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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Yes, Minerva is indeed confusing at first. You'll get used to it. And yes, for new graduate students, registration is on July 4th. I would suggest working and planning your schedule with this tool : https://vsb.mcgill.ca/vsb/welcome.jsp When you'll have to register on July 4th, all you will need is copy-paste the number digits codes provided by VSB in the Quick Add/Drop section.
  2. I did it the summer before I started working on my application. So the deadline was December 15, so I started emailing them at the end of summer before that. But that's pretty early, I must admit.
  3. Oh sorry. I just prefer having a discussion with people on this forum...
  4. Hello, what does having a "research chair" mean? And waht does Tier 1 and Tier 2 mean? I've always wondered.
  5. I've just installed Mint. It seems like an amazing app!
  6. If you are doing a Thesis/Research Based MSW, you'll have a supervisor that will help you with your research. I've prepared my research proposal with mine. But I don't know if it is the same process if you have a Field Based MSW, with no Thesis attached to it.
  7. I also had a prof refusing to do an recommendation for me. I had an A in his class, and he remembers me, that was just one or two years ago I have a feeling he doesn't like me, but I will never know why. First time this happens to me.
  8. Anyone here has good tips to save money on scholarships, TAship, RAship, etc? I'm terrible with that. I am heading to the bank today to have tips, because what I have tried so far doesn't work for me.
  9. Good idea. I haven't thought about this, I have to admit!
  10. And I am very impressed by him and his work, so I am "scared" to email him again.
  11. Hello, So I am applying for another scholarship. I basically need the signature of the "chair" in my departement. I emailed him. I got no reply. It was about a few days ago. Deadline is at the end of the month. When should I email him again? Or can I ask someone else to sign for him? I cannot send my application if I do not have his signature.
  12. Thanks everyone for your thoughtful responses!
  13. I have never put my GPA on my CV, but I did include that I am on the Dean's Honor List for my undergraduate studies. However, I don't believe recruiters look at GPA to assess someone's potential for a job.
  14. I am a SW major, and a prof told me that I should buy sociology dictionarys. I've found those by Oxford pretty useful. I also found out that my university provides business cards. Might be useful. There is probably the same thing at your university as well.
  15. Exactly. I agree with this. No need to be an expert, the whole purpose of going to graduate school is to deepen your understanding of a specific topic or area.
  16. Hello OP, 1) Last year, the deadline was December 15 but I started working on my application at the end of the summer. But I am just doing everything veryyyyy early, that's just part of my personality. I've applied to a couple of places in September. So I guess technically, applications would open also around that time for you as well. I also suggest having you work on your application with your potential supervisor. I would say it takes around a month or two to write a solid research proposal. Applications for major scholarships also tend to be around that time for graduate studies, so it's good to have a solid proposal ready to apply for those. 2) I've also found this great resource : http://www.socialworker.com/products-services/social-work-books/The_Social_Work_Graduate_School_Applicant's_Handbook/ It's a bit old (2005-ish if I remember correctly), but it's still very relevant. 3) There are tons of people from other helping profession fields that apply to social work at the graduate level. This is not uncommon. The major difference with social work is the "lens" through which we analyze and act on social issues. Good luck! Don't hesitate if you have more questions.
  17. I am at McGill and will be taking the MSW - Graduate Option in Gender and Women's studies to touch upon some of the topics you've listed. https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2016-2017/faculties/arts/graduate/programs/master-social-work-msw-social-work-thesis-gender-and-womens-studies
  18. Ok, I've installed Mendeley and BibDesk on my computer. I've kinda got a grip on Mendeley who appears to be quite user-friendly. Does anyone here have some sort of online guide resource to use both? My university only offers training on EndNotes. I am also confused whenever I have to click on "export" when I have an article, it never seems to work and to export it to my databases. Also, is there a possibility that your whole library can get deleted by accident? Can it be saved automatically? Do you have to do a back-up? My biggest fear with relying on technology is losing access to all the info I will have collected.
  19. I am really sorry. I don't know what else to say. I hope everything will settle into place for you.
  20. Yes, it's still relevant and useful!
  21. Hello, I will be starting a master's program next Fall and will be working 10 hours per week max. because I have a scholarship. On top of that, I've committed to be a co-coordinator for an amazing program at my university. It's a volunteer position and it would only be for next Fall. For this volunteer opportunity, I was told that it is a commitment of approximately 3-5 hours per week starting in August, and 10-15 hours for the busiest ones (which will probably occur twice or three times during next semester). I have accepted the offer because it is a beautiful program that I strongly believe in, I love being in a leadership role and empowering other people and working in team. Plus, it's also a good experience personally and professionnally. So overall, aside from my classes, I will have 13 to 25 hours of extracurricular activities for my first semester at graduate school. Even if it is too late to give up on any of those commitments, I just wanted to hear from your experience re: community involvement and work while being in graduate school. In your opinion, how many hours are "acceptable" or "resonable"? When does it become "too much"? I've always handled being busy during university. I've done a lot of volunteering throughout my entire bachelor's degree and managed to be on the Dean's Honor List. And I was told that master's studies tend to be "easier" than undergraduate studies. Anyone has any perspective to share?
  22. I am also Non-White and am hesitating to apply to any US scholarships precisely because of what you just described. I feel exactly like you do. I live in Quebec and there were a couple of cases like the one you've just described that got media coverage. And these people were Canadien citizens just like I am...
  23. I know and I am doing that as well. I just wanted some extra input
  24. Good question! I've never applied, but I'm curious to see what people will answer. PS : Which scholarship is actually "Canada's most prestigious scholarship" between the two? Because on their respective websites, they both describe themselves as being THE most prestigious one. lol
  25. I asked the question out of curiosity.
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