-volunteer team.

    Moderators would handle general moderating, possibly results, forum direction, forum admin/approvals/spam)

    Area Mods would handle a niche of forums, spam cleanup, and enforcement of policies.
    Additional responsibilities of both include answering questions from the community,

    Active participation The ability to work well within a team Respect for all users If you are interested, simply send me a PM with the information below.
    Essential information when applying:
    Let us know your availability Which forums are you most interested in moderating? Explain your experience as a moderator (if applicable) Why do you want to become a moderator?
    Your applications will be reviewed; if selected, either @TGCA or I will contact you.

    I look forward to receiving and reviewing your application!
  9. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from stafo in GEM Fellowship 2020   
    Prior to August 2011, the GRE was scored between 200 and 800.
  10. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to karamazov in 2020 Applicants   
    @onerepublic96 @Warelin @coffeelyf I emailed Emory, and found out that they give automatic fee waivers to veterans and their children. I had indicated on my application that I'm the child of a veteran, but I had no idea they would waive the fee for that. Mystery solved! 
  11. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from vondafkossum in 2020 Applicants   
    Sarah at Washington University in St. Louis and Nathan at Northwestern are really excellent in their organization and answering questions.
  12. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from Cryss in 2020 Applicants   
    Apply to hidden gems that you overlooked the first time? Find real hidden gems outside?
  13. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Indecisive Poet in 2020 Applicants   
    Apply to hidden gems that you overlooked the first time? Find real hidden gems outside?
  14. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from CanadianEnglish in 2020 Applicants   
    Apply to hidden gems that you overlooked the first time? Find real hidden gems outside?
  15. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from Regimentations in Is attending a lower-ranked program worth it?   
    I think there are a few things this thread ignores.

    Yes, people from a "top 20" school might get a second glance at their resume, which might make it easier for them to land an interview.
    No, it doesn't automatically mean that they'll get the job over someone else.
    No school can guarantee you that you'll be viewed equally at every school you apply to.
    Yes, some schools might make it easier to get published in certain journals.
    Different countries have differing opinions on which schools are considered the best.
    Schools rich in finances might be able to provide more resources.
    Some schools are lowering cohort sizes by 1-2 spots in order to better provide resources for current students and to increase the percentage of students they place.
    Advisers are important. Advisers can move from school to school which can impact placements.
    Some advisers might have contacts at certain journals which might make it easier to get a piece looked at.
    Not everyone wants to be placed in an R1 school. Some students would prefer teaching a 3-3, 4-4, or 5-5 rather than doing research. I don't think it's proper to say that one system is better than another.
    Some schools are really good at "placing above their level" when it comes to fellowships. Sometimes, the connections from those fellowships are what allows them to move up the chain.
    The majority of people on this forum will not land a tenure-track position no matter where they go.
    There are schools currently outside the top 20 that have made dramatic changes in recent years which may or may not impact them. (Prior to these rankings, I think Chicago was previously ranked 10th? Indiana and UC Davis were not considered to be top 20 schools. And Michigan was outside the top 10.)
    Rankings can change

    According to the USNEWS:"
    "Rankings of doctoral programs in the social sciences and humanities are based solely on the results of peer assessment surveys sent to academics in each discipline. Ipsos Public Affairs conducted the surveys in fall 2016. U.S. News conducted the survey of doctoral programs in criminology and criminal justice in fall 2017.
    For the surveys conducted in fall 2016, Ipsos sent each school offering a doctoral program two surveys per discipline. Questionnaires were sent to department heads and directors of graduate studies in economics, English, history, political science, psychology and sociology – or, alternatively, a senior faculty member who teaches graduate students – at schools that had granted a total of five or more doctorates in each discipline during the five-year period from 2011 through 2015, as indicated by the National Center for Education Statistics' Completions survey. These rankings were published in 2017.
    The questionnaires asked respondents to rate the academic quality of the programs at other institutions on a 5-point scale: outstanding (5), strong (4), good (3), adequate (2) or marginal (1). Individuals who were unfamiliar with a particular school's programs were asked to select "don't know."
    Scores for each school were determined by computing a trimmed mean – eliminating the two highest and two lowest responses – of the ratings of all respondents who rated that school; average scores were then sorted in descending order.
    These are the number of schools with doctoral programs surveyed in fall 2016: economics (138); English (155); history (151); political science (120); psychology (255); and sociology (118). And these were the response rates: economics (23 percent), English (14 percent), history (15 percent), political science (24 percent), psychology (14 percent) and sociology (33 percent)."

