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Pezpoet last won the day on March 2 2018

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  1. Can confirm that UOregon offers a $13,500 stipend, tuition remission, and health insurance to all its incoming graduate students.
  2. FWIW, I know people who have done MAPH and it doesn't sound worth it. Expect a cohort of nearly 100 (imagine how many acceptances they initially sent out) and the above-articulated issues of timing (gap years). During my first round of apps I was offered a spot in the MAPH program and the money (plus moving and cost of living) just made it a hard pass for me. Like truly, that tuition tag is criminal. Next year I applied after bettering my application and got in to my top choice. I think nine months is better spent garnering zero debt and bettering your app. I also think MAPH preys on shut-outs, tbh. Sorry, OP.
  3. Chiming in re: Oregon. I live in Eugene and have friends in the program. 5 years of funding are guaranteed, with amazing health benefits. Full tuition remission with stipends around 13/14k. Obviously, it could be different this year, but I doubt it. This has been their package for awhile. Good luck!
  4. Hey @bigfluffybearcat! Nothing like making a major life decision right at the wire, eh? From what I can tell from your post, Penn still seems like the best option for you. The biggest indicator to me has less to do with timing and money then it does with your feelings about the program. It sounds like UW doesn't offer the classes, support, and environment you need. And those are the most crucial deciding factors. Like, hands down. Plus, Penn allows you to keep the prestigious government-aided funding and take the year to transition. It seems like all UW has to offer is the same amount(ish) of funding and its Seattle location. Personally, I am leaving the Pacific Northwest and also moving to Pennsylvania for my program. The change of landscapes will be so, so hard. But I assume I'll hardly notice with how busy I am. Those are just my thoughts. You do you, and best of luck deciding!
  5. I've officially accepted at Pitt! It was my top choice, so I felt confident signing on the dotted line before a visit. Now I'm reading up, looking at apartments, and gearing up for a biggie transition this summer. Wut wut!
  6. I will for sure! I'll PM you when I get back!
  7. Thanks for your response @a_sort_of_fractious_angel. The visit isn't until the end of March, so I'm just feeling super itchy eager. But I decided today, over a burrito and beer, to just wait until after the visit to officially accept. Because, broom closets and 3-headed dopplegangers!
  8. Question for y'all! My Pitt visit is all planned and in the books. Since it's a top choice, I was pretty confident I would accept, but decided to wait on one other school. Well, I heard from said school today (a no go). So, now I'm 100 percent on Pitt (yay!). Is it a faux pas to go through the formal acceptance before visiting? Or should I hold off until after I visit, since that time/money is usually allocated as recruitment. Thanks for your help!
  9. Congrats on the Pitt waitlist! And for having all your results in. Do you know which way(s) you're leaning? Perhaps one of us should start a decisions thread...
  10. For those waitlisted at Oregon State (MA) I just declined my spot. Here's hoping it opens up for one of y'all! I also plan to decline my spot at UC Riverside, if anyone is waitlisted there too.
  11. Congrats @bpilgrim89!!! And biggie congrats to everyone else. I love popping on here throughout the day to see how y'all are
  12. Re: dog. Can confirm. I got an 11 week puppy mid-application season. It was rough city. There was, of course, little sleeping. But mostly, it was the constant disruptions that wore me down. There was never a time to sit and write for a couple of uninterrupted hours. She ate my GRE study book (good dog) and a bee sting on a sunday meant a 1k trip to the emergency vet. Dogs are expensive. That said, I wouldn't have changed a thing (except maybe rid our house of bees earlier).
  13. Great! My strengths are 90s music and... well, mostly just that.
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