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Posts posted by cpsych2021

  1. 21 hours ago, PeanutButterBread said:

    Hiii :) Congratulations that you got in to McMaster, you must be so excited! I was just wondering how the interview process was for you? I am not sure if I'll even make it that far tbh but I guess I'm just curious about the questions they asked and I guess what answers the interviewers are looking for. Also, if you have any tips on writing statements of intent, that would be much appreciated! Congrats again on your accomplishment!!!

    Thank you :)  My POI was also my undergraduate supervisor so I didn't do an interview with her, but I did do the official interview with the admissions committee. The interview was very structured. Basically, 5 committee members took turns asking questions. I think that the questions aren't the same for everyone but I would definitely expect to be asked why you are a good fit for the position. Also, at the end of the interview they give you some time to ask questions yourself. I definitely spent more time asking questions then I did answering questions! 

    In regard to the SOI, it should be like a sales pitch for your POI and should focus on your research and clinical experiences. The McMaster SOI is really tricky because there is so little space! Here's a great article that helped me out a lot: https://psychology.unl.edu/psichi/Graduate_School_Application_Kisses_of_Death.pdf This being said, slightly against the advice of the mentioned article, I actually did end up personalizing my SOI and and talked a little about what drew me to clinical psychology. As a mature student, it felt relevant and important to mention this in my SOI and I think that it may have helped me to stand out. 

    Also, and maybe this problem has already been fixed, it doesn't mention that a CV is necessary for the PNB RCT application but it most definitely is! I'm not sure why it doesn't actually state this when you are applying. So anything that you didn't have space to highlight in you SOI, you can mention in your CV.


  2. On 6/28/2021 at 8:51 AM, space-psych said:

    Hi everyone. I'll be applying to Master's programs for the first time this year (both Clinical and Counselling). I am completing my 4th year in Honours Applied Psych. So far, I plan to apply to: Ryerson U, Concordia U, York U & U of T (Counselling and Clinical Psych - OISE).

    I think like many other posts I've read so far in the forum, many of us question whether we're competitive enough to get in (i certainly question it 24/7). Makes this whole process that much more nerve-wracking. 

    Any advice about these grad schools and their processes? Would be greatly appreciated!




    Hi! I also applied to clinical psych programs during my 4th year of undergrad. I found it helpful to start my first drafts of my SOI and CGS-M application during the summer. Because I started so early, I had lots of time to ask for feedback. I also made a list of potential interview questions during the summer and would frequently look over them and think about them (but I didn't start actually practicing answers until I was invited to interview).

    I also questioned whether I was competitive enough throughout the process. I didn't have any publications or even experience at conferences. My best advice would be to reach out to anyone that you can. If it weren't for my mentors (I had an awesome mentor through the CPA mentorship program and a grad student from my lab who mentored me throughout the process), I doubt that I would have been as competitive as I was. These mentors not only helped me to build a competitive application but provided much needed emotional support. That application process was one of the hardest things that I have done in my life!

    Please feel free to reach out about the application process at Ryerson. I wasn't accepted at Ryerson but I did go through the interview process both with my POI and the clinical interview. 

    I hope that this helps :)  


  3. 1 hour ago, Tinzzy said:

    I still haven't heard back from QueensU and McMaster and I thought I would hear back by April 1st. Should I assume rejection? I emailed both of them last week and got the automated response that they won't be answering emails. 

    Unfortunately, you should probably assume rejection from McMaster as well. They have already send out offers and emailed those on the waitlist. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, xtrahotlatte said:

    That’s a good point! Maybe they were able to get a head start (I hope) since all interviews were conducted prior to visiting day this year as opposed to last year. Side note: I always thought the limited amount of spots for clinical psych was due to the fact that profs have to supervise you 1:1 but there are 17 profs accepting clinical students this year at Ryerson for only 8 spots :( just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse LOL 

    Yeah, I was thinking the same. It was a little disappointing for sure

  5. 2 hours ago, xtrahotlatte said:

    I think it's worth noting that last year, Ryerson's Visit Day was Feb. 10th which was the second Monday in Feb (same as ours). Acceptances went out by phone that same week on the Friday. People who were waitlisted were notified the following week. Let's hope some of us get acceptances this Friday!! Edit: if you search "clinical psychology ryerson" on the results page, you can see for yourself :) 

    I wonder if it will take longer this year. They only interviewed and shortlisted 34 applicants last year but there were almost 60 applicants that I saw on visiting day who were applying for clinical psychology this year. That's double the amount of students shortlisted for the same amount of  spots!!

  6. 38 minutes ago, psychapp2021 said:

    Relating to this, how many applicants do PIs typically shortlist? I've seen program-wide shortlists ranging anywhere from ~5-85 in past program stats, but what would be typical for each PI?

    I noticed that for Ryerson, they had shortlisted 30 applicants last year and, from those applicants, offered 10 admissions. Perhaps supervisors are shortlisting their first, second, and third choice applicants for each available clinical spot?