    It is unlikely that every grad program is paying attention to every other grad program. Different schools excel at different areas. It's up to each individual to figure out whether a school can ultimately help them out in reaching a goal.

    A student who excels at a "top 20" school does not necessarily mean they're more talented than someone who went to a school outside the top 20. It just means they were a better fit for that one school.
    Some recent job postings have recently required applicants to have taught a certain amount of classes. Sometimes, that number isn't possible for someone whose only experience has been in a PHD program.

    Some universities do better placing students at nearby universities or nearby states. Some students refuse to enter the national job market. Some people are open to the international job market. This number isn't the same at every university which further impacts numbers.
    If you're purely interested in an R1 school, your chances increase if you go to top 10 school. However, there are no guarantees ever.

    Find a school that appreciates what you can do and that can help you excel in. A degree is useless if you have to drop out because you don't feel supported and/or are suffering from depression. Depression is very real in grad school.
    Not all top students go or are admitted into a top school. Some do manage to work their way up but the cards are stacked against them.
    Be prepared to work hard no matter where you go. But don't be discouraged if you don't get into a top 10 or top 20 school. There are a number of schools in the top 50 who are doing some pretty cool things.

    Also: Find a school that has a stipend you can live on. Don't be afraid to ask how students live. (How far do they live from the university? Do they live alone or with roommates? Is it by choice? Do they need an additional job to survive? Do they need to take out loans?) You won't be rich by going to grad school but you shouldn't have to worry about where your next meal is coming from.

    Don't go into debt for a degree which has no guarantee of a job at the end.
  16. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from karamazov in 2020 Applicants   
    FWIW, one of my recommenders turned in their letters about 2 weeks after the December 1st deadline. I was accepted by said school.
  17. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Pierre de Olivi in Is attending a lower-ranked program worth it?   
    I think it's also important to state that some elite private high schools now require you to have a Master's degree or higher to teach at their institution.
    I think the best advice one can take is to study the period that they're most interested in. Don't try to game the market; it most likely wouldn't work. If you study what your most interested in, you're more likely to stay committed and take an interest in wanting to do more research on your dissertation.
  18. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from psstein in Is attending a lower-ranked program worth it?   
    I think it's also important to state that some elite private high schools now require you to have a Master's degree or higher to teach at their institution.
    I think the best advice one can take is to study the period that they're most interested in. Don't try to game the market; it most likely wouldn't work. If you study what your most interested in, you're more likely to stay committed and take an interest in wanting to do more research on your dissertation.
  19. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from ignoredfab in Is attending a lower-ranked program worth it?   
    I think there are a few things this thread ignores.

    Yes, people from a "top 20" school might get a second glance at their resume, which might make it easier for them to land an interview.
    No, it doesn't automatically mean that they'll get the job over someone else.
    No school can guarantee you that you'll be viewed equally at every school you apply to.
    Yes, some schools might make it easier to get published in certain journals.
    Different countries have differing opinions on which schools are considered the best.
    Schools rich in finances might be able to provide more resources.
    Some schools are lowering cohort sizes by 1-2 spots in order to better provide resources for current students and to increase the percentage of students they place.
    Advisers are important. Advisers can move from school to school which can impact placements.
    Some advisers might have contacts at certain journals which might make it easier to get a piece looked at.
    Not everyone wants to be placed in an R1 school. Some students would prefer teaching a 3-3, 4-4, or 5-5 rather than doing research. I don't think it's proper to say that one system is better than another.
    Some schools are really good at "placing above their level" when it comes to fellowships. Sometimes, the connections from those fellowships are what allows them to move up the chain.
    The majority of people on this forum will not land a tenure-track position no matter where they go.
    There are schools currently outside the top 20 that have made dramatic changes in recent years which may or may not impact them. (Prior to these rankings, I think Chicago was previously ranked 10th? Indiana and UC Davis were not considered to be top 20 schools. And Michigan was outside the top 10.)
    Rankings can change

