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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I feel you. I applied to the federal scholarship here for student-researchers and I am probably not eligible because of 3% in my grades. BUT, I've been in media, have been published in a book, am a public speaker, have done a lot of community work and won awards for it, have research and work experience in my field of study, etc. I still won't get that scholarship because of 3%. It frustrates me. It's not always about grades. It's important to look at the whole package as well.
  2. Hello, I am attending an English university, but English is my second-language. I would like to improve my grammar, written and spoken English. Any websites to recommend so I can do that online? Thank you,
  3. Hello fellow feminists! I will be starting a MSW (Master of Social Work next fall) but I want to take the Feminist and Gender Studies Graduate Option as well since my topic is really tied to feminism.
  4. Hey, I feel you! I will be presenting at my first international congress in May. Thankfully, it is in my city so I won't have the stress to be travelling on top of it but I am also nervous and do not know what to expect.
  5. Thanks to both of you. I finally found a template that is easy to work with
  6. I was accepted in the Master of Social Work at McGill University, Université du Québec à Montréal and Université de Montréal. I will be attending McGill.
  7. I will start a MSW next fall at McGill. Also did my undergraduate studies there as well.
  8. Nobody? I'm very surprised.
  9. Hello everyone, I'm surfing through the web to find a CV template that would work best for me and I cannot seem to find one. Anyone has good websites to recommend?
  10. I am hijacking this thread because I sensibly have the same concerns as OP. I am going to meet with my supervisor this summer, should I make some sort of list of my expectations during my master's studies and then discuss it with her?
  11. Hello, I read that graduate studies can be very solitary and difficult emotionally by nature. Also, its very competitive nature can be hard to manage. I know for myself that I am an over-achiever and that I can be prone to depression due to that. I just wanted to know, what are your tips to take care of your mental health and well-being throughout your studies?
  12. There are all these really important talks, guess lectures, conferences, etc at university and I feel guilty because I have zero time nor the energy to attend most of them. I would brun out if I did because I'm already sitting on so many commitees, but I still feel guilty. Anyone feeling the same?
  13. Hello, I had a horrible field placement last term in a hospital setting. My supervisor was not very supportive, I felt judged by her and her colleagues. I am in a new placement now, in a community org., but I realize that the first bad experience has shaken my trust in my ability to be a clinical social worker. I take a lot less initiatives even though I do have work experience in the field of social work prior to these field placements.
  14. I'm also heading to McGill this fall.
  15. I have accepted by admission offer from McGill. If I get the scholarship through another university, can I transfer it to McGill?
  16. Thanks everyone! I am just waiting to see what job I am getting this summer and the work conditions to see if I can do it.
  17. I am grateful. It's precisely because I am grateful that I am considering moving out...
  18. TY! But I'm sure I won,t get it, my grades were too borderline But I applied anyway.
  19. Hello, what are the best systematic reviews websites for social sciences? The only one I know is Campbell Collaboration. TY!
  20. What do you mean?
  21. OMG. I love this thread. I am the first one in my nuclear family who will have a university degree. I've often felt throughout university that I was "late" in my knowledge in comparision to my peers who had parents who had attended university. I often felt like an imposteur too. I also come from a low income background (my mother is a single mom, stay-at-home mother, and I have four younger siblings, my father is still around but has two jobs to pay the bills.) My parents are both immigrants.
  22. Yes, I love ambitious and motivated men. But I have zero luck in my romantic life. Everytime I think of asking a man out, turns out they are married with children. Every. single. time.
  23. Thank you. I applied anyways because I am "borderline" in terms of the eligibility criteria but I am sure I won't get the scholarship. At least I tried.
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