  7. Hey guys, I'm really excited to say that I just received an email invitation for interview day at Ryerson! I was afraid that all the invitations had already been sent out, but I guess not :)

    Feel free to PM for POI initials. 

    I haven't yet received any information for a second clinical interview though, but I did interview really late in the process with my POI (late last week) so hopefully I will receive that information soon.


  8. 3 minutes ago, psychapplicant2021 said:

    Anyone know where Ryerson is at in their process? I've seen from past year stats that they sometimes have a lot of people on their shortlist so could interviews just be taking a while? Or have all shortlisted candidates been contacted by now?

    I just had my first interview with my POI yesterday so I don't think that all the shortlisted candidates have been contacted yet :)

  9. School: McMaster University

    Program: Clinical and Research Training Program, Psychology MA

    Interview type: Feb 12th

    Date of Invite: Jan 24th

    DM for POI(s): You can DM for my POI initials but this email wasn't from my POI but from the director of the program

    Yay! I also just got an interview from McMaster RCT program!!

    I'm a little terrified because interviews will just be 20-25 minutes in front of the admissions committee. Has anyone here ever done a formal interview that was that short? 

    Also, the email said that these were the "first interviews" for the program. I wonder what this means. Maybe they will they have another round??

  10. 3 minutes ago, psych011011 said:

    I'm really curious, does anyone have any thoughts on how important the following factors are and what you should consider in choosing programs to apply to or attend?

    - Location

    - 6 vs 7 year programs (and how programs are split up - e.g., 2 year MA + 4 year PhD, 1 year MA + 5 year PhD, etc.)

    - Overall workload/intensity of the program (does this really differ between schools or are they all roughly the same? If it differs, which schools have heavier or lighter workloads?)

    - Model (clinical scientist vs scientist practitioner)

    Hope to hear some of your opinions on these :) 

    This is such a great question. I'm curious to read everyone's replies! 

    I'm currently in my final year of undergrad and I'm applying to 2 programs. Unfortunately, location was really important for me because I am unable to relocate. I think that if I was able to move then Iocation probably wouldn't have been as important to me. Besides location, the model of the program (clinical scientist vs scientist practitioner) as well as supervisor fit were top on my list.

    Workload is something that I think about a lot too. I love research and I love academics, but I want to maintain a healthy work-life balance. I'm not sure if this is true, but I felt that there was no clear way to evaluate a programs workload. It seems like it may depend on the supervisor? 

  11. 2 minutes ago, iliketurtlestoo said:

    I don't know if it helps that application or not but I appreciate being part of mailing lists and staying up to date with what's going on within the Divisions that I'm a member of. For example, the forensics/criminal justice divisions sends out great links to upcoming conferences and CE events. 

    They also have a really cool mentorship program! I am in that program and I have a mentor who is currently in a clinical psychology program. I can't recommend this program more. My mentor has helped me so much.

    Here's the link: https://cpa.ca/students/mentorship/ 

  12. Hi guys,

    Congrats to everyone who has gotten an interview! 

    For those applying to Ryerson, I wouldn't loose hope yet! I just got an interview email from my POI yesterday evening so it seems like some supervisors aren't finished sending emails yet :)  (Please feel free to send me a DM for initials)

    I was wondering if anyone here is applying to a supervisor under whom they are currently completing their undergraduate thesis with. If so, do you know if your supervisor is going to interview you before the formal interview process?

    I have met with my supervisor to talk about the clinical psychology program, and she has guided me through the application process, but she never mentioned an actual interview with me (although, I did undergo two interviews in order to be her thesis student last spring). 

    Does anyone have an experience with this? 

  13. 33 minutes ago, coffeeinmyveins said:

    School: University of Toronto (Scarborough)

    Type: Clinical (MA/PhD)

    Date of invite: December 13th

    Type of invite: Email from POI (appears to be preliminary)

    Interview date(s): December 16th

    DM for POI: Yes

    Posted on the Fall 2021 invites but may be more relevant in the Canada thread 

    Oh my gosh, this is so early! I'm totally depending on the winter holidays to prepare for interviews. I can't imagine having an invitation for an interview with just three days to prepare in the middle of my exam period!

  14. 16 hours ago, janelove said:

    I feel this so much haha. I had the same question and emailed the grad coordinator a while ago asking if it would be okay to also attach a CV, and the only reply I got was "A CV is not required." This definitely did not answer my question so still unsure if I will attach my CV. I am also finding it difficult to include everything in the one page statement of interest, so I would really like to submit my CV as long as I am not in some way penalized for doing this. Also curious, are you submitting 2 references or 3? It doesn't specify on the RCT program page so I am assuming only 2 are needed?

    I just went by what it says on the graduate applications page (https://gs.mcmaster.ca/how-to-apply/) and submitted two references. 

    I ended up submitting my CV anyways. I sort of figured that if they don't want it they will just disregard it. Honestly, I have a feeling that although they don't require a CV, if provided with one, they will still use it in their evaluation. I really wish that they were more clear. It's a pretty important aspect to the application especially since the SOI is so short. 

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