    According to the USNEWS:"
    "Rankings of doctoral programs in the social sciences and humanities are based solely on the results of peer assessment surveys sent to academics in each discipline. Ipsos Public Affairs conducted the surveys in fall 2016. U.S. News conducted the survey of doctoral programs in criminology and criminal justice in fall 2017.
    For the surveys conducted in fall 2016, Ipsos sent each school offering a doctoral program two surveys per discipline. Questionnaires were sent to department heads and directors of graduate studies in economics, English, history, political science, psychology and sociology – or, alternatively, a senior faculty member who teaches graduate students – at schools that had granted a total of five or more doctorates in each discipline during the five-year period from 2011 through 2015, as indicated by the National Center for Education Statistics' Completions survey. These rankings were published in 2017.
    The questionnaires asked respondents to rate the academic quality of the programs at other institutions on a 5-point scale: outstanding (5), strong (4), good (3), adequate (2) or marginal (1). Individuals who were unfamiliar with a particular school's programs were asked to select "don't know."
    Scores for each school were determined by computing a trimmed mean – eliminating the two highest and two lowest responses – of the ratings of all respondents who rated that school; average scores were then sorted in descending order.
    These are the number of schools with doctoral programs surveyed in fall 2016: economics (138); English (155); history (151); political science (120); psychology (255); and sociology (118). And these were the response rates: economics (23 percent), English (14 percent), history (15 percent), political science (24 percent), psychology (14 percent) and sociology (33 percent)."

    It is unlikely that every grad program is paying attention to every other grad program. Different schools excel at different areas. It's up to each individual to figure out whether a school can ultimately help them out in reaching a goal.

    A student who excels at a "top 20" school does not necessarily mean they're more talented than someone who went to a school outside the top 20. It just means they were a better fit for that one school.
    Some recent job postings have recently required applicants to have taught a certain amount of classes. Sometimes, that number isn't possible for someone whose only experience has been in a PHD program.

    Some universities do better placing students at nearby universities or nearby states. Some students refuse to enter the national job market. Some people are open to the international job market. This number isn't the same at every university which further impacts numbers.
    If you're purely interested in an R1 school, your chances increase if you go to top 10 school. However, there are no guarantees ever.

    Find a school that appreciates what you can do and that can help you excel in. A degree is useless if you have to drop out because you don't feel supported and/or are suffering from depression. Depression is very real in grad school.
    Not all top students go or are admitted into a top school. Some do manage to work their way up but the cards are stacked against them.
    Be prepared to work hard no matter where you go. But don't be discouraged if you don't get into a top 10 or top 20 school. There are a number of schools in the top 50 who are doing some pretty cool things.

    Also: Find a school that has a stipend you can live on. Don't be afraid to ask how students live. (How far do they live from the university? Do they live alone or with roommates? Is it by choice? Do they need an additional job to survive? Do they need to take out loans?) You won't be rich by going to grad school but you shouldn't have to worry about where your next meal is coming from.

    Don't go into debt for a degree which has no guarantee of a job at the end.
  20. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from Indecisive Poet in Is attending a lower-ranked program worth it?   
    I think there are a few things this thread ignores.

