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About MarinaLazarus

  • Birthday 12/04/1991

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Architectural History, Art History, History, Material Culture, Early Modern, Global Renaissance, Lazzaretti.
  • Program
    PhD in History

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  1. Hi all! I have a stupid question about a matter that I don't usually care about: clothing. I am going to start a PhD in History at Cambridge (it doesn't matter where) and I was wondering if I have to start wearing different clothes to look more professional, to care more about what I wear. I don't dress in a bad way but usually, I don't put too much effort into it. From what I recall from my MSc in Edinburgh, people in UK seems more relaxed on the subject than in Italy. Any thoughts?
  2. I have no news from Ertegun... and I don't think that there is still hope :(
  3. I haven's seen a post about AHRC Studentship, yet, so I am starting one. I've checked the results page and I saw that someone got a rejection letter from the AHRC and I was surprised because I thought that they wouldn't notify unsuccessful applicants.
  4. Hi! In my research, I deal with the design of buildings as spatial history! I'm interested in the design because it is influenced by social and government issues. So it seems that I am in both disciplines
  5. Hi! I'm asking advice about my PhD in History. I have applied for two programs in Art History (rejected from Toronto, accepted at St Andrews) and two in History at Cambridge and Oxford (accepted from both) as my research project involves both architectural history and history. My problem is that I've a MSc in Architectural History and Theory and a BA in History of Art and my dream was doing a PhD in Architectural History as I want to be an Architectural Historian. My MSc supervisor suggested me to apply for a PhD in History at Cambridge as there is a potential supervisor which has already worked on my research topic and the same in Oxford. With my surprise, I have been accepted but now I don't know what to do. I'm not worried about the supervisors who are expert in material culture (so both art and architecture) and really interested in the "architectural" part of my research. What I fear the most is that I wouldn't be prepared enough in History and that I wouldn't fit in the department and that I would regret not being in the Art History one. I can still accept the offer at St Andrews (with no chances of funding) but I feel really stupid in refusing the offers from Oxbridge. Is it true that I will be relatively free to shape my research regardless of the department? Can I attend courses held by other departments? My supervisor told me that a PhD in History (and from Cambridge) is more prestigious that a PhD in History of Art, Is that true?
  6. Hi! Which studentship did you get? If you don't mind me asking!
  7. Hi all! I have been admitted to the University of Cambridge (PhD in History) and I would like to ask some general questions about the city (how is life there, studying, where to rent rooms, which are the average living costs etc.). My college will be Girton College that I know is a bit far away from the centre and I was wondering if this will be really an issue or not. Thank you!
  8. @baddie Do you know how many have been admitted? As far as I remember from the results page only two people have been accepted... My POI told me that they accept 5 to 8 PhD students each year. But we have also to consider those who don't know the forum.
  9. Same here... no news. I am international with a UK MSc degree.
  10. Hi! I've the same problem! I have a BA in art history and a MSc in Architectural History. I've applied both for PhD in history of art and history as my research involves both and it was easier to find a decent fit as supervisor among historians. In particular, I applied at Cambridge department of History and with my surprise, I've been accepted! Now I am quite confused because I don't feel enough prepared for PhD in History... and I fear that I would miss my beloved architectural history and the History of Art department. My research focuses on the lazzaretti (plague hospitals) in the Mediterranean Region (Italy, Dalmatia, France, Malta, Spain..) during the Early Modern period (fifteenth- eighteenth centuries). I will focus above all on the architecture but also on social and economic history, history of medicine, trade etc. in the Mediterranean area. Any suggestion about books and manuals on this region in the period mentioned?
  11. Great post! I'd love to read more in a blog!
  12. Hi! I have lived in Edinburgh for a year for my master degree. The average rent for a room is around 400-500 £ and it depends on the flat/ location. I don't know about one bedroom flats and whole properties (my flat was a three bedrooms flat, centrally located and it was 850£ per month), I think it really depends on the property and location (and sometimes on the letting agency). About groceries and other stuff, to me it seemed a bit expensive (except for heating and electricity) but I'm from Italy so before brexit the currency wasn't in my favour (Lidl is one of the cheapest supermarkets, though)... one thing you might have to consider is that if your wife is not a student, she will have to pay Council Tax which is calculated on the value of the flat and it include waste and water. It is paid in instalments and can be really expensive. I suggest to contact EUSA (Edinburgh University students' association), they are really helpful and their site is full of useful information! About the search for an accommodation, be prepared because in August and near the start of the term t can take a bit longer (check fb pages such as Edinroom). Good luck!
  13. Hi! Until today my status was "Decision Made" but it switched to "Under Review" again a few hours ago... I've applied for a PhD in Art History and if you go to the results page for UofT this happened to all Art History applicants... Right now I am feeling very anxious as I emailed my potential supervisor last week and I haven't got a reply, yet...The same with the department.
  14. Hi, I don't know if it is the best place to ask about this topic but I hope it would be fine! After the end of my master degree, my tutor (and program director) told me informally that they were very happy with my dissertation and that the board wants to award me the Prize for Best Dissertation of the year and that an "official letter will follow soon." This was October, and I asked him about the Prize two more times by email (I changed address so I communicated the new address and the last time I asked if I could mention the Prize in my CV even if it hasn't awarded officially, yet) and he always replied that he had to arrange things. Is that normal? Are prizes usually awarded a year after, or in a specific period of the year? I don't know what "arrange things" means.... About the CV he told me that I should mention it so it means that he hasn't changed idea... I have also some doubts about the word "Prize" as I am not a native speaker... does it mean that they will award me money or ? Thank you
  15. Hi! I'm asking advice as I received a conditional offer from Cambridge for a PhD in History. The problem is that I've a MSc in Architectural History and Theory and a BA in History of Art and my dream was doing a PhD in one of these subjects- However, my research project involves both architectural history and history and my MSc supervisor suggested me to apply for a PhD in History at Cambridge as there is a potential supervisor who has already worked on my research topic. With my surprise, I have been accepted but now I don't know what to do. Cambridge was my plan B (I know it sounds strange) and I haven't heard back from my first choice (PhD in History of Art at Toronto: 5 years, 2 of courses and exams and 3 of dissertation writing instead of only 3 for the uk program). In addition, I don't have news about funding from Cambridge. I'm not worried about the supervisor who is expert in material culture (so both art and architecture) but what I fear the most is that I wouldn't fit in the department and that I would regret not being in the Art History one. Is it very stupid to refuse an offer from Cambridge (obviously, I will wait for the other notifications to come in)? My supervisor told me that a PhD in History (and from Cambridge) is more prestigious that a PhD in History of Art, Is that true? I get admitted also at St Andrews (History of Art) with no news of funding (only tuition fees).
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