    Yes, people from a "top 20" school might get a second glance at their resume, which might make it easier for them to land an interview.
    No, it doesn't automatically mean that they'll get the job over someone else.
    No school can guarantee you that you'll be viewed equally at every school you apply to.
    Yes, some schools might make it easier to get published in certain journals.
    Different countries have differing opinions on which schools are considered the best.
    Schools rich in finances might be able to provide more resources.
    Some schools are lowering cohort sizes by 1-2 spots in order to better provide resources for current students and to increase the percentage of students they place.
    Advisers are important. Advisers can move from school to school which can impact placements.
    Some advisers might have contacts at certain journals which might make it easier to get a piece looked at.
    Not everyone wants to be placed in an R1 school. Some students would prefer teaching a 3-3, 4-4, or 5-5 rather than doing research. I don't think it's proper to say that one system is better than another.
    Some schools are really good at "placing above their level" when it comes to fellowships. Sometimes, the connections from those fellowships are what allows them to move up the chain.
    The majority of people on this forum will not land a tenure-track position no matter where they go.
    There are schools currently outside the top 20 that have made dramatic changes in recent years which may or may not impact them. (Prior to these rankings, I think Chicago was previously ranked 10th? Indiana and UC Davis were not considered to be top 20 schools. And Michigan was outside the top 10.)
    Rankings can change

    According to the USNEWS:"
    "Rankings of doctoral programs in the social sciences and humanities are based solely on the results of peer assessment surveys sent to academics in each discipline. Ipsos Public Affairs conducted the surveys in fall 2016. U.S. News conducted the survey of doctoral programs in criminology and criminal justice in fall 2017.
    For the surveys conducted in fall 2016, Ipsos sent each school offering a doctoral program two surveys per discipline. Questionnaires were sent to department heads and directors of graduate studies in economics, English, history, political science, psychology and sociology – or, alternatively, a senior faculty member who teaches graduate students – at schools that had granted a total of five or more doctorates in each discipline during the five-year period from 2011 through 2015, as indicated by the National Center for Education Statistics' Completions survey. These rankings were published in 2017.
    The questionnaires asked respondents to rate the academic quality of the programs at other institutions on a 5-point scale: outstanding (5), strong (4), good (3), adequate (2) or marginal (1). Individuals who were unfamiliar with a particular school's programs were asked to select "don't know."
    Scores for each school were determined by computing a trimmed mean – eliminating the two highest and two lowest responses – of the ratings of all respondents who rated that school; average scores were then sorted in descending order.
    These are the number of schools with doctoral programs surveyed in fall 2016: economics (138); English (155); history (151); political science (120); psychology (255); and sociology (118). And these were the response rates: economics (23 percent), English (14 percent), history (15 percent), political science (24 percent), psychology (14 percent) and sociology (33 percent)."

    It is unlikely that every grad program is paying attention to every other grad program. Different schools excel at different areas. It's up to each individual to figure out whether a school can ultimately help them out in reaching a goal.

    A student who excels at a "top 20" school does not necessarily mean they're more talented than someone who went to a school outside the top 20. It just means they were a better fit for that one school.
    Some recent job postings have recently required applicants to have taught a certain amount of classes. Sometimes, that number isn't possible for someone whose only experience has been in a PHD program.

    Some universities do better placing students at nearby universities or nearby states. Some students refuse to enter the national job market. Some people are open to the international job market. This number isn't the same at every university which further impacts numbers.
    If you're purely interested in an R1 school, your chances increase if you go to top 10 school. However, there are no guarantees ever.

    Find a school that appreciates what you can do and that can help you excel in. A degree is useless if you have to drop out because you don't feel supported and/or are suffering from depression. Depression is very real in grad school.
    Not all top students go or are admitted into a top school. Some do manage to work their way up but the cards are stacked against them.
    Be prepared to work hard no matter where you go. But don't be discouraged if you don't get into a top 10 or top 20 school. There are a number of schools in the top 50 who are doing some pretty cool things.

    Also: Find a school that has a stipend you can live on. Don't be afraid to ask how students live. (How far do they live from the university? Do they live alone or with roommates? Is it by choice? Do they need an additional job to survive? Do they need to take out loans?) You won't be rich by going to grad school but you shouldn't have to worry about where your next meal is coming from.

    Don't go into debt for a degree which has no guarantee of a job at the end.
  21. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from cupidcello in Can I submit apps before all LORs are submitted?   
    Yes. I can't think of a single school which requires letter of recommendations to be in before you could submit your application.
  22. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Regimentations in Is attending a lower-ranked program worth it?   
    Or possibly exactly what the job market was looking for at the time. A top school does not mean you'll automatically get the job over someone else.
    This. Rankings do not equal placement rates. Rankings do not mean better funding. Rankings do not mean best professors. Rankings can also change based on certain fields. Placements can change based on what changes have been done to improve the department.
    I'd also like to add that some people not at a top 20 are discouraged by their peers from even attempting to apply to tenure track positions. Others realize that they don't want to teach. Those outside the top 20 who take grad school seriously though often land very lucrative tt positions though. As such, it's hard to accurately measure placements especially in smaller cohorts.
    It depends on where you live. I've spoken to a fair number of graduates from outside countries. Certain schools might not even have programs in their field or might be ranked poorly for their field. Despite that, they say it is more valuable to go to that university because their country values it more.
  23. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from punctilious in I am ABD at UCLA in English. Ask me anything.   
    @NowMoreSerious, would your advice regarding conferences/journals stay the same for someone hoping to use their academic degree outside of the United States? If the end goal was Ireland or Germany, would you recommend that they target journals or conferences in those countries? Or do you feel that a journal's prestige goes beyond any borders?  I ask because individuals I've talked to from outside of the US have a different ranking system they use and follow which has its own set of values they follow.
  24. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from onerepublic96 in Is it worth applying to a PhD program just to see what happens?   
    I never said you weren't a great student. However, Academia requires you to be more than that. It requires you to be unafraid of the job market. It requires you to be okay with possibly not being able to attend everything you want to attend. It requires you to be okay with living on a limited income. It requires you to be okay with not having access to a retirement plan until later. It requires you to value critique and advice even when it might not be what any of us want to hear. It requires you to be comfortable with rejection because we'll often hear more 'no' than 'yes'. (From applications, to conferences, to fellowships, to jobs) It also requires us to be find the right pace for ourselves, learn to say no, and realize that the majority of graduates will not land tenure-track jobs. It's important to realize that you'll need to be just as driven (if not more driven) to succeed as everyone else in order to stand a chance of surviving the job market. It cannot feel like a second choice and one can't apply to grad school because they're unsure of what they want to do next in life. Applications are draining but you'll want nothing more if it's the right choice for you. Only you can decide what's right for you but you also should know that being in a Ph.D. program is very different from being a great student in an MA program. If you're serious about applying, I'd advise you to have a serious conversation about it with your professors. It might be to your advantage to apply next year as otherwise you'd likely be competing with individuals who have spent their summer revising their SOPs and Writing Samples and who have had long conversations about "fit", college strengths and atmosphere, and their end goals with professors. Because you have (or will have) an MA degree, it's likely that schools will require you to have a deeper understanding of the field and it'll be to your advantage to demonstrate that as much as you possibly can.
  25. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from vondafkossum in Is it worth applying to a PhD program just to see what happens?   
    I never said you weren't a great student. However, Academia requires you to be more than that. It requires you to be unafraid of the job market. It requires you to be okay with possibly not being able to attend everything you want to attend. It requires you to be okay with living on a limited income. It requires you to be okay with not having access to a retirement plan until later. It requires you to value critique and advice even when it might not be what any of us want to hear. It requires you to be comfortable with rejection because we'll often hear more 'no' than 'yes'. (From applications, to conferences, to fellowships, to jobs) It also requires us to be find the right pace for ourselves, learn to say no, and realize that the majority of graduates will not land tenure-track jobs. It's important to realize that you'll need to be just as driven (if not more driven) to succeed as everyone else in order to stand a chance of surviving the job market. It cannot feel like a second choice and one can't apply to grad school because they're unsure of what they want to do next in life. Applications are draining but you'll want nothing more if it's the right choice for you. Only you can decide what's right for you but you also should know that being in a Ph.D. program is very different from being a great student in an MA program. If you're serious about applying, I'd advise you to have a serious conversation about it with your professors. It might be to your advantage to apply next year as otherwise you'd likely be competing with individuals who have spent their summer revising their SOPs and Writing Samples and who have had long conversations about "fit", college strengths and atmosphere, and their end goals with professors. Because you have (or will have) an MA degree, it's likely that schools will require you to have a deeper understanding of the field and it'll be to your advantage to demonstrate that as much as you possibly can.
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